"Investing in sustainable outcomes is critical to reach the 2030 SDGs, not just in large-scale clean technology and energy infrastructure, but also in ground-level community projects, where microbusinesses are the heartbeat of the economy and supporting the future sustainability of their environments". Foto: Pexels.

Security Tokens are here, Next Up Sustainability Tokens

BLOG: Blockchain regulations for securities are emerging in more and more countries. This movement will help to unlock trillions of dollars in sleeping savings to cash starved small and medium size companies. It’s also the first step to use tokens as a tool to deliver on the policy goals of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

BitBond, the German peer to peer lending platform encouraging investors to take a stake in SMEs, has been authorised by the German BaFin to issue the first German Security Token Offering (STO), which went on sale on 11th of March 2019.


Støt missionen om økosystemets stemme. Få tjek på de vigtigste personer og dagsordener – og nå ned under alle hurra-nyhederne.

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