Policy and data paves the way to a carbon light future

BLOG: 70 percent reduction of carbon emissions by 2030 is what Denmark seems to be aiming at with an incoming government. That is an ambition that calls for innovation in policies and regulation to unlock green finance and action at a scale that we have never seen before. One solution is a carbon wallet for everyone, writes Marianne Haahr, Director of Sustainable Digital Finance Alliance.

Focusing on a few sectors alone will not cut the carbon at scale needed. An ‘all hands need to be on deck’ approach is the only way to shift capital into green assets and projects and incentivize each and every one of us to enter into carbon light living.


Støt missionen om økosystemets stemme. Få tjek på de vigtigste personer og dagsordener – og nå ned under alle hurra-nyhederne.

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