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3 begivenheder,


Tech Talk: Pragmatic GDPR – hands on advices for your startup


February WordPress Meetup in Copenhagen

12 begivenheder,


SMWCPH – PULSE 18- 5 forbruger-og medietrends der rykker i 2018


Talk by Ryan Cotterell: Musings on Linguistic Complexity and Typology

8 begivenheder,


SMWCPH – Sæt den grønne dagsorden og opbyg stærke communities


SMWCPH – Facebook annoncering for begyndere og let øvede


Kick-off: Succes som madiværksætter

12 begivenheder,


Pier47 Opening: How Innovation Works Now


SMWCPH – Sæt dagsordenen – Digital interessevaretagelse

13 begivenheder,


SMWCPH – Når et hashtag forener kvinder fra Hollywood til Helsingør


SMWCPH – The Social Media Goldmine – How to leverage data, media investments.

0 begivenheder,

0 begivenheder,

1 begivenhed,


Dreamer or doer? How startups can use sustainability to get financial value

4 begivenheder,


Cynefin in Practice

4 begivenheder,


Succes med agile


StartUp Bar Malmö

4 begivenheder,


EU midler og internationale investeringer til startups


Celebrating International Women’s Day


Tech Talk #14: Gamify your company to customer interaction

5 begivenheder,


Low Power Conference 2018


DIKU Bits: Graph Algorithms and Data Structures: From navigating road maps to finding the cheapest communication network


KPH // Ballast præsenterer: Launch af synssimulatoren Ballast AR

0 begivenheder,

0 begivenheder,

2 begivenheder,


Female (Potential) Founder Breakfast #2


CBio coffee: Novozymes

6 begivenheder,


Digitale dilemmaer: Hvordan forandrer data den offentlige sektor?


Applying for Venture Cup? Get all your questions answered!


Live Growth Hacking

8 begivenheder,


Preseed Academy – Open Door Session #1 – get feedback on your business from experienced investors


Ruby Brigade: Talks Night at Karnov


How to be GDPR compliant

2 begivenheder,


Rails Girls Project Group

3 begivenheder,

ID at WORK TechSprint


ICO vs Traditional Funding // Firmo Friday Bar


Talk about TYPO3 in Sweden and Denmark

2 begivenheder,


ID at WORK Final Pitches

1 begivenhed,

1 begivenhed,

5 begivenheder,


Go Grow Demo Day & Graduation


Docker Birthday #5 Celebration


Building a Law and Technology Community

10 begivenheder,




Advanced Javascript

12 begivenheder,


Pier47 Sessions: IoT as innovation driver


APIs for Banking and Fintech


Konference: Bridging the gap between students and the corporate world

3 begivenheder,

Winter is Coming – Decentralise the North


Health 2.0. Copenhagen – Clinical Trials – Innovation needed


DIKU Bits: Your grandmother’s knees hurt – why?!

2 begivenheder,


Codher Pop-up Programming vol. 16 // coding meetup

2 begivenheder,


Pink Programming Sunday Malmö

0 begivenheder,

3 begivenheder,


Hacking – A Forensics Specialist’s Point-of-View – SecuriTea




DEX & Bitshares, Aryze & eKroner, ICOs

2 begivenheder,


Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Wednesday March 28th


In-memory computing essentials for data scientists

1 begivenhed,


Startup Dojo – by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs

0 begivenheder,

0 begivenheder,

0 begivenheder,