
Kalender af Begivenheder
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3 begivenheder,
Tech Talk: Pragmatic GDPR – hands on advices for your startup
Tech Talk: Pragmatic GDPR – hands on advices for your startup
"Join The Camp on 26 February, where Enterprise Solutions Specialist Henrik Spuur Hansen will present his views on the GDPR (persondataforordningen), share his experiences and give you concrete advice about how to make sure your startup is GDPR-ready!After the presentation you’re invited to the Q&A, where Henrik will do his very best to answer all […]
February WordPress Meetup in Copenhagen
February WordPress Meetup in Copenhagen
"Presentation of the GDPRWP.com project - TBA (Please send us a note if you have any topics you'd like to put up here)Our host this month is Peytz & Co (https://peytz.dk/). We will have a room with tables, internet access and space for 100. Language: English & DanishStep-free access: YESParking: YES, free on the streetSandwich, […]
Let’s Get Back Up to Speed With Ethereum
Let’s Get Back Up to Speed With Ethereum
"It's been way too long. And we're sorry. But Jacob is finally back in Denmark for a short period of time so we will do a meetup to do a bit of catching up with what's happened in the world of Ethereum since September. Bird & Bird has offered to host us this time, so […]
12 begivenheder,
SMWCPH – PULSE 18- 5 forbruger-og medietrends der rykker i 2018
SMWCPH – PULSE 18- 5 forbruger-og medietrends der rykker i 2018
"Bli’ klædt på i forhold til de trends og tendenser, der kommer til at præge medie- og marketingbranchen i løbet af 2018. Vi byder på 5 trends, der alle er med til at inspirere dig i forhold til, hvordan du bedst rammer ned i 5 store forbrugertendenser i 2018." Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://www.smwicph.dk/schedule/pulse-18--5-forbruger-og-medietrends-der-rykker-i-2018
SMWCPH – Coca-Cola and challenging status quo on social
SMWCPH – Coca-Cola and challenging status quo on social
"For Coca-Cola one of the main channels for them is social as one of their keen target group is teens.Coca-Cola is always challenging status quo on social. In our deep dive in the Coca-Cola study we will take a closer look at our attempt at translating social kpi’s to business kpi’s to ROI for Coca-Cola.It’s […]
Talk by Ryan Cotterell: Musings on Linguistic Complexity and Typology
Talk by Ryan Cotterell: Musings on Linguistic Complexity and Typology
"Ryan is a fifth year PhD student in the Johns Hopkins Computer Science Department affiliated with the Center for Language and Speech Processing, where he is co-advised by Jason Eisner and David Yarowsky. He is a 2018 Facebook Ph.D. Fellow in natural language processing. He has over 35 papers, mostly in NLP venues. His work […]
8 begivenheder,
SMWCPH – Sæt den grønne dagsorden og opbyg stærke communities
SMWCPH – Sæt den grønne dagsorden og opbyg stærke communities
"Bæredygtighed er efterhånden på alles læber, og det er ingen hemmelighed, at forbrugerne i stigende grad efterspørger brands, som indtager tydelige positioner og dedikerer sig til god en sag.Men hvordan bliver man som brand overhovedet synlig i mængderne af kommunikation? Hvordan trænger man igennem og indtager en ønsket (grøn) position? Og hvordan sætter man en […]
SMWCPH – Facebook annoncering for begyndere og let øvede
SMWCPH – Facebook annoncering for begyndere og let øvede
"På dette kursus får du en introduktion til de mange spændende muligheder, du har, når du annoncerer på Facebook.Måske har du aldrig før prøvet at annoncere på Facebook. Måske har du lidt erfaring med at booste opdateringer eller har taget de første spæde skridt i Facebook Business Manager eller Power Editor. Uanset hvad vil du på […]
Kick-off: Succes som madiværksætter
Kick-off: Succes som madiværksætter
"Markedet for madoplevelser og fødevarer er i rivende udvikling! Det giver nye muligheder for iværksættere, som tænker kreativt og forstår hvad der skal til for at få succes. Greater Copenhagen Food Startup inviterer sammen med CPH Food Space til kick-off på vores populære workshops og acceleratorprogram særligt for startups inden for mad.Eftermiddagen giver et indblik […]
12 begivenheder,
Pier47 Opening: How Innovation Works Now
Pier47 Opening: How Innovation Works Now
"To mark the opening of Rainmaking at Pier47, we invite you to an open seminar on how innovation works.How do we craft an ideal setup for working innovatively? We will be looking at some of most creative teams within entrepreneurship and strategic ventures. To understand what they do to elevate their daily list of tasks. […]
SMWCPH – Audiences & Attribution with Google Analytics
SMWCPH – Audiences & Attribution with Google Analytics
"In this session we will provide inspiration on how to use Google Analytics to create Audiences that you can use as the basis for remarketing campaigns in your ad accounts like AdWords and DoubleClick and what to look for in the search for top performing audiences. Second part of the session will take you through […]
SMWCPH – Sæt dagsordenen – Digital interessevaretagelse
SMWCPH – Sæt dagsordenen – Digital interessevaretagelse
"Hvordan sætter man dagsordenen på sociale medier? Digital interessevaretagelse er en vanskelig størrelse. Martin Vith Ankerstjerne Director, Public Affairs, Advice vil fortælle om sit arbejde med digital interessevaretagelse, og Julia Fennefoss Vollertsen, Head of Social hos Landbrug & Fødevarer vil fortælle om sine erfaringer med digital interessevaretagelse." Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://www.smwicph.dk/schedule/saet-dagsordenen---digital-interessevaretagelse
13 begivenheder,
SMWCPH – Morgenmad, Kaffe & Netværk
SMWCPH – Morgenmad, Kaffe & Netværk
"Advice gi´r morgenmad i forbindelse med dagens arrangementer. " Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://www.smwicph.dk/schedule/morgenmad-kaffe-and-netvaerk
SMWCPH – Når et hashtag forener kvinder fra Hollywood til Helsingør
SMWCPH – Når et hashtag forener kvinder fra Hollywood til Helsingør
"K #metoo #metoo #metoo. Sådan så manges feed ud i oktober. #metoo blev startet af skuespilleren Alyssa Milano i kølvandet på afsløringen af producer Harvey Weinsteins overgreb. #metoo fik på få timer mobiliseret en bred skare af kvinder helt fra Hollywood til Helsingør, og uden dyre marketingbudgetter i ryggen. Men hvorfor slog #metoo så bredt […]
SMWCPH – The Social Media Goldmine – How to leverage data, media investments.
SMWCPH – The Social Media Goldmine – How to leverage data, media investments.
"This event will dig into the potential gold mine of possibilities that lies within the sacred combination of data, content and social media. It will provide you with inputs on how to use data, prioritize social media and scale content to generate significant business results and increase ROI." Price: Free Link: https://www.smwicph.dk/schedule/the-social-media-goldmine-how-to-leverage-data-media-investments
0 begivenheder,
0 begivenheder,
1 begivenhed,
Dreamer or doer? How startups can use sustainability to get financial value
Dreamer or doer? How startups can use sustainability to get financial value
"The world is changing and we have the prerequisites to do something amazing, yet we work and act as usual. Many of today's missed business opportunities are due to a lack of bigger perspective.Our planet needs a more circular economy which requires sustainable products and services. But how do we ensure we are part of […]
4 begivenheder,
Creating a website with a Content Management System/part one
Creating a website with a Content Management System/part one
"Are you planning to start your own company? Are you the owner of a restaurant or shop? Need a website so people can find you easier or simply want to know how it works? This Workshop is for you. Together will we create your Website with a content management system. This is a course for […]
How to use Design Thinking to Create Better User Experiences
How to use Design Thinking to Create Better User Experiences
"Want to find out more about what design thinking is and how it can help you create better user experiences? Then join us for a brief introduction to design thinking and participate in a quick brainstorming session that will help you practice and test what you’ve learned on the spot. During the event, you will […]
Cynefin in Practice
Cynefin in Practice
"Cynefin is a sensemaking framework which is gaining lots of interest in testing and IT. I’ve worked with it for almost a year and invites to this workshop to share my experiences, demonstrate, and meet with others to discuss its uses.I have found Cynefin help teams approach, break down, collaborate, and make sense of complex […]
4 begivenheder,
Succes med agile
Succes med agile
På dette gå-hjem møde vil du høre om hvilke centrale organisatoriske forhold og tekniske aspekter der giver dig succes med agile. Stort set alle større danske virksomheder anvender agile metoder til udvikling af IT løsninger. Agile metoder har stillet større produktivitet, lavere omkostninger, hurtigere time-to-Market i udsigt. Mere for færre penge. Rigtigt mange kæmper stadig […]
StartUp Bar Malmö
StartUp Bar Malmö
"Vi på Starta & Driva Företag välkomnar dig till StartUp Bar Malmö. Denna gång byter vi ställe och ses på Mosaik på Stortorget 6 i Malmö. V ser som vanligt fram emot en fantastisk kväll med mycket folk, mingel och inspirerande möten.Vi på Starta & Driva Företag, tillsammans med våra partners, önskar dig varmt välkommen.OSA: http://startaochdriva.se/startupbar/Stort tack […]
Connected Device Security Crash Course Light
Connected Device Security Crash Course Light
"Ever wish you could watch 20 hours of DEF CON, C3 and Black Hat talks in 45 minutes? Curious about exactly how Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek managed to send vehicle CAN messages from the Internet? Want to know why John Deere's customers are buying black market hacking tools? Suspect you can charge your electric […]
4 begivenheder,
EU midler og internationale investeringer til startups
EU midler og internationale investeringer til startups
"Er jeres startup interesseret i at høre om muligheden for at søge EU midler eller tiltrække internationale investorer?Konsulenthusene Toro Ventures og Inspiralia har i oktober 2017 åbnet op for sine services i Danmark.Flere danske projekter og virksomheder har allerede slået sine tøjler sammen med dem.Vi får besøg af Björg Magnúsdóttir, som er landeagent i Danmark […]
Celebrating International Women’s Day
Celebrating International Women’s Day
"March 8th is officially set aside for International Women’s Day In celebrating this day, SmiLe Incubator will celebrate its first International Women’s Day. The event will celebrate, empower, and support women in Life Science business. We will have female CEO’s, leading and aspiring female entrepreneurs in life science to share their stories. The event will […]
Tech Talk #14: Gamify your company to customer interaction
Tech Talk #14: Gamify your company to customer interaction
"Tech Talk #14 will be focused on how the application of game elements can help motivate customers and users to interact and engage. On stage at Tech Talk #14: Gamify your company to customer interaction Jacob Kobber Petersen, co-founder at ManenoClaus Møldrup, Founder & CEO of DrugStarsShow up in Tryg's reception at 14.45 and we'll take you […]
5 begivenheder,
Low Power Conference 2018
Low Power Conference 2018
"Welcome to the Low Power Conference 2018 This is the first of hopefully many opportunities to bring together individuals and companies working with hardware, embedded and software systems around the topic of Power Consumption. Low energy consumption is one of the key enablers of reliability, great user experience and sustainability of solutions and services. Power […]
DIKU Bits: Graph Algorithms and Data Structures: From navigating road maps to finding the cheapest communication network
DIKU Bits: Graph Algorithms and Data Structures: From navigating road maps to finding the cheapest communication network
"SpeakerChristan Wulff-Nilsen, Associate Professor in the APL SectionAbstractOur society faces the challenge of dealing with data sets of such size that Moore's law alone is unable to keep up. The solution is to develop smart algorithms and data structures that exploit the resources of computers much more efficiently. In this talk, I will focus on […]
KPH // Ballast præsenterer: Launch af synssimulatoren Ballast AR
KPH // Ballast præsenterer: Launch af synssimulatoren Ballast AR
"Vores første digitale synssimulator er endelig færdig, og det vil vi rigtig gerne fejre. Derfor er du inviteret med til dette launchparty, hvor vi vil præsentere den digitale synssimulator.Prøv det digitale værktøj og få fornemmelsen af, hvad det vil sige at leve med de forskellige typer nedsat syn, som mange ældre oplever og lever med.Program […]
0 begivenheder,
0 begivenheder,
2 begivenheder,
Female (Potential) Founder Breakfast #2
Female (Potential) Founder Breakfast #2
"Welcome to the next Female (potential) Founder breakfast event. Are you interested in understanding and tapping into the entrepreneurial sphere? We are gathering high profiled female founders to come and share their stories, how they founded their companies and journey they are on and hopefully inspire you.There will be time for networking, croissants and coffee☕️ […]
CBio coffee: Novozymes
CBio coffee: Novozymes
"This is the first of a series of events called CBio coffee where we will host two employees at Novozymes:- Katrine K. Skeby (Data analyst / Data science and Governance dept.) and - Vignir Isberg (Senior scientist / Bioinformatics Tools & Systems dept.) We will have an informal chat around a coffee/tea and cookies where […]
6 begivenheder,
Digitale dilemmaer: Hvordan forandrer data den offentlige sektor?
Digitale dilemmaer: Hvordan forandrer data den offentlige sektor?
The public sector also needs good ideas."Hvordan forandrer digitaliseringen det offentliges arbejdsvilkår, og hvilke muligheder og faldgruber er der ved at anvende data som styringsværktøj? Få indblik i ny forskning om den datadrevne offentlige sektor.Offentlige chefer, ledere og medarbejdere skal i stigende grad anvende digitale teknologier og datadrevne platforme som en del af deres hverdag, hvad […]
Applying for Venture Cup? Get all your questions answered!
Applying for Venture Cup? Get all your questions answered!
"Stop by SCIENCE Innovation Hub Tuesday the 13th of March for Open Hub, where Venture Cup Denmark will come by and answer all of you questions about the Venture Cup National Startup Competition 2018 and the application process. Venture Cup's National Startup Competition is for all university students with a dream of becoming entrepreneurs & you […]
Live Growth Hacking
Live Growth Hacking
"With Marketing Expert Kim Døfler from Trigger Growth "Let's amplify Success" Join us for a Growth Hacking session where we will dive into how you can grow your business through content creation, automation of your online marketing efforts and improve your conversion rate. Kim from Trigger Growth will share his thoughts and it’s an opportunity […]
8 begivenheder,
Preseed Academy – Open Door Session #1 – get feedback on your business from experienced investors
Preseed Academy – Open Door Session #1 – get feedback on your business from experienced investors
"Want unique hands-on advice for your idea or startup from some of Denmark’s most experienced investors?At our Open Door sessions, we select a few founders to meet with an Investment Manager from PreSeed Ventures. This is an opportunity to get input – even before you have a full pitch-deck.You do not have to be ready […]
Ruby Brigade: Talks Night at Karnov
Ruby Brigade: Talks Night at Karnov
"This month we have a string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.Talks: Professionalism in TechWhat does it mean to be a good engineer? What skills should you have and how should you approach your work to help your team and company succeed? Yuriy will be speaking about aspects of software […]
How to be GDPR compliant
How to be GDPR compliant
"This is a group for anyone interested in the General Data Protection Regultaion (GDPR). We discuss practical ideas and processes in order to help get GDPR compliant. This meetup if great for people within the Cybersecurity industry as well as data privacy offices or anyone with an interest in GDPR." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/cphgdpr/events/247490066/
2 begivenheder,
Why humans will become irrelevant in the financial sector
Why humans will become irrelevant in the financial sector
Technology is taking over more jobs than ever, which used to be handled by real people - like you and me. That's a fact and this development is not going to stop whether you like it or not. At this inspirational talk, Rasmus Nutzhorn will explore the following questions for us: - What is the relevance of […]
Rails Girls Project Group
Rails Girls Project Group
"Program1700 - quick introduction by Marci1715 - get into groups and start coding1800 - dinner1830 - code some more!1900 end of the eveningA project group is a meetup where we regularly get together to learn from and with each other. You're warmly invited to join us regardless of you level or what you're working on. […]
3 begivenheder,
ID at WORK TechSprint
"Are you ready to address another challenge of the future - Digital Identity? In only 24 hours, we will create concepts within the topic of Identity at Work. The two winning teams will get to sit down for a causal Sunday brunch with executives from ISS and Smart Payments. Read more and apply: http://idatwork.techsprint.io/----Topic----Identity at Work falls under […]
ICO vs Traditional Funding // Firmo Friday Bar
ICO vs Traditional Funding // Firmo Friday Bar
"It seems like companies can raise millions of dollars seemingly overnight with an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). But how does it all actually work? What are the components technically, legally, and financially for your company to pursue an ICO?Firmo, a fast growing startup in the process of running an ICO (and currently recruiting to our […]
Talk about TYPO3 in Sweden and Denmark
Talk about TYPO3 in Sweden and Denmark
"Agenda:1) Welcome2) Update on marketing days3) Search - Solr, custom (Claus + fl.)4) Current state of T3KIT5) Sneak peak of PRM - A TYPO3 management tool6) http://www.typo3.com - status on translation oversættelse, review and cases7) VR - try our virtual reality setup" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Malmo-TYPO3/events/245838625/
2 begivenheder,
ID at WORK Final Pitches
ID at WORK Final Pitches
"Join us to discover the final outcome of 24 hours of TechSprint. Around 10 teams have conceptualized and developed on their ideas for 24 hours. Now they will present them in the hope to win either the Validation or Authorization track, and advance to Sunday's roundtable with ISS and Smart Payments. Read more and apply […]
1 begivenhed,
1 begivenhed,
System Center User Group Meeting – March 2018
System Center User Group Meeting – March 2018
"Welcome to yet another meeting in the Danish System Center User Group. We are very excited to announce our next event and offer you the opportunity to come and meet with fellow IT Administrators and influencers. The main and only focus of this event will be Windows 10 Configuration Manager and Enterprise Mobility. Event Sponsor: […]
5 begivenheder,
Go Grow Demo Day & Graduation
Go Grow Demo Day & Graduation
"The Go Grow accelerator and the vertical Digital Growth Path host the Demo Day where 16 startups will demonstrate their startups by pitching their companies and graduating.Celebrate the 16 talented startups, hear a talk by the valedictorian and alumni, see the companies pitch and graduate, and network.Get your ticket billetfix.dk/da/go-grow-demo-graduation-dayAGENDA1400 Arrival1415 Welcome Speech1430 Pitch1530 Break1540 Pitch 1630 […]
Docker Birthday #5 Celebration
Docker Birthday #5 Celebration
"Docker is 5 years old soon and we want to celebrate that! Join us for an evening with cake and Docker Traning. This is the best evening if you want to get started with Docker or been thinking about it! Schedule1700 Doors open1745 Welcome1800 What is Docker?1815 Interactive training with Mentors around to help1900 Cake2000 […]
Building a Law and Technology Community
Building a Law and Technology Community
"Join our discussion on change in the legal industry.Keynote Speaker: Charlotta Kronblad, Phd cand., Chalmers, "The impacts of technology on the legal profession"PANELSThe drivers for changeUlf Lindén – Co-founder, LegalWorksTabitha Cooper – Nordea Group DigitalCarl-Johan Bune – GC Tetra Pak Digitisation and AutomationSophia Lagerholm – Head of KM, DelphiOpportunities and ChallengesChristina Blomkvist – Founder, Green Counsel […]
10 begivenheder,
"Codinghell er et gå-hjem-møde for os, der udvikler software og har en holdning til det. Vi får tre gedigne oplæg om kodekvalitet; god og dårlig stil, der bliver masser af debat, og så er der pizza & øl!Vi kører i tre runder i dette format:* Fagligt oplæg (20 minutter)* Diskussion om, erfaringsudveksling, debat i grupper […]
How to Build the Perfect Tech Product – Free Workshop
How to Build the Perfect Tech Product – Free Workshop
"It always begins with a great idea, but it's equally important to be able to pitch that idea efficiently. We see lots of entrepreneurs struggling to explain their product in a clear and concise way.As a direct consequence, they often don't know how to work with designers and developers because they don't speak their language. […]
Advanced Javascript
Advanced Javascript
"Schedule is yet to be decided. This meetup will be based around getting started with V8, some fundamental browser API's and similar" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Javascript-Browser-APIs-and-modern-development-patterns/events/247113958/
12 begivenheder,
Pier47 Sessions: IoT as innovation driver
Pier47 Sessions: IoT as innovation driver
"We live in an increasingly connected world. After the dust of the first hype, Internet of Things (IoT) still holds massive promise as the network that connects our digital devices. And the ones that are not digital yet. In its best version IoT is becoming an upgraded internet, where even your plants and clothes are […]
APIs for Banking and Fintech
APIs for Banking and Fintech
"We’re partnering with Copenhagen Fintech to offer a unique exploration of APIs for open banking and the financial technology sector. It’s a full day event starting off with a 3 hour workshop on OAuth and OpenID Connect in Practice and continuing with an afternoon of sessions on APIs for Banking and FinTech.We will bring together experts on web API business and design to discuss […]
Konference: Bridging the gap between students and the corporate world
Konference: Bridging the gap between students and the corporate world
"Kære venner og medlemmer af ØICC,Du inviteres hermed til ØICCs konference om studenter innovation. Her vil vi forsøge at finde svar på spørgsmål som: Hvordan forbinder man de studerende med virksomheder? Hvilke organisatoriske udfordringer og potentialer er der i et tættere samarbejde? Hvilket gode initiativer er allerede i gang med at finde en løsning?For at […]
3 begivenheder,
Winter is Coming – Decentralise the North
"Makers, coders, designers and organizers. Brace yourself…. A Hackathon is coming. Learn about the post-blockchain technology Holochain by its founding team, and explore how you can harness this peer-to-peer network to make scalable, agent-centric tools that facilitate fluid & emergent collaboration. ProgramFriday 16 - 22 Opening talk by Matthew Schutte and Arthur Brock - Brainstorming […]
Health 2.0. Copenhagen – Clinical Trials – Innovation needed
Health 2.0. Copenhagen – Clinical Trials – Innovation needed
"We all know that digitalization within healthcare is a harsh mistress. So a lot of health innovators think let's start with clinical trials where stakeholders, customers and patients are similar to the broader healthcare sector.If the smart solution works in a clinical trial, then it's applicable in the broader healthcare sector. Well, if it was […]
DIKU Bits: Your grandmother’s knees hurt – why?!
DIKU Bits: Your grandmother’s knees hurt – why?!
Healthtech is hot."SpeakerErik Dam, Associate Professor in the Image Section and Head of the Data Science Lab. Erik spent 10 years in industry working with pharmaceutical companies before returning to DIKU. AbstractMost elderly experience stiff and painful joints, reducing their ability to work and to play with their grandchildren. Modern medical scans (CT and MRI) allows […]
2 begivenheder,
Codher Pop-up Programming vol. 16 // coding meetup
Codher Pop-up Programming vol. 16 // coding meetup
"Get inspired, share your knowledge, skyrocket your coding skills Would you like to improve your coding skills and get to know other creative female programmers? Join Codher Pop-up Programming - an informal meetup where beginners as well as more experienced developers get together, share their knowledge, and support each other in learning more about coding.The event is […]
2 begivenheder,
Pink Programming Sunday Malmö
Pink Programming Sunday Malmö
"It is time for Pink Programming Sunday in Malmö!This time the event will be held at Massive Entertainment which is a world-leading video game studio and part of the Ubisoft family.At Pink Programming Sunday women and transgender people meet up and code together for a day. Which programming language and what you work with is […]
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3 begivenheder,
Hacking – A Forensics Specialist’s Point-of-View – SecuriTea
Hacking – A Forensics Specialist’s Point-of-View – SecuriTea
"In October 2016, the Police made several arrests in what media later called a record-breaking computer intrusion case. After months of hard work by the Police and other parties, the investigation was handed over to the prosecutors and the court. Finally in September of 2017, eight people were indicted on charges of fraud, money laundering […]
"Functional Copenhageners Meetup Group aims to increase the number of software projects that are based on functional programming languages.We mainly focus on F# and Haskell, but other functional programming languages like Scala, Lisp, Erlang, Clojure, OCaml, etc. are more than welcome.We meet every last Tuesday in the month to share experiences regarding the use of […]
DEX & Bitshares, Aryze & eKroner, ICOs
DEX & Bitshares, Aryze & eKroner, ICOs
"We wil have a packed schedule of1) Mark Dencker talking about decentralised exchanges (DEX) and Bitshares (BTS)2) BitcoinJack talking about his newly established Aryze and eKroner3) Andreas Hurtig talking about ICOsBring an open mind loaded with questions, don't hold back :)" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/BlockTech/events/248601789/
2 begivenheder,
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Wednesday March 28th
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Wednesday March 28th
"Join us for a family-style breakfast, where you can meet driven and inspiring women from the entrepreneurial community in and around Malmö. Each breakfast we'll have a speaker who's there to inspire, educate and give you tools to be used on the jouney of reaching your goals.Coffee and mingle from 7.30 am, breakfast by the […]
In-memory computing essentials for data scientists
In-memory computing essentials for data scientists
"(Get) introduced to the fundamental capabilities of in-memory computing platforms that boost highly-loaded applications, research projects, risk analysis and fraud detection tasks by storing and processing massive amounts of data in memory and on disk across a cluster of machines.These capabilities and benefits will be demonstrated with the usage of Apache Ignite which is the […]
1 begivenhed,
Startup Dojo – by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs
Startup Dojo – by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs
"There’s never been a better time to get startedDo you have a great business idea but don’t know how to take it to the next level?Come and talk with experienced entrepreneurs at Startup Dojo! Test your ideas, get advice, enhance your pitch, find co-founders and investors, or just be inspired by your fellow-entrepreneurs.ObjectiveTo help more […]