Why humans will become irrelevant in the financial sector

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15. marts 2018 @ 08:15 - 09:30

Technology is taking over more jobs than ever, which used to be handled by real people – like you and me. That’s a fact and this development is not going to stop whether you like it or not.
At this inspirational talk, Rasmus Nutzhorn will explore the following questions for us: 
– What is the relevance of human employees vs. algorithms in the decision making process in the financial industry?- What is the actual value that humans bring to table in financial sector?- What does “doing the right thing” today and in the future actually mean?- Is there a need for humans at all?”

Price: Free

Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/why-humans-will-become-irrelevant-in-the-financial-sector-tickets-43746702565


15. marts 2018
08:15 - 09:30
MobileLife-huset, Store Kongensgade 72, 1264 Copenhagen, Denmark

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