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SAP Stammtisch first edition “julehygge”

For all of you SAP enthusiasts. "Just bring yourself. A table is reserved for us at the restaurant." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/SAP-Stammtisch-Copenhagen/events/256238577/

Copenhagen React ⚛️ December meetup! 🎅

"This month TwentyThree is hosting us for a festive Christmas edition meetup! ❄️⛄️🎅There are speakers spots left so please do reach out if you want to give a (lightning) talk […]

Building Bisq: a DAO for peer-to-peer trading DeCrypt

"Bisq is a p2p trading platform for trading bitcoin which recently has grown substantially. Bisq is open source, holds no funds, requires no KYC, is censorship resistant and has few […]

Improvise with Common Sense

"During our professional life, we are expected to follow the latest standards, policies, frameworks and revolutionary processes. At the same time we are expected to make use of the best […]

ngCopenhagen Christmas edition – Socializing event

"It's nearly the end of the year...This edition is going to be a joint event together with GDG Copenhagen, Women Techmacker Copenhagen, and CopenhagenJS.So, we would like to invite you […]

First Probabilistic Programming Meetup!

"We're very excited to announce the first meetup on probabilistic programming. At this very first time, we will have Kenneth Ry Ulrik and Christian Rasmussen to speak on their work […]

Branding: It’s not about you, it’s about them

"Branding is about creating a positive image for the company in the consumer’s minds. In this talk, Mona Huber will focus on the benefits of creating a brand for your […]


"The best party in Copenhagen is happening again: join us for #UserTribeFriday on the first Friday of the month!#UserTribeFriday is all about sharing: experiences, opinions, practices and a fun evening. […]

My Secure API Secret Sauce

"APIs are today commonplace. They enable new, creative and innovative usages for our data. Unfortunately, APIs are not a security layer. Their primary purpose is to allow quick and easy […]

Startup Coffee Malmö

"Join Startup Coffee every second Tuesday at Djäkne Kaffebar between 8.00-9.00. Join the first one on August 21st, all you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal […]

Is your AI racist? Building Ethical AI Products

"Today citizens are facing automated decisions in healthcare, insurance and government. This poses many challenges that citizens and companies alike should understand. In this highly relevant and interactive event organized by […]

Building DeepLearning applications with Apache MXNet

"Join us for an interesting and challenging evening to learn at the inaugural Apache MXNet Meeting in Copenhagen. Speakers:Steffen Rochel: MXNet contributor working at Amazon AI. He will present an […]

Welcome to Kotlin Copenhagen + two talks!

"Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that runs on the Java virtual machine...""Welcome to the first meetup of Kotlin Copenhagen 🎈 The first event will be hosted at Shape, who […]