Welcome to Kotlin Copenhagen + two talks!

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11. december 2018 @ 16:45 - 20:00

“Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that runs on the Java virtual machine…””Welcome to the first meetup of Kotlin Copenhagen 🎈 The first event will be hosted at Shape, who will also provide food and drinks.As part of this first session, we will spend some time getting to know each other. We also invite everyone to bring inputs and ideas to how this meetup group can get off to a good start and hopefully meet everyone’s expectations. Finally, to get things kickstarted, we have two talks prepared. Please join us and all the other Kotliners in Copenhagen for this first event.Agenda…” 

Price: Free

Link: https://www.meetup.com/Kotlin-Copenhagen/events/256464752/


11. december 2018
16:45 - 20:00
Shape Aps, Njalsgade 17A, Copenhagen

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