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Growstack Build at Symbion

"We’re building an aeroponic vertical farm and you’re invited to come build it with us!* Sign up here: https://goo.gl/X59QEp *Growstack.org is an open-source project that enables and kickstarts vertical farming, so anyone can […]

Nordic Product Marketing Network

"If you are a Product Marketer in the CPH area please join our meetup to network, share ideas, inspiration, and questions with other Product Marketers.The first meet-up was at Trustpilot, […]

Workshop: GraphQL server in ReasonML/OCaml

"ReasonML has shown how a powerful type system can make writing client-side applications more fun and robust. These benefits apply similarly, or even more so, when writing server-side applications, where […]

Blockchain Implementations with ARYZE & EY

"We are excited to announce one of the last events that we are organizing in 2018. The event is focused on Blockchain Implementations and the speakers will present different use […]

DSL for SQL queries using a unix pipe syntax

"The talk is about an 'experimental' domain specific language 'pine'. The idea is to let you write a subset of SQL queries using a unix pipe syntax. The talk will […]

CopenhagenJS November

"It is time for the November edition of CopenhagenJS. We are going to be hosted by SaxoBank, which is a really cool venue. Let's meet and talk some Javascript.Schedule:1700 Doors […]

MalmöJS November Meetup at Joint Academy

"Welcome to our first MalmöJS meetup live in the wild! This event is hosted at Joint Academy, an e-health startup in the center of town – check out their website: […]

Le Wagon Copenhagen Demo Day

"In October, our latest group embarked on their coding journey with Le Wagon Copenhagen. After 9 intensive weeks of learning to code, design and deploy their apps, they're ready to […]

Hack Your Future Class

"Hack Your Future is a six months program for immigrants to become a fullstack web developers.You sign up for a six months course.Applications can be made at http://www.hackyourfuture.net/applyFind out more at […]

Get hands-on with Virtual agents/Chatbot

"This workshop will cover the full lifecycle of designing, configuration and deploying a chatbot.- Participants will be provided a hands on experience starting from an example customer service use case.- […]

Future digital platform for Multinationals

"The scope of IT is radically changing for large traditional companies. For many years the focus for IT has been to automate and standardize processes mainly supported by few monolithic […]

Copenhagen Cocoa Peer Lab – 2018, 6th Event

"Come and join other developers for a peer-based collaborative learning lab. You've got a question? Maybe someone can provide you with some insight. Maybe you can help someone else with […]

The Joint Event – #AdobeXD #DeepDiveXD

"Hi, Following our previous mini-workshop of prototyping tools and Adobe XD on #IXDD2018, we have invited Adobe XD team from Germany @XDI to have a deep dive workshop (#DeepDiveXD) on […]