
Kalender af Begivenheder
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1 begivenhed,
How to make a good Test Automation Strategy
How to make a good Test Automation Strategy
"What does a good test automation strategy? Bring all you knowledge about the pains in test automation and share your pain relievers.Getting success with automation of test requires lots of experience to navigate through technologies, environments, operating systems, tools, kompetences etc. Usually our experience is based on our own trial and error and our company […]
2 begivenheder,
WordPress Copenhagen – January Meetup
WordPress Copenhagen – January Meetup
"Topics are to be announced. Our host this month is IIH Nordic (https://iihnordic.dk/). We will have a room with round tables, internet access and space for 48. Language: EnglishStep-free access: TBAParking: TBA-------------------------------------------------------- About the monthly meetups We hold regular meetups in the last week of most months. Sometimes there are presentations, and other times we […]
Myth-Busting & Context-Driven Testing
Myth-Busting & Context-Driven Testing
"During Q3 of 2017, we decided to switch gears in our TestLab MeetUp Group. We decided to narrow our broad scope to focus on Context-Driven Testing (CDT) and topics related to that approach to testing.The last two meetups had some of the thought-leaders in the CDT community (Michael Bolton, Paul Holland and Keith Klain) and […]
1 begivenhed,
Free Intro to Programming – Welcome to Ruby
Free Intro to Programming – Welcome to Ruby
"Join Le Wagon Copenhagen for a free Ruby coding lesson. It's for complete beginners.We'll start with a 45 minute introduction to Ruby, followed by 2 hours of coding with the Codecademy Ruby track. We will be there to help with any issues and challenges.Ruby is a language designed for "programmer happiness". That means it's designed […]
2 begivenheder,
Copenhagen Tableau User Group
Copenhagen Tableau User Group
"Join us for Makover Monday!Makeover Monday is a weekly social data project where Eva Murray and Andy Kriebel post a dataset each week, and challenge the community to create a better viz than the original. Eva Murray will be joining us and leading the session, so expect to get some greats tips at the event, […]
Avoiding problems with CSS at scale: A look at CSS in JS
Avoiding problems with CSS at scale: A look at CSS in JS
"Anyone who has ever worked on a large product knows the pain of poorly architected CSS. CSS in JS enforces locally-scoped styles by default, by pulling in only the styles necessary for the component, instead of a whole CSS stylesheet.This does not mean using inline styles, but instead abstracting style at the component level. In […]
1 begivenhed,
UserTribe Friday
UserTribe Friday
"Are you ready to kick off 2018 with another great #UserTribeFriday?UserTribe Friday is a recurring networking event, happening on the first Friday of the month.Come and you will have the opportunity to meet and speak with lots of interesting people, all while having a great time! Do you have an interest in Customer Centricity, Thick […]
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3 begivenheder,
How do you attract interest in your product?
How do you attract interest in your product?
"Get insights into tools for communicating your product or business idea across professional, cultural and linguistic barriers.On 6 February 2018, the global communication consultancy GlobalDenmark and Business Angel Peter Sandberg will be visiting Scion DTU to share their experience and knowledge into how you may communicate your unique story to investors and other specific target […]
World Retrospective Day 2018
World Retrospective Day 2018
"Dear Agile Copenhagen! 6th of February 2018 is announced to be World Retrospective day all over the world. Following the sun in different cities, countries and continents there will be organized online and offline events dedicated to the topic of retrospectives.As we are agilists, we definitely will be an active part of this. During the […]
Copenhagen Cocoa February
Copenhagen Cocoa February
"It's time for another Copenhagen Cocoa meetup (formerly known as CocoaHeads). This time we will be at the Adapt office (on the 2nd or 3rd floor) and we will do 3 talks.18:30 - Food and drinks19:00 - TBA talk19:45 - TBA talk20:30 - Break20:45 - TBA talk Please get in touch if you're interested in […]
2 begivenheder,
Maersk Venture Programme – Selection Sprint
"Maersk is looking to collaborate with startups to find new solutions to challenges related to poor Cargo Safety and Security in world trade - such as cargo tampering, pilferage, damage of goods, cargo robbery etc.Ten early-stage startups will be invited to explore a potential collaboration with Maersk in Copenhagen from Feb 7th - 9th. At this […]
JavaScript for Beginners – Free Workshop
JavaScript for Beginners – Free Workshop
"In this workshop, we'll take a look at JavaScript basics. This language is everywhere because it has been present in web browsers for over 15 years. Every web developer has worked with it at least once and recent frameworks such as React have further enhanced the interest in this language. WARNINGIf you've already played around […]
4 begivenheder,
Hvad former vores Customer Experience i 2018?
Hvad former vores Customer Experience i 2018?
"Velkommen til 2018!Med et nyt år kommer nye muligheder og nye løsninger.Derfor er du inviteret til digitaliseringsseminar, hvor der vil være fokus på trends og teknologi for retail og wholesale branchen. Vores eksperter vil tage udgangspunkt i Commerce, Marketing og Salg, og CEO for Lodon, Martin Forsberg, vil fortælle om AI, Customer Loyalty og videre […]
Tech Talk #13: Let’s bot up your communications – or should we?
Tech Talk #13: Let’s bot up your communications – or should we?
"Will AI and chatbots be the next steps in your digital communications? Join The Camp's 13th Tech Talk and learn more about the bot technology and the opportunities and challenges of bot'ing up your communications!We're looking forward to welcome BotSupply and Dansk Supermarked on stage to cover the startup and corporate point of view: Asser Smidt: Founder […]
Digital Transformation vol. 4
Digital Transformation vol. 4
"Robotterne er her – og de er allerede i gang med at ændre den måde, virksomheder møder omverden på i fremtiden. Kom, og bliv klogere på nogle af de tidlige erfaringer med robotteknologi og chatbots, når vi inviterer vovemodige virksomheder til at dele ud af deres rejse ind i den nye verden.Vi kommer helt tæt på […]
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1 begivenhed,
We’re back!
We’re back!
"* Sharing code between React and React Native *Learn how to share and reuse code between React and React Native applications. Henrik Haugbølle shares how artificial intelligence startup Uizard powers both their mobile and desktop clients with the same code.* OCR and AR in React Native *Pedro Madruga has been working on something cool! Please […]
0 begivenheder,
2 begivenheder,
In-Memory Computing Essentials for Data Scientists
In-Memory Computing Essentials for Data Scientists
"About Apache Ignite:Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates the building of analytical models. By using algorithms that iteratively learn from data, computers are able to find hidden insights without the help of explicit programming. These insights bring tremendous benefits into many different domains. For business users, in particular, these insights help […]
Outsmarting smart contracts
Outsmarting smart contracts
"The Ethereum blockchain allows it's users to deploy distributed applications (known as smart contracts) that can be used for a wide variety of tasks, such as creating digital marketplaces, payment systems and fully autonomous ride-sharing services. All of this can be achieved without a trusted third-party or the risk of censorship.These amazing possibilities do however […]
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1 begivenhed,
Reach more users with your app – Cocoaheads Malmö
Reach more users with your app – Cocoaheads Malmö
"Supporting Accessibility and Localization on iOS will help you reach more users.During this talk, we'll be introducing Accessibility and Localization, explaining the concepts, and how to implement with some code samples.Speaker:Thomas works at Perigee with iOS and Android development. He loves to write high quality software and share his findings.Agenda17.30-17.45 – Meet & Greet17.45-18.30 – […]
5 begivenheder,
Technical Workflow in Startups
Technical Workflow in Startups
"Working with developers can be challenging and understanding their process even more so. In this workshop, we'll take a look at how a startup team can move mountains with the right workflow in place.This two-hour workshop hosted by Le Wagon teaches you how to manage the technical aspects of launching a tech business and working with […]
GDPR – how to break up with your customer and still be friends
GDPR – how to break up with your customer and still be friends
"We will talk about what the GDPR (General Data Protection Regultaion) is and why it is being introduced in May 2018. The schedule for the event is: 1700 Get settled in1710 What is GDPR and why is it important?1730 Kåre Mulvad Steffensen will present a technical approach for website owners to provide the tools needed […]
Advanced Javascript
Advanced Javascript
"* Subjects still to be determined. Please if you want to talk, send your ideas and/or presentations to us so we can help you out and give you some hints. Everyone is welcome to talk as long as subjects are interested and well prepared enough." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Javascript-Browser-APIs-and-modern-development-patterns/events/246815965/
7 begivenheder,
Office 365, Security & Compliance og GDPR
Office 365, Security & Compliance og GDPR
Kom til at gratis halvdags arrangement i SharePoint Bruger Gruppen (SPBG) omkring Office 365, Security & Compliance og GDPR, hvor Ole Kjeldsen fra Microsoft Danmark kommer.Ole er Teknologi- & Sikkerhedsdirektør og er en af de førende i Danmark inden for sikkerhed i Office 365 og hvordan Office 365 understøtter GDPR. Ole vil tale om:- Microsoft […]
A World Crypto Economic Forum 2018 travel story
A World Crypto Economic Forum 2018 travel story
"- Svend Pedersen is back from the US and will brief us on exciting news and topics during the big event.- Your spot? A Blockchain implementation user-case from the real world- Mark Dencker gives an update and status on the Blockbasis project- Beer/snacks and networking" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/BlockTech/events/246960600/
We’re going national! Cross-Region meetup with a special guest; Malmö
We’re going national! Cross-Region meetup with a special guest; Malmö
"KnowItAll going national with a triple cross-region meetup, and we have a special guest-speaker: Oscar Kjellberg, Territory Channel Manager - Data Insights from Microsoft!https://www.linkedin.com/in/oscar-kjellberg/ We will meet at Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö in parallel, and stay connected using our Skype conference rooms.Speakers will be in Stockholm and Malmö, broadcasting across the cities. Mingle with local […]
4 begivenheder,
Pitch Training
Pitch Training
"Founders House and Capital2Grow are putting on another pitch training event!Learn how to improve your pitch. Capital2GROW has years of experience connecting innovative companies with the best investors.If you would like to attend this event, please sign up here and we'll get back to you with a confirmation.The format will be two rounds, giving you […]
DIKU Bits: The Dark Side of Global Agile
DIKU Bits: The Dark Side of Global Agile
"Speaker: Pernille Bjørn, Professor, HCC SectionAbstract: Agile Manifesto for software development is about empowering people to make great IT in self-managing collocated teams. But what happens when agile methods are introduced into global outsourcing set-ups? I'll talk about my research on global software development, and in particular how global agile is experienced by Indian software […]
Tech & Tonic: Refill Special
Tech & Tonic: Refill Special
"2018 - we salute you: In the spirit of starting over, we’re serving you a TECH & TONIC soaked in recharge vibes.We open the afternoon with live talks about 3 kinds of entrepreneurial renewal. One team shares how 2018 will be the year of a complete strategic pivot. Another how they have reset their work […]
0 begivenheder,
2 begivenheder,
Sportlovsträff – Geek Girl Mini
Sportlovsträff – Geek Girl Mini
"Avsluta sportlovet med ett besök på Geek Girl Mini där du får möjlighet att lära dig mer om programmering i Scratch. Vi kör en introduktion för de som är nybörjare och erbjuder olika fortsättningsaktiviteter för de som redan kommit igång. Bygg ett spel, gör en interaktiv berättelse eller bygg vidare på någon annans Scratch-projekt. Inga […]
Hack Your Future Class – Hack Your Future
Hack Your Future Class – Hack Your Future
"Hack Your Future is a six months program for imigrants to become a fullstack web developers.You sign up for an entire semester.Applications can be made at http://www.hackyourfuture.net/applyFind out more at http://www.hackyourfuture.net and see our open source curriculum at https://github.com/HackYourFutureMalmoe/curriculumAgenda11.00 - 12:00 Session 11200 - 13:30 Food13:30 - 15:00 Session 2 & 3If you want to join us […]
3 begivenheder,
Tech Talk: Pragmatic GDPR – hands on advices for your startup
Tech Talk: Pragmatic GDPR – hands on advices for your startup
"Join The Camp on 26 February, where Enterprise Solutions Specialist Henrik Spuur Hansen will present his views on the GDPR (persondataforordningen), share his experiences and give you concrete advice about how to make sure your startup is GDPR-ready!After the presentation you’re invited to the Q&A, where Henrik will do his very best to answer all […]
February WordPress Meetup in Copenhagen
February WordPress Meetup in Copenhagen
"Presentation of the GDPRWP.com project - TBA (Please send us a note if you have any topics you'd like to put up here)Our host this month is Peytz & Co (https://peytz.dk/). We will have a room with tables, internet access and space for 100. Language: English & DanishStep-free access: YESParking: YES, free on the streetSandwich, […]
Let’s Get Back Up to Speed With Ethereum
Let’s Get Back Up to Speed With Ethereum
"It's been way too long. And we're sorry. But Jacob is finally back in Denmark for a short period of time so we will do a meetup to do a bit of catching up with what's happened in the world of Ethereum since September. Bird & Bird has offered to host us this time, so […]
12 begivenheder,
SMWCPH – PULSE 18- 5 forbruger-og medietrends der rykker i 2018
SMWCPH – PULSE 18- 5 forbruger-og medietrends der rykker i 2018
"Bli’ klædt på i forhold til de trends og tendenser, der kommer til at præge medie- og marketingbranchen i løbet af 2018. Vi byder på 5 trends, der alle er med til at inspirere dig i forhold til, hvordan du bedst rammer ned i 5 store forbrugertendenser i 2018." Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://www.smwicph.dk/schedule/pulse-18--5-forbruger-og-medietrends-der-rykker-i-2018
SMWCPH – Coca-Cola and challenging status quo on social
SMWCPH – Coca-Cola and challenging status quo on social
"For Coca-Cola one of the main channels for them is social as one of their keen target group is teens.Coca-Cola is always challenging status quo on social. In our deep dive in the Coca-Cola study we will take a closer look at our attempt at translating social kpi’s to business kpi’s to ROI for Coca-Cola.It’s […]
Talk by Ryan Cotterell: Musings on Linguistic Complexity and Typology
Talk by Ryan Cotterell: Musings on Linguistic Complexity and Typology
"Ryan is a fifth year PhD student in the Johns Hopkins Computer Science Department affiliated with the Center for Language and Speech Processing, where he is co-advised by Jason Eisner and David Yarowsky. He is a 2018 Facebook Ph.D. Fellow in natural language processing. He has over 35 papers, mostly in NLP venues. His work […]
8 begivenheder,
SMWCPH – Sæt den grønne dagsorden og opbyg stærke communities
SMWCPH – Sæt den grønne dagsorden og opbyg stærke communities
"Bæredygtighed er efterhånden på alles læber, og det er ingen hemmelighed, at forbrugerne i stigende grad efterspørger brands, som indtager tydelige positioner og dedikerer sig til god en sag.Men hvordan bliver man som brand overhovedet synlig i mængderne af kommunikation? Hvordan trænger man igennem og indtager en ønsket (grøn) position? Og hvordan sætter man en […]
SMWCPH – Facebook annoncering for begyndere og let øvede
SMWCPH – Facebook annoncering for begyndere og let øvede
"På dette kursus får du en introduktion til de mange spændende muligheder, du har, når du annoncerer på Facebook.Måske har du aldrig før prøvet at annoncere på Facebook. Måske har du lidt erfaring med at booste opdateringer eller har taget de første spæde skridt i Facebook Business Manager eller Power Editor. Uanset hvad vil du på […]
The Future of People@Work
The Future of People@Work
"Join us February 28th where we'll be joined by HR leads from Microsoft, SKAT, Leo Pharma, Actimo and Bloch & Østergaard to dig into emerging trends in people management, shifting workforces and how technology (for good and bad) is affecting the future of people at work." Price: Free Link: https://peopleatwork.splashthat.com/