
Applying for Venture Cup? Get all your questions answered!
"Stop by SCIENCE Innovation Hub Tuesday the 13th of March for Open Hub, where Venture Cup Denmark will come by and answer all of you questions about the Venture Cup […]
Copenhagen Coding Dojo: Our first session
"Our group and topics should be community driven, so this is a nice opportunity to get to know each other and to decide what future sessions should be about. To […]
Join interesse-netværk om GDPR
"Arbejder du med compliance, udvikling eller drift af systemer, som rummer personfølsomme data?Så kom til IDA IT’s første netværksmøde, hvor vi deler viden og erfaringer med at leve op til […]
Copenhagen Elixir & Erlang Meet Up; Deployment
"At this meet up we will have a presentation by Troels Brødsgaard on the topic of deployment.We have time for an extra presentation, so get in contact if you have […]
Preseed Academy – Open Door Session #1 – get feedback on your business from experienced investors
"Want unique hands-on advice for your idea or startup from some of Denmark’s most experienced investors?At our Open Door sessions, we select a few founders to meet with an Investment […]
Ruby Brigade: Talks Night at Karnov
"This month we have a string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.Talks: Professionalism in TechWhat does it mean to be a good engineer? What skills […]
How to be GDPR compliant
"This is a group for anyone interested in the General Data Protection Regultaion (GDPR). We discuss practical ideas and processes in order to help get GDPR compliant. This meetup if […]
Growstack Official Launch
"The Future of Food is in Your HandsGrowstack – powered by IDA, Nextfood & CPH Foodtech Community.Official Launch for the open-source vertical farming project: GROWSTACK. We break down barriers for […]
Peer Lab – 2018, 3rd Event
"Come and socialise with fellow developers for a peer-based collaborative learning lab. You've got a question? Maybe someone can provide you with some insight. Maybe you can help someone else […]
Find your co-founder 3rd edition
"WHAT?This is a free inspiring event organised to bring people together from various backgrounds in order to co-create new ventures! WHO?Anyone interested in EntrepreneurshipWHY?We all tend to network with people […]
Explore new languages at the Polyglot meetup #9
"Welcome Copenhagen Polyglots! After a brief *ahem* hiatus, we're back with a new meetup with exciting speakers from Denmark, Sweden and Germany!Learn about- OCaml killer apps by Vladimir Keleshev (https://twitter.com/keleshev)- Programmation […]
AWS Serverless Workshop
"Please only ONLY REGISTER if you can make it.Thank you!In this workshop, we’ll show you how to use the Serverless Application Model (SAM) to build a serverless application using Amazon […]
Why humans will become irrelevant in the financial sector
Technology is taking over more jobs than ever, which used to be handled by real people - like you and me. That's a fact and this development is not going […]
Rails Girls Project Group
"Program1700 - quick introduction by Marci1715 - get into groups and start coding1800 - dinner1830 - code some more!1900 end of the eveningA project group is a meetup where we […]
ICO vs Traditional Funding // Firmo Friday Bar
"It seems like companies can raise millions of dollars seemingly overnight with an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). But how does it all actually work? What are the components technically, legally, […]
Talk about TYPO3 in Sweden and Denmark
"Agenda:1) Welcome2) Update on marketing days3) Search - Solr, custom (Claus + fl.)4) Current state of T3KIT5) Sneak peak of PRM - A TYPO3 management tool6) http://www.typo3.com - status on […]
ID at WORK TechSprint
"Are you ready to address another challenge of the future - Digital Identity? In only 24 hours, we will create concepts within the topic of Identity at Work. The two winning […]
ID at WORK Final Pitches
"Join us to discover the final outcome of 24 hours of TechSprint. Around 10 teams have conceptualized and developed on their ideas for 24 hours. Now they will present them […]
System Center User Group Meeting – March 2018
"Welcome to yet another meeting in the Danish System Center User Group. We are very excited to announce our next event and offer you the opportunity to come and meet […]
Go Grow Demo Day & Graduation
"The Go Grow accelerator and the vertical Digital Growth Path host the Demo Day where 16 startups will demonstrate their startups by pitching their companies and graduating.Celebrate the 16 talented […]