
Hands on AWS :: CloudFormation
"Powerful tools are nothing without a good way to control them. On AWS you could literally spin up hundreds of servers, but would you do that manually?If you're like me, […]
Data Science Meetup by RecDoTech – Industrial Applications
"Three experts talks about the industrial application of data science giving insights into their workflows and case studies.For list of speakers, topics and to book tickets: https://www.darwinrecruitment.com/events/data-science-meetup-by-recdotech-industrial-applications?ut..." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/RecdoTech/events/249938378/
Turn ideas into sketches and simple clickdummies
"We spend way too much time in front of screens. Sketching with pen and paper is fast, cheap and mobile. It helps immensely clearing up misunderstandings before they happen and […]
Fintech Breakfast – Meet Hong Kong
"Curious to learn how your fintech startup can tap into the markets of Hong Kong and mainland China? Join us for a fintech roundtable at CPH Fintech Lab as we welcome […]
WonderTech Summit 2018
"Join us this May for the first event of its kind in Copenhagen, Denmark, which will bring together leaders, engineers, entrepreneurs, students and other enthusiasts to celebrate achievements of women […]
Strengthening the Health Sector: Creating Growth with New Technologies
"The Capital Region of Denmark has a new goal: To be one of the five most attractive hubs in the world for developing health technologies. But how do we want […]
Blockchain the new must know for digital workers
"Do you also want to know what all the fuss about blockchain is about? Join us for an exciting afternoon, with the blockchain game, technology assessment, talks on blockchain business […]
Blockchain the new must know for digital workers
"Do you also want to know what all the fuss about blockchain is about? Join us for an exciting afternoon, with the blockchain game, technology assessment, talks on blockchain business […]
Cryptocurrency Technologies (beyond bitcoin)
"Get a comprehensive introduction to the revolutionary yet often misconceived technologies underlying digital currencies and next generation computing. Cryptocurrency technologies, like the widely mentioned but often misunderstood "blockchain" technology, are […]
Applying the Heart of Agile
tThe “Heart of Agile” consists of only four verbs: Collaborate, Deliver, Reflect, Improve. In this talk, Dr. Alistair Cockburn, one of the authors of the agile manifesto, will review why […]
How we made our first VR game
"Software guy and gamer trying to make a shift in life to earn a living designing games. Will talk about how we made our first VR game, going against the […]
State of Ethereum, Firmo network, Hiveonline, Valiat, MediaSifter and more
"Let’s meet again and see some of the interesting DLT projects teams are working on in Denmark.If you are working on something cool, please let us know, so you can […]
Science & Cocktails: Are Low-Pollution Electricity, Markets, and Reliability Compatible?
"Jay Apt, astronaut, professor at Carnegie Mellon and researcher in electricity is coming to town.Are greenhouse gasses the only power plant pollutants that we care about? What are the human […]
Preseed Academy – Metrics and KPIs for startups
"Startup Talk: Metrics and KPIs for startupsFirst time entrepreneurs can easily be overwhelmed by the startup lingo related to metrics and KPIs: What's your ARR? Customer Acquisition Cost? Life Time […]
Regionfinal Venture Cup Syd
"Welcome to our 20th year of celebrating entrepreneurship!Do you want to meet interesting and forward thinking people? Join us in celebration at Rehab Kultur in Malmö the 23rd of May. […]
Hur bygger du varumärke i tech Sverige?
"Vi träffar Per Grape som grundade One Agency 2008. Han kommer dela med sig av sina personliga erfarenheter från att gå från handling till ide. One Agency är ett av […]
ProductTank Copenhagen – Issuu on World Product Day (May 23rd)
"You will have the opportunity to meet up with well-known and new product managers. The event includes a talk and following discussions with fellow product managers. AGENDA: • Pizza/Beer• Intro• […]
#SUGMLM Grand Opening
"17:30 till 18:00 - Pizza 18:00 till 19:00 - Öppen diskussion om #SUGMLM 19:00 till 19:15 - Paus 19:15 till 20:00 - Inbjuden föreläsare pratar om något intressant Sitecoreämne (TBD, […]
CryptoWomen: Data Protection and Blockchains in the EU
"On the 25th of May, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enters into force. The GDPR is a regulation on EU law that promises the individual more power over their […]
Devops at Scale by Eficode & Atlassian
"Welcome to this free afterwork event in Copenhagen to talk with our top Atlassian experts. With multiple years and hundreds of projects experience we are confident we can provide you […]