
User Experiences from Hyper Island
"Hyper Island is for many this magical and international place in Stockholm we've only heard about. We meet great people who speak warmly of it, but what is it all […]
Pitch Training
"Founders House and Capital2Grow are putting on another pitch training event!Learn how to improve your pitch. Capital2GROW has years of experience connecting innovative companies with the best investors.If you would […]
DIKU Bits: The Dark Side of Global Agile
"Speaker: Pernille Bjørn, Professor, HCC SectionAbstract: Agile Manifesto for software development is about empowering people to make great IT in self-managing collocated teams. But what happens when agile methods are […]
Tech & Tonic: Refill Special
"2018 - we salute you: In the spirit of starting over, we’re serving you a TECH & TONIC soaked in recharge vibes.We open the afternoon with live talks about 3 […]
Winter Mojitos with Sunstone
"Come join the young bloods of Sunstone Capital for an evening of mingling paired with mojitos and good vibes to fight off the winter blues!We are Brianna and Philippe, respectively […]
Sportlovsträff – Geek Girl Mini
"Avsluta sportlovet med ett besök på Geek Girl Mini där du får möjlighet att lära dig mer om programmering i Scratch. Vi kör en introduktion för de som är nybörjare […]
Hack Your Future Class – Hack Your Future
"Hack Your Future is a six months program for imigrants to become a fullstack web developers.You sign up for an entire semester.Applications can be made at http://www.hackyourfuture.net/applyFind out more at http://www.hackyourfuture.net […]
Tech Talk: Pragmatic GDPR – hands on advices for your startup
"Join The Camp on 26 February, where Enterprise Solutions Specialist Henrik Spuur Hansen will present his views on the GDPR (persondataforordningen), share his experiences and give you concrete advice about […]
February WordPress Meetup in Copenhagen
"Presentation of the GDPRWP.com project - TBA (Please send us a note if you have any topics you'd like to put up here)Our host this month is Peytz & Co […]
Let’s Get Back Up to Speed With Ethereum
"It's been way too long. And we're sorry. But Jacob is finally back in Denmark for a short period of time so we will do a meetup to do a […]
SMWCPH – PULSE 18- 5 forbruger-og medietrends der rykker i 2018
"Bli’ klædt på i forhold til de trends og tendenser, der kommer til at præge medie- og marketingbranchen i løbet af 2018. Vi byder på 5 trends, der alle er med […]
SMWCPH – Coca-Cola and challenging status quo on social
"For Coca-Cola one of the main channels for them is social as one of their keen target group is teens.Coca-Cola is always challenging status quo on social. In our deep […]
Talk by Ryan Cotterell: Musings on Linguistic Complexity and Typology
"Ryan is a fifth year PhD student in the Johns Hopkins Computer Science Department affiliated with the Center for Language and Speech Processing, where he is co-advised by Jason Eisner […]
SMWCPH – Digital Brand Activation
"I takt med at digitale elementer overtager store dele af værdikæden, har brands mere end nogenside brug for, at skabe positive interaktioner med forbrugeren. Hvordan arbejder man helt overordnet med brand […]
AI as a Service Presented by 2021.AI and Microsoft
"Microsoft and 2021.AI would like to welcome you to participate in our joint event, AI as a Service for small and large enterprises! We want to show you how 2021.AI […]
SMWCPH – Paneldebat – Digital Markedsføring
"Arbejder danske virksomheder digitalt og databaseret med deres markedsføring – og er de overhovedet klar til det? Hør meget mere om dette samt hvordan paneldeltagerne selv arbejder med digital markedsføring. […]
Live Growth Hacking
"With Marketing Expert Kim Døfler from Trigger Growth "Let's amplify Success" Join us for a Growth Hacking session where we will dive into how you can grow your business through […]
Get-together inden SXSW
"Til marts løber konferencen SXSW af stablen i Austin, Texas. SXSW er en af verdens største og mest inspirerende konferencer om nye teknologier, nye markeder, medier og design. Her mødes nogen af […]
Toolbox: Sådan skaffer du kapital til dit startup
"Investor radar, kapitalbehov, værdisætning og forhandlingsproces – velkommen til ToolboxSøger dit startup risikovillig kapital og risikovillige kompetencer? Så vil vi gerne invitere dig til Keystones' populære Toolbox om investor radar, […]
Azure Cosmos DB and Microsoft Enterprise Mobility & Security – Skåne Azure User Group
"Learn about Microsoft's new database platform Azure Cosmos DB, also called the "one database to rule them all" and about Microsoft Enterprise Mobility and Security using Azure.Presenter (Azure Cosmos DB):Johan Åhlén, […]