
Seminar: Matthias Gallé (NAVER Labs), The best atomic unit to represent text
"Abstract: What is the best atomic unit to represent text? This important decision lies at the heart of the intersection between the continuous representation of modern NLP and the discrete […]
Digitaliseringens udfordringer: forstå dine brugere
"Får indsigt i en metode til dataindsamling og et konkret eksempel på dataanalyse.Det er efterhånden gået op for mange, at man ikke kan digitalisere sig ud af alt. Hvis ikke […]
Where does your revenue really come from?
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” - John Wanamaker (1838-1922).You can’t trust ad platforms; Google, Facebook, Linkedin or some […]
Nordic Growth Hackers #16
Go. This is one of the best event series in Denmark."Are you growing a digital business? Want to share knowledge with the best brains in the industry? Want to contribute […]
Soft Money Funding for Health Tech Startups
"Join Health Tech Hub Copenhagen to learn how to get soft money funding for health tech startups.There are lots of soft money out there... but how do you get it?Learn […]
Nordic Growth Hackers#16
Go. This is one of the best event series in Denmark."Are you growing a digital business? Do you want to share knowledge with the best brains in the industry? And […]
Bootstrapping inviterer dig til nytårskur
Klub Linnésgade 25, København K, DanmarkBootstrapping inviterer denne dag nøgleinteressenterne i det danske økosystem til nytårskur – og det betyder naturligvis, at du skal med! Inden vi skåler, ser vi på highlights fra året, der […]
Web based C++ tools
"There are a lot of web based C++ tools developers can use for their day to day work. Let‘s look at some of them and see what features they have […]
Copenhagen React January meetup!
"Another year, another opportunity to connect, learn and help each other grow! This month Pleo is hosting us!Please do reach out if you want to give a talk at this […]
Time-to-Event Analytics – a journey from classical statistics to probabilistic AI
"Time-to-Event (TtE) Analytics is an especially important concept when performing Survival analysis. The unique aspect of TtE Analytics is the use of the suspensions or right-censored data. Learn all about […]
Frukostsamtal med Carolina Ericson, Tic Tac
"Tillväxt Malmö bjuder in till frukostsamtal med Carolina Ericson, Tic Tac Interactive AB. Carolina är vd och ägare av Tic Tac.Under morgonen får du lära känna Carolina och ta del […]
EGGS for Breakfast // Health Tech
"EGGS for Breakfast // Health TechKom til vidensdeling og netværkseventen EGGS for Breakfast d. 28. januar kl. 08-10.Her kan du møde Philips’ chef for trends og fremtidsstudier, Claudia Lieshout, der […]
Startup Coffee
"No tickets, no registration - all you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal event to meet entrepreneurs and others interested in startups, hear about opportunities […]
[DFDS]: CrmWebApiUtil (F# dotnet) + LINQ Provider (C# dotnet) = Cloud (Docker)
"Agenda1700 Doors open1715 Welcome by DFDS A/S, MF#K, CNUG and CRMUG1730 DFDS A/S from Shipping to a Tech Company1800 Talk by Ramón Soto Mathiesen + QA1900 Networking with soft drinks, […]
Istio In Production
"War-stories from an eventually successful Istio production rollout, for machine learning workloads in the cloud. We’ll start by examining managed Istio, in particular GKEs “built-in” Istio, then deep dive on […]
Customer Success Meetup @ Trackunit: Hacking Customer Excellence!
"Dear Copenhagen CSM professionals!We are super excited to be able to host the next event in the CPH CSM Meetup series at our offices in Matrikel1 on Højbro Plads.Building on […]
The UX Team of One (Part 2/2) // CPHUX Book Club
" Signup ONLY VALID via Eventbritehttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/78012819443Come and read 'The UX Team of One' with us.EVENTS OVERVIEW:Jan 15th // Chapter 1-5 // To page 120Jan 29th // Chapter 6-10 // To page […]
Meaningful Mornings: Den digitale forbruger 2020
"Den Digitale Forbruger - og ITPKom til Meaningful Morning hos Havas og bliv opdateret på det digitale landskab.Vi giver dig et koncentreret tilskud af digitale nøgletal, så du har styr […]
Growth Secrets: SEO, Keyword Strategy, and Content Growth-Hacks
"Growth Secrets: SEO, Keyword Strategy, and Content Growth-Hacks. Quick wins, tools, hacks, and more for growth.In the interest in providing more for the Talent Garden Community and Start-ups in Denmark, […]
KPMG NewTech Latest & Greatest: Invisible Tech
"Do you know what 'Invisibles' are about? It's the newest technology from MIT that makes some of the wearables discussions seem old-fashioned. With Invisible Tech you can track many of […]