
Speed dating – Find your next web developer
"Welcome to Speed DatingYou will be able to meet your future colleague, educated by Hack Your Future at Foo Café. Students at Hack Your Future has gone through a six months […]
Opening Party: Talent Garden Innovation School
"We celebrate the opening of Talent Garden Innovation School in Copenhagen.Meet our panel of inspirational speakers and the Talent Garden Innovation School crew while enjoying refreshing drinks served by our […]
CBS Case Competition Invitational Final 2019
"Join us for Invitational Final 2019. The three finalist teams will compete for the title as winners of CBS Case Competition 2019.We are thrilled to invite you to the most […]
Curious about a career in a Copenhagen Tech Startup? – Meet Penneo
"Find out if Penneo is your next move. We're on a mission to kill the pen and we're looking for the best talent out there!Let’s meetWe're doing a special friday […]
"The best party in Copenhagen is happening again: join us for #UserTribeFriday on the first Friday of the month!#UserTribeFriday is all about sharing: experiences, opinions, practices and a fun evening. […]
Code Lunch Malmö: Fantastic image filters – and how to code them
"Do you enjoy photography, image editing or simply taking selfies for your social media accounts? Have you ever wondered how all the cool image filters actually work and even wish […]
Privacy Online – Human & Legal Solutions
"2018 was a year of technology giants standing in line for media scandals about their dealings with our privacy. So let's talk about Privacy in an Online World as computers, […]
Measuring product-market fit in startups
"How to measure product-market fit in a startupThe term “product-market fit” is for sure one of the most used in the startup world - and most likely one of the […]
Serverless Functions in Ruby – Malmö.rb
"Our theme is Serverless with Ruby, that is, running "functions" instead of websites. Those words are perhaps even more confusing – happily, we'll have time to unconfuse and entertain you […]
Exploring Lombok and Null – JavaForum
"With one foot in Kotlin and the other in Java, Isak will show some simple ways of handling null to increase code stability and readability.Project Lombok is a Java library […]
Biotech Investorkonference Q1 2019
"Deltag i Biotech Investorkonference Q1 2019 som tager sted d. 6. marts 2019! Information om deltagende virksomheder og fulde program følges." Price: F Link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/biotech-investorkonference-q1-2019-tickets-51802996156?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Human & Legal Innovation: Developing Your Business – Human & Legal Entrepreneurship
"Welcome to the second spring workshop in our Entrepreneurship-series. In this one we focus on developing your business and how to create a business model but through understanding it's different […]
3D printing workshop
"Hej everybody,Bitlab is hosting the first 3D printing workshop. The workshop will cover a basic introduction to the 3D modelling software ideaMaker (https://www.raise3d.com/pages/download). You will learn how to prepare available […]
Get hands-on with new the and Improved Mobile Interface
"With a native mobile platform approach, ServiceNow intends to make getting work done anytime, anywhere through great mobile experiences as easy as hailing a taxi, ordering coffee or booking a […]
UX Meet & Greet at Duckwise
"UX Meet & Greet is an opportunity to visit Duckwise and see what they actually do.Come and see how Duckwise works throughout the end-to-end design and development process of user-centered digital solutions! Based in […]
The Code Pub Copenhagen – React Workshop
"Hello ladies and welcome to The Code Pub in Copenhagen!The Code Pub is a meet-up for women who want to learn more about IT. Our goal is to create a […]
Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks in R using Keras/TensorFlow
"IntroductionThis hands-on workshop will be given by Leon Eyrich Jessen. Leon is an assistant professor of bioinformatics in the immunoinformatics and machine learning group, at the section of bioinformatics at […]
Selskabsformer og skatteret for iværksættere
"Få styr på hvilken selskabsform der passer bedst til din startup og den dertilhørende skatteret. Er du iværksætter eller overvejer du at blive det?Der er en række juridiske udfordringer du […]
AI Seminar: Detecting fake news and sexism with deep natural language understanding
"Speaker: Isabelle Augenstein, Assistant Professor in the Machine Learning Section at Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen.Abstract: TBA" Price: Free Link: https://ai.ku.dk/events/ai-seminar-isabelle-augenstein/
Balance for Better #1: Mind the Gap
"Copenhagen FinTech invites founders and investors to its first Balance for Better workshop to bridge the gap between female founders and investors. A panel debate will give an insight into […]