Exploring Lombok and Null - JavaForum

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5. marts 2019 @ 16:30 - 19:00

“With one foot in Kotlin and the other in Java, Isak will show some simple ways of handling null to increase code stability and readability.Project Lombok is a Java library that uses annotations to hide the boilerplate code in Java, for example, all the getters and setters of a class. But is there any dangers in using libraries like this? What can we achieve with Java 11?In this talk, Per will give an introduction to Project Lombok and its features. Also, we will see what is changed in the JDK since the first release in 2009.Agenda1730 Meet & Greet1745 Null1815 Meet & Eat1845 Lombok1930 Meet & Geek”

Price: Free

Link: http://www.foocafe.org/malmoe/events/2181-exploring-lombok-and-null


5. marts 2019
16:30 - 19:00
Foo Café, Stora Varvsgatan 6a, 211 19 Malmö, Sweden

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