
ngCopenhagen Christmas edition – Socializing event
"It's nearly the end of the year...This edition is going to be a joint event together with GDG Copenhagen, Women Techmacker Copenhagen, and CopenhagenJS.So, we would like to invite you […]
Democracy+Technology Cafe – blockchain based voting and peer-to-peer democracy
"The blockchain is one of the most potent technologies today and it holds the potential to evolve one of the key pillars of democracy - voting.In this session we look […]
First Probabilistic Programming Meetup!
"We're very excited to announce the first meetup on probabilistic programming. At this very first time, we will have Kenneth Ry Ulrik and Christian Rasmussen to speak on their work […]
Branding: It’s not about you, it’s about them
"Branding is about creating a positive image for the company in the consumer’s minds. In this talk, Mona Huber will focus on the benefits of creating a brand for your […]
The Future of Innovation and Legal – Regulation in Design and Digital Processes
"Dr. Margaret Hagan is Director of the Legal Design Lab at Stanford Law School and a lecturer at Stanford Institute of Design (the d.school). A fellow at the d.school from […]
Seminar: Prof. Marie-Francine Moens, “Human Language Understanding: Realizations and Bottlenecks”
"Abstract: Starting from the first attempts of automated language understanding we explain the most important state-of-the art approaches. We illustrate the latter with our research of translating narratives written in […]
"The best party in Copenhagen is happening again: join us for #UserTribeFriday on the first Friday of the month!#UserTribeFriday is all about sharing: experiences, opinions, practices and a fun evening. […]
My Secure API Secret Sauce
"APIs are today commonplace. They enable new, creative and innovative usages for our data. Unfortunately, APIs are not a security layer. Their primary purpose is to allow quick and easy […]
Fra NeMID til MitID: Fremtidens danske digitale infrastruktur
"Elektronisk identifikation og elektronisk signatur er modnet betydeligt i Danmark i de seneste år. Fra at være en teknisk og teoretisk øvelse, er der nu regulering og standardisering, på plads, […]
Startup Coffee Malmö
"Join Startup Coffee every second Tuesday at Djäkne Kaffebar between 8.00-9.00. Join the first one on August 21st, all you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal […]
Is your AI racist? Building Ethical AI Products
"Today citizens are facing automated decisions in healthcare, insurance and government. This poses many challenges that citizens and companies alike should understand. In this highly relevant and interactive event organized by […]
Building DeepLearning applications with Apache MXNet
"Join us for an interesting and challenging evening to learn at the inaugural Apache MXNet Meeting in Copenhagen. Speakers:Steffen Rochel: MXNet contributor working at Amazon AI. He will present an […]
Welcome to Kotlin Copenhagen + two talks!
"Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that runs on the Java virtual machine...""Welcome to the first meetup of Kotlin Copenhagen 🎈 The first event will be hosted at Shape, who […]
Copenhagen Coding Noobs
"Where to find us:Bastard Cafe Gin Bar (the smaller downstairs bar that is visible from Rådhusstræde) NOT the main cafe. What to expect:We will often start with a short demo […]
Women in Games South Sweden, Christmas Luncheon – Sponsored by King.
"We would like to invite you to our special Christmas WIG South Sweden Luncheon, in collaboration with Game Habitat and sponsored by the lovely people from King.This is a casual […]
Meet and Think – AI in use
"Welcome to a casual meetup and a discussion of hot topics within the world of “cognitive and AI” some of the most relevant technologies of the future!IBM Watson is a […]
IBM i and open source tooling in a modern DevOps workflow.
"This time we will walk you through the complete lifecycle of the development paradigm of today. How can we leverage RPG applications as services for a modern workflow. How easy […]
Rails Girls Project Group – Starting our Open Source project!
"We had a really productive idea generation session at the last project group! The aim was to come up with ideas related to women in tech - ideas that somehow […]
Ruby Talks Night at Abtion
"A string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.Speakers:* "The back office struggle" - Andre Orvalho* ? We are looking for more speakers! Get in touch […]
[Lorenzo López]: Lenses for the mere mortal
"Abstract: Have you heard about lenses? How about traversals? Prisms? Profunctors?What is all that mumbo jumbo about and why is it useful for programming?We will be talking about all of […]