
Succeeding with Cloud in the Enterprise
"Welcome to a full day of Azure and how to succeed with cloud in the enterprise.One of the hot topics in businesses today is how to get the most out […]
Sell or Die: How to improve your sales
"Let’s get real. If you don’t sell your product, your service or yourself, your company won’t survive. It's a very simple algorithm: you sell or you die! In this talk, […]
Developer Security Pitfalls
"As a security consultant auditing source code, I see many mistakes appear over and over again, mistakes that lead to security vulnerabilities. In this talk I am going to cover […]
Teknikpyssel och programmering för tjejer 9-11 år – Geek Girl Mini
"Vill du bygga fruktpianon och ritrobotar, testa 3d-skrivare och programmera? Vi blandar teknikpyssel och programmering och vid varje träff gör du lite av varje. Programmera gör vi i Scratch (scratch.mit.edu), […]
Truth in the Age of Information
"A cross-disciplinary panel discussion that is taking a close look at the post-truth society from the different angles of science, journalism and medicine.Fake news, fake science, alternative facts: The truth is […]
UX Research Debate
"UX Lady Mareike Bonitz UX specialist at TwentyThree, had the idea to get together with other UX researcher (and interested) to poke their brains in terms of how to collect product feedback, how to […]
Code Lunch Malmö: Self-contained Systems: In Practice with Per Ökvist
"How to build a system of systems. How could we avoid a large monolithic system, utilizing a set of smaller systems in collaboration?The idea is to break a large system […]
Når kunstig intelligens møder virkeligheden. Gratis for alle
"Kunstig intelligens (AI) er et buzzword i de fleste danske organisationer, men der er dels forvirring omkring, hvad begrebet egentlig dækker over, og dels ikke konsensus om, hvordan man i […]
Windows containers, Kubernetes in the enterprise
"Dear everyone, We have the date and talks confirmed for the next CloudNativeCPH event. The event will have an enterprise flavor.Come and listen to hands on experiences with Windows containers […]
Stanford GSB: Entrepreneur Needs Discovery (DFW)
"Join the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) for an entrepreneur needs discovery session hosted by Keystones. As the GSB looks at creating new learning experiences for entrepreneurs, they want to hear more […]
Jonas Svensson – Why We Fail On Innovation
"Going from a global macro perspective to a micro view on large organizations and their role in the innovation ecosystemGoing from a global macro perspective to a micro view on […]
Think Copenhagen – Where Technology meets Humanity
En dag i teknologiens og tankens tegn. Det er, hvad du kan forvente dig af THINK Copenhagen, når IBM Danmark endnu engang slår dørene op og inviterer indenfor i DR’s […]
From Data and Brain Science to Experience and Behaviour
"When it comes to the use of data and brain science in people business, the hype and hopes have never been higher – nor have the doubts and worries.On the one […]
BLOXHUB & Innochain Pre-Conference Workshops – Practice Futures
"BLOXHUB and Innochain invite to a series of Workshops, which take place before the Innochain Conference "Pactice Futures" http://innochain.net/conference/ . These workshops introduce participants to new tools and practices for […]
Trafiklab meetup i Malmö!
"Trafiklab är en community för öppen trafikdata som brinner för kollektivtrafik. Vi tror att det behövs fler innovativa digitala tjänster som gör att fler vill och kan resa kollektivt. Vill […]
Softfunding for startups – how to succeed with crowdfunding
"Curious about how to take advantage of the possibilities of crowdfunding or do you need funding for your own startup?Djøf Business Community and SOLOSOCKS give you a rare chance to […]
Last Mile Blockchain Decentralization
"Globally decentralized protocols like Bittorrent, Bitcoin and Tor provide users a remarkable level of censorship resistance, privacy and communication freedom. But highly centralized local communication networks can block, throttle and […]
Copenhagen React November meetup!
This month SeatGeek are hosting us for an evening of.... you guessed it, more React!Agenda1730 Doors Open1745 Welcome1750 Talk 11815 Break with food/drinks1900 Lightning Talk(s)1930 Talk 22000 Socialising - meet […]
Webstep Kompetensbio Malmö -Robotic Process Automation och AI!
"Välkomna på vårt succéevent Kompetensbio som nu går av stapeln för nionde gången! Vi bjuder in dig och dina kollegor till en spännande och lärorik kväll! Två talare, två lika spännande ämnen […]
UX and Product Design meetup by Trustpilot and Women in Tech DK
"We have gathered three inspiring speakers for this event. Jette Wiborg-Andersen - UX Designer, TrustpilotLouise Salih - UX Researcher, TrustpilotDovile Janule - Sr. Product Designer, ZendeskFirst: Changing the Behaviour of misbehaving […]