Softfunding for startups - how to succeed with crowdfunding

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7. november 2018 @ 15:30 - 17:00

“Curious about how to take advantage of the possibilities of crowdfunding or do you need funding for your own startup?Djøf Business Community and SOLOSOCKS give you a rare chance to learn what it takes to launch successful campaigns. Get insights into:Funding options for startupsHow to get through the valley of deathThe pros and cons of reward-based crowdfundingHow to plan and execute a successful crowdfunding campaignHacks & tips to grow your startupLearn from one of the most experienced crowdfunding experts in Denmark as Alex Morabbi shares his knowledge and insights so you can take your startup to the next level!”

Price: Free



7. november 2018
15:30 - 17:00
SAP Experince Center Copenhagen, Lautrupsgade 11, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

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