
UX Meet & Greet at IBM Garage
"UX Meet & Greet is an opportunity to visit IBM Garage and see what they actually do.NOTE: There's a 100 DKK No-Show-Fee!IBM Garage is IBM's center for high-impact, client-centric innovation. The IBM […]
Recruiting event with 3Shape Consulting & Finance
"Are you eager to learn what it is like to work in Consulting and Finance in an innovative tech company? Join our recruiting event!Are you eager to learn what it […]
Startup Dojo
"There’s never been a better time to get startedDo you have a great business idea but don’t know how to take it to the next level? Come and talk with experienced entrepreneurs […]
Effortless debugging of C++ code
"Many of the bugs in the code we write falls into categories of bugs that are in principle easy to detect. Examples includes use of uninitialised variables or out-of-bounds memory […]
University Startup World Cup 2019 – Award Show
Join us at the Award Show for USWC, where the winner will be announced and interesting keynotes about SDGs!At the Award Show, the 4 semi-final winners will be announced and […]
Introduction to Golang for DevOps
"Every year, Stack overflow produces a comprehensive survey of people who code all over the world. For 2019, the results showed that DevOps specialists are among the highest paid professionals […]
Scaleup Day 2019 – Malmö
"Hur går man från startup till scaleup? Det är en fråga som många företagsledare tampas med – men få kan svara på. Därför anordnar vi på Breakit, Sveriges affärssajt för […]
Subscription Business Model Meet UP (CPH 2.0)
"Kom til dette gratis* og uformelle meet up, hvor du møder ligesindede, bliver inspireret og udfordret, hører fede cases og får hands-on råd." Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/subscription-business-model-meet-up-cph-20-tickets-73078767561
Ecosystem Day
"We invite you to support our 10 startups by putting your minds and networks together to map out the AgriFood Ecosystem from farm to gut." Price: Free Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ecosystem-day-tickets-76774894777
Serverless workshop with AWS
"Serverless is the new computing paradigm for the cloud that removes your responsibility of managing servers allowing you to focus on writing.Have you heard of serverless?In this full day hands-on […]
Quantum-life workshop
"Quantum phenomena underlie complex processes in nature and can be utilized to bring computation and simulation into a new era.This second quantum revolution aims at engineering and controlling quantum systems for specific […]
Robotics Event at DTU
DTU Oticon salen, DTU, Kongens Lyngby Denmark, Lyngby, DanmarkImpending global robot- and technology advancements - what can we learn across sectors and geographical regions? Technology is going to be used by more and more people – we want […]
Nets: How can fintechs utilize PSD2 and the Open Banking ecosystem?
"Curious about the future of Open Banking and PSD2? Come hear how Nets are working to transform the Open Banking landscape for fintechs.PSD2 is finally here and surprise surprise, nothing […]
Accenture STEM Network: Ethical Hacking
"Our November session in Accenture STEM Network will be held in collaboration with our good friends from Accenture Security. Together with other members of the security team, Practice Lead Hans […]
Refactoring made easy
"End-2-end tests and UI test is a bad idea, right? Wrong!I'll show how to test drive your application development (TDD) from the user perspective and build a stable suite of […]
How hospital generated data can accelerate Health Innovation
"Join CBS Health and the Medical Business Association along with Dr. Eyal Zimlichman to learn more about innovation in using hospital data!The average hospital generates annually 50 petabytes of data […]
#ToolsAndWeapons & TechPlomacy: Possibilities and downsides of technology
"Join the President of Microsoft, Brad Smith, in a conversation with the Danish Tech Ambassador, Casper Klynge, for a talk on the global tech agenda and the intersection between technology […]
COBIS 10 years Anniversary
The COBIS Bio Science innovation people would like you to join them to celebrate their 10 anniversary. And honestly, who couldn't do with more champagne in their lives?"Celebrating 10 years […]
Student Startup Matching
"Finally, it's time for our Student Startup Matching event in Malmö again. Students get the opportunity to listen to more than 20 job positions offered by startups. They will pitch internships, […]
SchoolHacks – Docker
"SchoolHacks + Praqma præsenterer: Docker og containerVI GØR DET IGEN!Hvorfor Docker?! Det korte svar er fordi Docker er AWESOME!Denne SchoolHacks event er både for Docker-begyndere og Docker-brugere, der ønsker at […]