Nets: How can fintechs utilize PSD2 and the Open Banking ecosystem?

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6. november 2019 @ 14:30 - 16:00

“Curious about the future of Open Banking and PSD2?
Come hear how Nets are working to transform the Open Banking landscape for fintechs.PSD2 is finally here and surprise surprise, nothing has really changed. Yes, not all the banks have published their PSD2 APIs and many of them have room for improvement. Yes, there are few companies and services that take advantage of the opportunities in PSD2. But that will change and things will start moving towards instant access to services.Access to the PSD2 APIs are for many a game changer, but what if you in addition…”

Price: Free



6. november 2019
14:30 - 16:00
Copenhagen FinTech Lab, Applebys Plads 7, 1411 Copenhagen, Denmark

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