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Global diversity CFP day

"Have you always wanted to become a tech conference speaker?Let 2020 be the year that you make your dream come true and become a tech conference speaker!Call For Proposals (CFP)Events […]

Cloud Secrets: Azure Architecture Day

"This is a full day event with speakers from various danish companies who use Azure as part of their business, and the idea is to provide insight and inspiration in […]

Cloud Native Nordics Tour January

"Agenda1715 "Building a Bank from Scratch in the Cloud on Kubernetes"1800 Break with food1830 "KUDO - Kubernetes Operators, the easy way"1915 “A Song of Dev and Ops”Talk #1: "Building a […]

How to fight crime with VR

"During this talk the audience will gain insight on how VR will be used within the police authority in the near future and there will be a live demonstration of […]

Januar WordPress Meetup

"Vi holder os til dansk, medmindre der er deltagere, som ikke kan forstå dansk.Det er helt gratis at deltage. Vi holder det i Vesterbro Bibliotek og Kulturhus, en hvis du […]

Seminar: Smart Growth Strategies for SME FinTechs

Join our breakfast seminar at the Copenhagen FinTech Lab on 22 January 2020 to discover smart growth strategies for your company.According to Harvard Business School, 75% of VC-backed start-ups fail. […]

Real-life Digital Transformation

"Get inspiration on how to digitalize your business from leading Danish companies with real customer cases:Cluedin - Data Integration Platform to make companies data drivenSupwiz - Chatbot and AI Platform for Customer […]

Blockchain Governance: Theory and Practice

"...Four speakers to discuss the Theory and Practice behind Blockchain Governance.Henrik Hvid Jensen, Senior Digital Business Advisor at Trustworks, will give us a welcome and tell us how to work […]

7th Elixir Meetup, Deployment

"* Introduction to deploying Elixir* Show and tell & Lightning TalksSpeakers: Johanna Larsson among othersAgenda1730 Meet & Greet1745 Presentation1830 Meet & Eat1900 Show & Tell" Price: Free Link: https://foocafe.org/?p=935

Databases on Kubernetes: Why you should care

"We're happy to have Denis Rosa from Couchbase around for a talk about Databases on Kubernetes.Agenda1730 Doors open1745 Welcome by GOTO1800 Databases on Kubernetes: why you should care by Denis […]

Digitaliseringens udfordringer: forstå dine brugere

"Får indsigt i en metode til dataindsamling og et konkret eksempel på dataanalyse.Det er efterhånden gået op for mange, at man ikke kan digitalisere sig ud af alt. Hvis ikke […]

Where does your revenue really come from?

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” - John Wanamaker (1838-1922).You can’t trust ad platforms; Google, Facebook, Linkedin or some […]

Nordic Growth Hackers #16

Go. This is one of the best event series in Denmark."Are you growing a digital business? Want to share knowledge with the best brains in the industry? Want to contribute […]

Soft Money Funding for Health Tech Startups

"Join Health Tech Hub Copenhagen to learn how to get soft money funding for health tech startups.There are lots of soft money out there... but how do you get it?Learn […]

Nordic Growth Hackers#16

Go. This is one of the best event series in Denmark."Are you growing a digital business? Do you want to share knowledge with the best brains in the industry? And […]