
ICO vs Traditional Funding // Firmo Friday Bar
"It seems like companies can raise millions of dollars seemingly overnight with an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). But how does it all actually work? What are the components technically, legally, and financially for your company to pursue an ICO?Firmo, a fast growing startup in the process of running an ICO (and currently recruiting to our […]
Talk about TYPO3 in Sweden and Denmark
"Agenda:1) Welcome2) Update on marketing days3) Search - Solr, custom (Claus + fl.)4) Current state of T3KIT5) Sneak peak of PRM - A TYPO3 management tool6) http://www.typo3.com - status on translation oversættelse, review and cases7) VR - try our virtual reality setup" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Malmo-TYPO3/events/245838625/
ID at WORK TechSprint
"Are you ready to address another challenge of the future - Digital Identity? In only 24 hours, we will create concepts within the topic of Identity at Work. The two winning teams will get to sit down for a causal Sunday brunch with executives from ISS and Smart Payments. Read more and apply: http://idatwork.techsprint.io/----Topic----Identity at Work falls under […]
ID at WORK Final Pitches
"Join us to discover the final outcome of 24 hours of TechSprint. Around 10 teams have conceptualized and developed on their ideas for 24 hours. Now they will present them in the hope to win either the Validation or Authorization track, and advance to Sunday's roundtable with ISS and Smart Payments. Read more and apply […]
System Center User Group Meeting – March 2018
"Welcome to yet another meeting in the Danish System Center User Group. We are very excited to announce our next event and offer you the opportunity to come and meet with fellow IT Administrators and influencers. The main and only focus of this event will be Windows 10 Configuration Manager and Enterprise Mobility. Event Sponsor: […]
Go Grow Demo Day & Graduation
"The Go Grow accelerator and the vertical Digital Growth Path host the Demo Day where 16 startups will demonstrate their startups by pitching their companies and graduating.Celebrate the 16 talented startups, hear a talk by the valedictorian and alumni, see the companies pitch and graduate, and network.Get your ticket billetfix.dk/da/go-grow-demo-graduation-dayAGENDA1400 Arrival1415 Welcome Speech1430 Pitch1530 Break1540 Pitch 1630 […]
Building a Law and Technology Community
"Join our discussion on change in the legal industry.Keynote Speaker: Charlotta Kronblad, Phd cand., Chalmers, "The impacts of technology on the legal profession"PANELSThe drivers for changeUlf Lindén – Co-founder, LegalWorksTabitha Cooper – Nordea Group DigitalCarl-Johan Bune – GC Tetra Pak Digitisation and AutomationSophia Lagerholm – Head of KM, DelphiOpportunities and ChallengesChristina Blomkvist – Founder, Green Counsel […]
Docker Birthday #5 Celebration
"Docker is 5 years old soon and we want to celebrate that! Join us for an evening with cake and Docker Traning. This is the best evening if you want to get started with Docker or been thinking about it! Schedule1700 Doors open1745 Welcome1800 What is Docker?1815 Interactive training with Mentors around to help1900 Cake2000 […]
Ladies that UX: CX vs. UX
"CX or Customer Experience is not per say a new thing but we think there is still too much confusion surrounding the term and how it differs from UX. We've invited Søren Lybecker (https://www.linkedin.com/in/slybecker/) in to enlighten us on the matter. Søren is the co-founder of the Copenhagen based CX Club, he used to teach […]
FuckUp Nights Malmö Vol.2
"Welcome to the second edition of FuckUp Nights Malmö at MJs.We've got a special night planned for you.Host: Diego MonsiváisTickets and more information coming soon.Save the date.#funmalmo#sharethefailure" Price: Free Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1496943517100276/?notif_t=event_calendar_create¬if_id=1518135666378457
"Codinghell er et gå-hjem-møde for os, der udvikler software og har en holdning til det. Vi får tre gedigne oplæg om kodekvalitet; god og dårlig stil, der bliver masser af debat, og så er der pizza & øl!Vi kører i tre runder i dette format:* Fagligt oplæg (20 minutter)* Diskussion om, erfaringsudveksling, debat i grupper […]
How to Build the Perfect Tech Product – Free Workshop
"It always begins with a great idea, but it's equally important to be able to pitch that idea efficiently. We see lots of entrepreneurs struggling to explain their product in a clear and concise way.As a direct consequence, they often don't know how to work with designers and developers because they don't speak their language. […]
Advanced Javascript
"Schedule is yet to be decided. This meetup will be based around getting started with V8, some fundamental browser API's and similar" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Javascript-Browser-APIs-and-modern-development-patterns/events/247113958/
Price Psychology. Learn about the principles and techniques of pricing
"What is a fair price? And does a lower price increase sales? This CBEN meeting is about the psychology and techniques of setting the highest possible price for your offering without sacrificing customer satisfaction.Tired of endless discussions about what the price should be - where nobody in the room really knows what they are talking […]
SpaCy Supervised Learning @ The Ground
"Join us for a great night of nerd with SpaCy - first a talk followed by a workshop and some practical applications.Supervised learning is great – it's data collection that's broken Most AI systems today rely on supervised learning: you provide labelled input and output pairs, and get a program that can perform analogous computation […]
(CPH) Sitecore Commerce 9 + Sitecore 9 Architecture and Scaling
"Agenda1730 Pizza1815 Pramila Soni, SitecoreTopic: Commerce 91900 Break1915 Thomas Eldblom, SitecoreTopic: Sitecore 9 Architecture and Scaling2000 Drinks and NetworkingYou can also attend in Aarhus and Malmö Aarhus - https://www.meetup.com/Sitecore-User-Group-Denmark/events/247306107/" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Sitecore-User-Group-Denmark/events/246926574/
(Sweden) Sitecore Commerce 9 + Sitecore 9 Architecture and Scaling
"The presentations from the Copenhagen office will be streamed, of course there will be food and drinks here too.Agenda1730 Pizza1815 Pramila Soni, SitecoreTopic: Commerce 91900 Break1915 Thomas Eldblom, SitecoreTopic: Sitecore 9 Architecture and Scaling2000 Drinks and NetworkingIt is possible to attend in Copenhagen or Aarhus" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Sitecore-User-Group-Denmark/events/247306107/
Automated Security Testing in Continuous Delivery – ConTest
"In a world where cyber threats are increasing, testing can increase security and protect sites from potential threats. By using an automated tool, the web site can be tested automagically and in a structured way so that human resources can be used more efficiently. I will explain how we are using tools to get automated […]
Copenhagen Cocoa March
"Spring is upon us and it's time for another Copenhagen Cocoa meetup. This time we will be hosted by Unwire and we have 3 awesome talks lined up for you.We will start the evening at 18:30 with some food, drinks and socialising. Around 19:00 we will start the series of 3 talks in between which […]
Blockchain Business Cases w/ Deloitte Denmark
"Cryptocurrencies and blockchain are extremely hyped right now. The question many current and future business leaders are asking is "Why? Where are the business cases?" Deloitte's NextGen Technologies team will answer this question. They will cover why Deloitte has prioritized blockchain investment while highlighting some key business opportunities for the burgeoning tech.Agenda: Brief Intro by the Society, […]