SpaCy Supervised Learning @ The Ground

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21. marts 2018 @ 16:00 - 18:00

“Join us for a great night of nerd with SpaCy – first a talk followed by a workshop and some practical applications.Supervised learning is great – it’s data collection that’s broken
Most AI systems today rely on supervised learning: you provide labelled input and output pairs, and get a program that can perform analogous computation for new data. This allows an approach to software engineering Andrej Karpathy has termed “Software 2.0″: programming by example data. This is the machine learning revolution that’s already here, which we need to be careful to distinguish from more futuristic visions…”

Price: Free



21. marts 2018
16:00 - 18:00
The Ground, Bredgatan 4, 21130 Malmö, Sweden

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