
SMWCPH – Sæt den grønne dagsorden og opbyg stærke communities
"Bæredygtighed er efterhånden på alles læber, og det er ingen hemmelighed, at forbrugerne i stigende grad efterspørger brands, som indtager tydelige positioner og dedikerer sig til god en sag.Men hvordan bliver man som brand overhovedet synlig i mængderne af kommunikation? Hvordan trænger man igennem og indtager en ønsket (grøn) position? Og hvordan sætter man en […]
SMWCPH – Facebook annoncering for begyndere og let øvede
"På dette kursus får du en introduktion til de mange spændende muligheder, du har, når du annoncerer på Facebook.Måske har du aldrig før prøvet at annoncere på Facebook. Måske har du lidt erfaring med at booste opdateringer eller har taget de første spæde skridt i Facebook Business Manager eller Power Editor. Uanset hvad vil du på […]
The Future of People@Work
"Join us February 28th where we'll be joined by HR leads from Microsoft, SKAT, Leo Pharma, Actimo and Bloch & Østergaard to dig into emerging trends in people management, shifting workforces and how technology (for good and bad) is affecting the future of people at work." Price: Free Link: https://peopleatwork.splashthat.com/
Kick-off: Succes som madiværksætter
"Markedet for madoplevelser og fødevarer er i rivende udvikling! Det giver nye muligheder for iværksættere, som tænker kreativt og forstår hvad der skal til for at få succes. Greater Copenhagen Food Startup inviterer sammen med CPH Food Space til kick-off på vores populære workshops og acceleratorprogram særligt for startups inden for mad.Eftermiddagen giver et indblik […]
Build your landing page from Scratch – Free Workshop
"This is a FREE coding workshop on HTML & CSS for absolute beginners. Together we will explore the world of web development, teach you to code and design your own landing page using HTML and CSS. You do NOT need any prior coding experience.You will be:• Guided carefully through HTML / CSS basics• Shown lots […]
Playing CTF for fun and EXP – SecuriTea
"Reading, hearing and talking about security is fun! But what about the practical element to it?Especially if you do not feel ready to throw yourself into the big world of Bug Bounties?Luckily there are many training grounds and one of them is called CTF! Join us as we introduce what CTF is, how you can get […]
Deep Learning in text and audio
"2 talks:1) Extracting information from documents with deep learning - Rasmus Berg PalmScanned invoice in, digital semantic invoice out. Easy? Not so much. Especially if you want it to work for any invoice, with no setup or pre-annotation required. We'll present our iterations on trying to create the 'perfect' machine learning model that works for […]
ProductTank Copenhagen – Siteimprove
"ProductTank Copenhagen will visit Siteimprove, and you will have the opportunity to meet up with well-known and new product managers. Agenda:• Sandwich/drinks• Intro• Talk/Theme• Open Space• Networking ProductTank is for product managers or people interested in product management." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/ProductTank-Copenhagen/events/246403077/
Pier47 Opening: How Innovation Works Now
"To mark the opening of Rainmaking at Pier47, we invite you to an open seminar on how innovation works.How do we craft an ideal setup for working innovatively? We will be looking at some of most creative teams within entrepreneurship and strategic ventures. To understand what they do to elevate their daily list of tasks. […]
SMWCPH – Audiences & Attribution with Google Analytics
"In this session we will provide inspiration on how to use Google Analytics to create Audiences that you can use as the basis for remarketing campaigns in your ad accounts like AdWords and DoubleClick and what to look for in the search for top performing audiences. Second part of the session will take you through […]
SMWCPH – Sæt dagsordenen – Digital interessevaretagelse
"Hvordan sætter man dagsordenen på sociale medier? Digital interessevaretagelse er en vanskelig størrelse. Martin Vith Ankerstjerne Director, Public Affairs, Advice vil fortælle om sit arbejde med digital interessevaretagelse, og Julia Fennefoss Vollertsen, Head of Social hos Landbrug & Fødevarer vil fortælle om sine erfaringer med digital interessevaretagelse." Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://www.smwicph.dk/schedule/saet-dagsordenen---digital-interessevaretagelse
Maersk Host Open Business Development: Reduce Food Loss
" Want to work with one of the world’s biggest companies to solve one of the world’s biggest challenges?Maersk is looking for partners to join them in reducing food waste between the farm and the ship. It is one of the world’s biggest problems - and a huge opportunity. They want big and small partners […]
SMWCPH – Fremtidens interaktive muligheder med Voice Search
"Udfra de seneste analyser kortlægger vi faglig viden, muligheder og trends indenfor stemmesøgning og digitale assistenter. 20% af alle søgninger er idag stemmebaseret. Indenfor 3 år vil 50% af alle søgninger vil være stemmebaseret i USA. I 2020 forudser Gartner at 30% at tiden vi bruger på web og søgninger vil være uden en skærm. Man forventer […]
SMWCPH – Fremtidens interaktive muligheder med Chatbots
"I dette seminar vil vi komme ind på, hvad en chatbot er, og hvordan er det anderledes fra almindelig chat. Hvordan designer man en interaktion og med hvilke målgrupper. Hvad betyder personligheden, og hvilke områder har betydning for brugeroplevelsen. I hvilke scenarier kan man bruge dem, og hvilken værdi kan de skabe for en virksomhed. Hvilke erfaringer […]
SMWCPH – Workshop: Den gode mobilvideo
"Visuel kommunikation bliver kun vigtigere. Også når du skal sætte den politiske dagsorden digital. Selv om store produktioner kan rykke meget, kan man også komme langt blot med sin telefon. Men hvordan laver man den gode mobile video?" Price: Free Event Language: Danish Link: https://www.smwicph.dk/schedule/workshop-den-gode-mobilvideo
SMWCPH – Content & Cocktails
"At this casual meet-up we’ll be mixing classic cocktails while demonstrating how the Supervisual platform works.Supervisual is an online platform that helps businesses put their visual content production into a system that ensures a steady flow of stunning photos and video for Instagram and Facebook. In short, the platform connects you with creative talent and helps you manage the production.The platform is being used […]
SpilBar 36: We’ve won! We’ve lost. It was no game!
"SpilBar 36 is an expedition into a fundamental, yet rarely understood, part of all games: Play. But play goes beyond games; it is a mode of being human. But what is it, what is it not, why do we need it, and why should we even care?Program:1630 Welcome1635 Mathias Poulsen: ‘I’m just playing’; The radical act […]
Unit tests in Jest, a workshop
"Jest is the testing framework developed and used by Facebook to test all JavaScript code, including but not limited to, React applications.We'll take a look into what features Jest brings to the table and also dig into the fundamentals about what unit tests are and why it might be a good idea to write them.Bring […]
Simple Regression – Try it yourself – barrel.ai
"Linear regression, we have all been taught about it in primary school but it also happens to be one of the most commonly used types of predictive analysis classified under supervised learning. Regression attempts to model the relationship between two variables by fitting a linear equation to observed data. One variable is considered to be […]
Google Hash Code Competition @ ITU
"Assemble your team and join us at IT University of Copenhagen when the Business Innovation Lab (BuILD) hosts this year’s Copenhagen Hub for the Google Hash Code Competition, a team programming competition organized by Google for students and industry professionals across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. What is it?Each year, Google poses an engineering problem live […]