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Female (Potential) Founder Breakfast #3

"Are you interested in understanding and tapping into the entrepreneurial sphere? We are gathering  high profiled female founders to come and share their stories, how they founded their companies and […]

Streaming: The future is now!

"Join us when we dive into the latest tech advances in streaming and get inspiration and insight from leading experts in streaming when they tell us how they see the […]

Startup Law: Equity Investments

"Every startup will over time deplete the funds its founders originally put into it. When that happens, the startup - and its founders - need to start attracting outside investment […]

Nerdy Time on Trademark Protection

"How do you protect your trademark? Let's find out!At a time when the range of goods and services is ever increasing, a trademark is an ever more important part of […]

Rails Girls Copenhagen – Project Group

"There are learners and mentors. The mentors can help out with questions." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Rails-Girls-Copenhagen/events/251653360/

Fuzz testing in Rust

"Johan Brinch is the Co-founder of Seasoned Software, a company that specializes in automated fuzz testing.Fuzz testing attempts to uncover subtle bugs and unexpected program behaviour. It works by trying […]