
Pier47 Opening: How Innovation Works Now
"To mark the opening of Rainmaking at Pier47, we invite you to an open seminar on how innovation works.How do we craft an ideal setup for working innovatively? We will […]
SMWCPH – Audiences & Attribution with Google Analytics
"In this session we will provide inspiration on how to use Google Analytics to create Audiences that you can use as the basis for remarketing campaigns in your ad accounts […]
SMWCPH – Sæt dagsordenen – Digital interessevaretagelse
"Hvordan sætter man dagsordenen på sociale medier? Digital interessevaretagelse er en vanskelig størrelse. Martin Vith Ankerstjerne Director, Public Affairs, Advice vil fortælle om sit arbejde med digital interessevaretagelse, og Julia Fennefoss Vollertsen, […]
Maersk Host Open Business Development: Reduce Food Loss
" Want to work with one of the world’s biggest companies to solve one of the world’s biggest challenges?Maersk is looking for partners to join them in reducing food waste […]
SMWCPH – Fremtidens interaktive muligheder med Voice Search
"Udfra de seneste analyser kortlægger vi faglig viden, muligheder og trends indenfor stemmesøgning og digitale assistenter. 20% af alle søgninger er idag stemmebaseret. Indenfor 3 år vil 50% af alle søgninger […]
SMWCPH – Fremtidens interaktive muligheder med Chatbots
"I dette seminar vil vi komme ind på, hvad en chatbot er, og hvordan er det anderledes fra almindelig chat. Hvordan designer man en interaktion og med hvilke målgrupper. Hvad betyder […]
SMWCPH – Workshop: Den gode mobilvideo
"Visuel kommunikation bliver kun vigtigere. Også når du skal sætte den politiske dagsorden digital. Selv om store produktioner kan rykke meget, kan man også komme langt blot med sin telefon. […]
SMWCPH – Content & Cocktails
"At this casual meet-up we’ll be mixing classic cocktails while demonstrating how the Supervisual platform works.Supervisual is an online platform that helps businesses put their visual content production into a system that ensures a steady […]
SpilBar 36: We’ve won! We’ve lost. It was no game!
"SpilBar 36 is an expedition into a fundamental, yet rarely understood, part of all games: Play. But play goes beyond games; it is a mode of being human. But what is […]
Unit tests in Jest, a workshop
"Jest is the testing framework developed and used by Facebook to test all JavaScript code, including but not limited to, React applications.We'll take a look into what features Jest brings […]
Simple Regression – Try it yourself – barrel.ai
"Linear regression, we have all been taught about it in primary school but it also happens to be one of the most commonly used types of predictive analysis classified under […]
Google Hash Code Competition @ ITU
"Assemble your team and join us at IT University of Copenhagen when the Business Innovation Lab (BuILD) hosts this year’s Copenhagen Hub for the Google Hash Code Competition, a team programming […]