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Workshop Kunderejser – Kom godt i gang

"Signe Stoholm, Customer Experience konsulent, vil facilitere workshoppen og give dig en udefra-og-ind metode til at sætte dig i kundens sted - en metode som giver værdifuld viden om de forretningstiltag, […]

Functional Patterns for the Object Oriented

"Object-oriented languages have during the last decade introduced a number of features originating from the functional programming domain. Most notable are the introduction of lambda expressions and stream processing libraries like […]

Governance and Scaffolding in Agility – Teal for Teal Malmö

"What support structures do we need working successfully in self-organization? A governance that takes a holistic perspective. How does the relationship between agility and governance look like?Please bring your questions […]

April is Shiny!

"Spring is here! That means this month is all about all things Shiny (if that makes sense)!We have two speakers who are regulars on the R-Ladies Copenhagen circuit, Diana Lucatero […]