volunteer and organize DjangoCPH Day (info+meeting)

Indlæser Begivenheder

21. februar 2018 @ 19:00 - 20:00

“If you want to help organize or volunteer at DjangoCPH Day (see djangocph.dk ), please join and let’s collaborate on the many tasks.Currently, we have divided tasks into the following categories: * Website + ticket system* Sponsors, social media, announcements, “marketing”* Program (inviting/hosting speakers)* Economy+budget* Venue* Food* Swag/merch (optional, but really really nice) Volunteer teams:* Before event* Friday morning shift (2 people)* Friday talk host + announcements (2 people)* Friday evening shift (2 people)* Saturday (sprints, cooking/snacks/drinks) (2-3 people)”

Price: Free

Link: https://www.meetup.com/The-Copenhagen-Django-Meetup-Group/events/247869776/


21. februar 2018
19:00 - 20:00
(Contact for address)

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