Startup Mentors: Matching Event - Batch 1 / Copenhagen

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28. marts 2019 @ 16:00 - 20:00

“Venture Cup Denmark has a mentor program called Startup Mentors.Startup Mentors host 6 Matching Events annually, where the entire +200 network of startups and mentors are invited.What is the event about?The purpose of the Matching Events is to connect promising founders and their university startups from the eight Danish Universities with business professionals from all sorts of industries. This can be anyone from a business developer, a fundraiser, a strategist, a branding expert to a supply chain manager.What is the goal of the event?The end goal is to support the university founders…”

Price: Free



28. marts 2019
16:00 - 20:00
Kuppelsalen, Danske Bank, Laksegade 10, 1063 Copenhagen, Denmark

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