(Hands-on Haskell) MF#K: Delete your Facebook account or just remove content?

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24. april 2018 @ 16:00 - 19:00

“”The last months we have been reading how companies have been able to bypass Facebook policy on data usage.No matter how much effort FB will put into this, companies will probably find ways to find holes in the cheese and get access to data anyway.Therefore, many people claim that we should all just delete our Facebook accounts. For many of us, this is not a possibility, as the platform allows us to get in contact and follow our friends social interactions, specially us who know people from all around the globe.But, as for many of our interactions IRL, we don’t really need to have the interactions stored forever. Therefore…”

Price: Free

Link: https://www.meetup.com/MoedegruppeFunktionelleKoebenhavnere/events/249159724/


24. april 2018
16:00 - 19:00
PROSA, Vester Farimagsgade 37A, 1606 Copenhagen, Denmark

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