[Brian Hjøllund] F# at Unity

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27. november 2018 @ 16:30 - 19:30

“We are going to be at Unity Technologies offices in Copenhagen, where it all began, to see how they use F# in a mainly C# dominated environment.”Why did we choose F# amongst a hoarde of C# developers, how has it helped us and what challenges did we face”Brian Hjøllund has been developing for almost 20 years, primarily within .NET. Developing everything from honey-crowned indexing machines to magazine publishing and now at a company in the gaming world”. The pizza will be sponsored by our long-time partner (in crime) Prosa, who without, we might never have had the possibility to celebrate this fifth anniversary.”

Price: Free

Link: https://www.meetup.com/MoedegruppeFunktionelleKoebenhavnere/events/256317503/


27. november 2018
16:30 - 19:30
Unity, Løvstræde 5, 1152 Copenhagen, Denmark

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