
Kalender af Begivenheder
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1 begivenhed,
ToolTalk #2: The Road to Data-Driven Growth
ToolTalk #2: The Road to Data-Driven Growth
"Our second ToolTalk aims to help startups with specific advice on how to implement a data-driven approach to secure growth and revenue.“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” - John Wanamaker (1838-1922).Understanding what activities and campaigns contribute to your company’s growth and revenue and what, […]
1 begivenhed,
Ruby talks night at Tonsser
Ruby talks night at Tonsser
"A string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.We are always looking for more speakers!Good to know: We operate under the Berlin Code of Conduct http://berlincodeofconduct.org" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Ruby-Brigade/events/267159230/
1 begivenhed,
Distributed microservice architecture – Istio and Kabanero
Distributed microservice architecture – Istio and Kabanero
"Istio addresses the challenges developers and operators face as monolithic applications transition towards a distributed microservice architecture. Istio is a service mesh that lets you efficiently run a distributed microservice architecture, and provides a uniform way to secure, connect, and monitor microservices.Kabanero is an open source project focused on bringing together foundational open source technologies […]
1 begivenhed,
UX Meet & Greet at Goodiebox
UX Meet & Greet at Goodiebox
"UX Meet & Greet is an opportunity to visit Goodiebox and see what they actually do. NOTE: There's a 100 DKK No-Show-Fee!UX/digital designers at Goodiebox work with a lot of different tasks. They often have both CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) tasks and also working closely with the Growth teams to provide different solutions for A/B […]
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2 begivenheder,
Founder Story by Jimmy Westerheim, The Human Aspect
Founder Story by Jimmy Westerheim, The Human Aspect
"Come join us - already this Monday at 17:00 - for a short after work session with our guest from Norway Jimmy Westerheim, the founder of The Human Aspect. From idea to global movement - Jimmy founded the world's first life experience library(!) which have reached more than 40 million people.Founder Talk:As entrepreneurs one of […]
A taste of 4 Scaling Agile frameworks being used in Denmark
A taste of 4 Scaling Agile frameworks being used in Denmark
"GOTO and Nordea are happy to have Majken Vildrik Thougaard around for tonight's meetup that will focus on scaling agile.Agenda1715 Doors open1745 Welcome by GOTO and Nordea1800 A taste of 4 Scaling Agile frameworks being used in Denmark + Q&A1900 Food and drinks2000 Thanks for todayMajken will introduce the 4 most commonly used frameworks for […]
3 begivenheder,
What the Heck…Round-1: Student In Production
What the Heck…Round-1: Student In Production
"Story of how a student caused entire company to go down. But we have heard such stories a lot. So let’s talk about solutions. We haven’t watched Arnold Schwarzenegger speeches about success, we went against all best brains books, tutorials, and suggestions. Presentation will be more focused to share how company culture is important when […]
Kick-off Copenhagen Data Engineering @ Too Good To Go HQ
Kick-off Copenhagen Data Engineering @ Too Good To Go HQ
"Our first meetup! We are hosted by Too Good To Go in the new offices in Østerbro.We will have just one technical talk to keep things simple and we will invite some cool guests. Come by and have a beer with some nice people!Talk: How to deploy data science models in production using Apache Airflow […]
UX Perspectives on Design Sprints
UX Perspectives on Design Sprints
"Design Sprints have been hyped since Jake Knap released the book 'Sprint' . We have asked 6 UXers to give their perspective on the subject.This event is SOLD OUT! We will keep you updated if we have more tickets availableThere's a 100 DKK NO-SHOW FEE."A design sprint is a time-constrained, five-phase process that uses design […]
5 begivenheder,
Facebook Ads Breakfast – Trends & Tips for Your Campaigns
Facebook Ads Breakfast – Trends & Tips for Your Campaigns
"Breakfast is on us - Learn some tips and best practices for your next Facebook campaign!Kamp'n & Facebook takes the opportunity to invite you to spend a morning dedicated to teaching you about optimizing Facebook campaigns . You will also discover the trends and best practices of advertising on Facebook. This morning will take place […]
Join UiPath for an update on our new release after New Year!
Join UiPath for an update on our new release after New Year!
"Dear RPA enthusiasts!With the new release is out and running your bots, we would like to meet up and get your thoughts on the new features.In addition we have invited BDO Cyber Security to present "Can you hack a robot"? A very interesting topic that we believe everyone can learn from.Afterwards Jakob Okkels and Steen […]
Business Maker Kick Off
Business Maker Kick Off
"Er du freelancer med vokseværk, iværksætter med en forretningsidé eller klar til at konceptudvikle på din arbejdsplads? Gør iværksætterdrømmen til virkelighed med BUSINESS MAKER - et udviklingsforløb over 5 måneder, med netværk, kontorplads og undervisning i alt fra forretningsplan, brugerinddragelse, markedsføring og branding.Vil du allerede nu vide mere - kom til gratis kick-off-eventOnsdag d. 15. […]
3 begivenheder,
BII Mini-Symposium: Can digital health enable reduced healthcare costs?
BII Mini-Symposium: Can digital health enable reduced healthcare costs?
"Join us on Thursday January 16, for an inspiring afternoon in the company of world leaders within Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health. At the mini-symposium three international experts will present and discuss their views on how AI and digital health can improve healthcare.Increasing healthcare costs represent a large societal challenge in the future. Especially with […]
Internet of Brain
Internet of Brain
"Internet of Brain (IoB) is here: a global set of protocols and agreements will connect our brains to digital services online as well as to other brains, triggering the next communication revolution.Like the Internet, the project has been prototyped by the army. Some universities and tech giants have been involved. Also, a public proposal is […]
Elastic January meetup
Elastic January meetup
"Come join us for the first Elastic Copenhagen meetup in the new year.We're pleased this time to be hosted by Nine A/S (https://nine.dk/)The list of speakers is still being finalized and we will update the agenda with talk details ASAP. Agenda:1730 Welcome1745 Developing, testing and distributing beats in a heterogeneous, complex infrastructure (speakers: Jesper Wermuth and […]
1 begivenhed,
Sharpen your sales with 70Ventures
Sharpen your sales with 70Ventures
"Sharpen your approach to sales. With help from 70Ventures we share practices you can test on your business right away.We will run through tools that simply work. We promise that you will leave with a sense of optimism and some new tricks to try out. No matter what your current sales challenge might be.Territory we […]
1 begivenhed,
Global diversity CFP day
Global diversity CFP day
"Have you always wanted to become a tech conference speaker?Let 2020 be the year that you make your dream come true and become a tech conference speaker!Call For Proposals (CFP)Events or conferences looking for speakers start a process called "Call for Proposals". This is an invitation for anyone interested in taking part to submit their […]
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3 begivenheder,
Cloud Secrets: Azure Architecture Day
Cloud Secrets: Azure Architecture Day
"This is a full day event with speakers from various danish companies who use Azure as part of their business, and the idea is to provide insight and inspiration in our work. We are all at various stages on our Cloud journey and for this specific event we thought it would be interesting to focus […]
Cloud Native Nordics Tour January
Cloud Native Nordics Tour January
"Agenda1715 "Building a Bank from Scratch in the Cloud on Kubernetes"1800 Break with food1830 "KUDO - Kubernetes Operators, the easy way"1915 “A Song of Dev and Ops”Talk #1: "Building a Bank from Scratch in the Cloud on Kubernetes"Speaker: Hans Kristian FlaattenTalk #2: "KUDO - Kubernetes Operators, the easy way"Speaker: Nick Jones" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Cloud-Native-Copenhagen/events/267132639/
How to fight crime with VR
How to fight crime with VR
"During this talk the audience will gain insight on how VR will be used within the police authority in the near future and there will be a live demonstration of crime scene visualization using VR. We will also discuss how VR and AR could be used in a few years and which challenges that remain.Speaker: […]
3 begivenheder,
Integrating AI and Automation in Pharmaceutical Research & Development
Integrating AI and Automation in Pharmaceutical Research & Development
"On January 21, 2020, Dr. Klavs F. Jensen, Professor in Chemical Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering, will visit BioInnovation Institute to give an exclusive talk at BII’s ‘Talks at the Square’ event series on how AI and automation has the potential to transform pharma R&D activities.This event will put focus on advances in data […]
Fintech 2020 – Trends, Insights & Foresights from the CPH Fintech Community
Fintech 2020 – Trends, Insights & Foresights from the CPH Fintech Community
"Nytårskur/Fintech 2020 – Trends, Insights & Foresights from the Copenhagen Fintech CommunityWhat a better way to Kickstart 2020 than to join this high class event were not only the Copenhagen Fintech Team will share our insights, views, plans and expectation for the coming year but where we will also invite keynotes from our different stakeholdergroups […]
Januar WordPress Meetup
Januar WordPress Meetup
"Vi holder os til dansk, medmindre der er deltagere, som ikke kan forstå dansk.Det er helt gratis at deltage. Vi holder det i Vesterbro Bibliotek og Kulturhus, en hvis du kan tilbyde et sted at afholde det så kontakt arrangøren.EmnerHvis du har nogle ideer eller selv vil præsentere noget, så skriv det i kommentarerne.Mad/drikkeDer vil […]
7 begivenheder,
Seminar: Smart Growth Strategies for SME FinTechs
Seminar: Smart Growth Strategies for SME FinTechs
Join our breakfast seminar at the Copenhagen FinTech Lab on 22 January 2020 to discover smart growth strategies for your company.According to Harvard Business School, 75% of VC-backed start-ups fail. Of those who do survive, 70% will end up being sold at little or no profit to the founders. It’s a highly competitive market with […]
Real-life Digital Transformation
Real-life Digital Transformation
"Get inspiration on how to digitalize your business from leading Danish companies with real customer cases:Cluedin - Data Integration Platform to make companies data drivenSupwiz - Chatbot and AI Platform for Customer Service and SupportPenneo - Automation of Digital Signing Processes and Compliance Actimo - 360° Employee Engagement PlatformTemplafy - Platform for Business Document CreationForecast - Resource and Project Management SoftwarePeakon - Platform […]
Visual Thinking Copenhagen #7 – hosted by Trustpilot
Visual Thinking Copenhagen #7 – hosted by Trustpilot
"The goal of the meetup is to explore together the world of visual thinking - the different ways to think, solve problems and communicate. When we meet we draw and sketch together, learn new tricks, sharing our knowledge and experience with each other, socialize and meet new people and of course, we have lots of […]
9 begivenheder,
Seminar: Matthias Gallé (NAVER Labs), The best atomic unit to represent text
Seminar: Matthias Gallé (NAVER Labs), The best atomic unit to represent text
"Abstract: What is the best atomic unit to represent text? This important decision lies at the heart of the intersection between the continuous representation of modern NLP and the discrete world. To understand the effectiveness of BPE, we test the hypothesis that it lies in the compression capacity of that algorithm. We test this by […]
Digitaliseringens udfordringer: forstå dine brugere
Digitaliseringens udfordringer: forstå dine brugere
"Får indsigt i en metode til dataindsamling og et konkret eksempel på dataanalyse.Det er efterhånden gået op for mange, at man ikke kan digitalisere sig ud af alt. Hvis ikke man forstår brugernes udfordringer, kan man ikke digitalisere deres adfærd. Men hvordan får man valid indsigt i de problemer, som brugerne oplever i mødet med […]
Where does your revenue really come from?
Where does your revenue really come from?
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” - John Wanamaker (1838-1922).You can’t trust ad platforms; Google, Facebook, Linkedin or some fourth platform to tell you the truth about your ads' effects.You can’t trust search engines; Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, DuckDuckGO to tell you the truth […]
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1 begivenhed,
Time-to-Event Analytics – a journey from classical statistics to probabilistic AI
Time-to-Event Analytics – a journey from classical statistics to probabilistic AI
"Time-to-Event (TtE) Analytics is an especially important concept when performing Survival analysis. The unique aspect of TtE Analytics is the use of the suspensions or right-censored data. Learn all about the application from its early days when a Swedish Mathematician named Waloddi Weibull derived the now famous Weibull Distribution.We will review aspects of this particularly […]
7 begivenheder,
Frukostsamtal med Carolina Ericson, Tic Tac
Frukostsamtal med Carolina Ericson, Tic Tac
"Tillväxt Malmö bjuder in till frukostsamtal med Carolina Ericson, Tic Tac Interactive AB. Carolina är vd och ägare av Tic Tac.Under morgonen får du lära känna Carolina och ta del av hennes personliga karriärsresa. Från framgångsrik anställd till entreprenör och idag även investerare.Tillväxtresan med Tic Tac är också spännande. Tiofaldigad omsättning. Går det att växa […]
Startup Coffee
Startup Coffee
"No tickets, no registration - all you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal event to meet entrepreneurs and others interested in startups, hear about opportunities in the community and exchange experiences over a good cup of coffee. We hope to see you there!" Price: Free Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/645641122865679/
EGGS for Breakfast // Health Tech
EGGS for Breakfast // Health Tech
"EGGS for Breakfast // Health TechKom til vidensdeling og netværkseventen EGGS for Breakfast d. 28. januar kl. 08-10.Her kan du møde Philips’ chef for trends og fremtidsstudier, Claudia Lieshout, der vil fortælle os om, hvorfor det er vigtigt ikke bare at forstå mennesker, men også fremtiden, når der skal designes gode sundhedsløsninger. Det er sværere […]
7 begivenheder,
Meaningful Mornings: Den digitale forbruger 2020
Meaningful Mornings: Den digitale forbruger 2020
"Den Digitale Forbruger - og ITPKom til Meaningful Morning hos Havas og bliv opdateret på det digitale landskab.Vi giver dig et koncentreret tilskud af digitale nøgletal, så du har styr på de mest nødvendige (og et par derudover) for at kunne begå dig inden for den digitale verden i 2020.Baseret på Mobile Life, Social Media […]
Growth Secrets: SEO, Keyword Strategy, and Content Growth-Hacks
Growth Secrets: SEO, Keyword Strategy, and Content Growth-Hacks
"Growth Secrets: SEO, Keyword Strategy, and Content Growth-Hacks. Quick wins, tools, hacks, and more for growth.In the interest in providing more for the Talent Garden Community and Start-ups in Denmark, Taylor Ryan will be showing off some growth-hacks and strategies to help start-ups scale more quickly.This event is part of an event series of Morning […]
KPMG NewTech Latest & Greatest: Invisible Tech
KPMG NewTech Latest & Greatest: Invisible Tech
"Do you know what 'Invisibles' are about? It's the newest technology from MIT that makes some of the wearables discussions seem old-fashioned. With Invisible Tech you can track many of the things you can do with wearables, but with no physical devices attached to the persons you are measuring. Join us and learn!Welcome to the […]
5 begivenheder,
Breakfast Talk: ‘Technology: Opportunities and Challenges’
Breakfast Talk: ‘Technology: Opportunities and Challenges’
"'Technology: opportunities and challenges' featuring Lars Frelle-Petersen and Andreas Wester Juni, hosted by PUBLIC Denmark2020 marks the beginning of a new decade filled with ambition towards transforming the public sector. But how does this ambition accommodate both the potential of data and digitalisation and the need for digital responsibility?To kick off our first Breakfast Talk […]
OWASP local meetup Klaus A.
OWASP local meetup Klaus A.
"Clickshare:Dmitry Janushkevich from F-Secure will talk about major vulnerabilities found in ClickShare. Cable haunt:Researchers (mostly) from Lyrebirds found critical vulnerabilites found in various cable modems. They will talk about what they found and a bit on how. More info at https://cablehaunt.com/.Prior to the meeting it's possible to join #chapters-copenhagen in the OWASP slack (invite link below) and […]
Startup Dojo
Startup Dojo
"There’s never been a better time to get startedDo you have a great business idea but don’t know how to take it to the next level? Come and talk with experienced entrepreneurs at Startup Dojo. Test you ideas, get advice, enhance your pitch, find co-founders and investors, or just be inspired by your fellow entrepreneurs.ObjectiveTo help more people become (successful) […]
2 begivenheder,
Sales Bar #6 | Twentythree, Learningbank & Statum | Talks, Beers & Pizzas
Sales Bar #6 | Twentythree, Learningbank & Statum | Talks, Beers & Pizzas
"We are super excited to invite you for another round of Sales bar.The format will like always be a combination of Friday bar and inspiring talks related to sales. We have some super exciting speakers to tell you about how they created success in their organization.The whole evening is meant to be laid back and […]
Global Game Jam by Univate
Global Game Jam by Univate
"The Global Game Jam® (GGJ) is the world's largest game jam event taking place all around the world at over 860 physical locations in over 113 countries.Join us for a weekend of making, community, learning, inspiration and fun. Everyone is welcome to join in whatever your skill set or level. There is something for everyone […]