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Kalender af Begivenheder

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Ti tirs

O ons

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F fre

L lør

S søn

1 begivenhed,


CPH – Legal Tech Panel Sessions – by Nordic Legal Tech

9 begivenheder,


IT-konference: Data Talks 2019


MyData – vil du selv bestemme over brugen af dine personoplysninger?

3 begivenheder,


An iAngels Investor Breakfast in Copenhagen: AI, Innovation and the Global VC Shakeup


Få styr på GDPR – og undgå bøder i millionklassen


Burgers and Beers – after infosecurity Denmark 2019!

7 begivenheder,


Medical humanities: Contributions, new approaches and future pathways

4 begivenheder,


Let’s shape the future of IoT together


SCUG – May 3 2019

0 begivenheder,

1 begivenhed,


FooCoding: Women – Introduction to a course in web development

5 begivenheder,




SAFe® Meetup PI Planning


Microsoft BUILD Keynote streaming

9 begivenheder,


Meaningful Brands® Talks


Talks at the Square with Zymergen, ‘The New Biological Age: harnessing genetics, automation and machine learning’

4 begivenheder,


Solutions ⇿ Innovation ⇿ Sustainability


How to Penetrate China as a Danish Brand$

6 begivenheder,


3Shape student event: Applied AI in Medtech


Startups <3 Humanister & Jurister

4 begivenheder,


Computational Workshop in Single Cell Data Analysis


The Shape of Things to Come – The Things Network Copenhagen Meetup 2019

0 begivenheder,

0 begivenheder,

0 begivenheder,

7 begivenheder,


Learn from the best: Marie-Louise Bjerg fra Mountain Top Industries


Digital Marketing


SPBG ERFA møde omkring Office 365 og GDPR, opfølgning fra sidste år

5 begivenheder,


Breakfast Session with Experian


Nordic Growth Hackers #14

4 begivenheder,


Hampleton & Kromann Reumert in Copenhagen: Tech M&A in the Nordics


Breakfast Session with DLA Piper


Er der en leder tilstede? Distanceledelse og virtuelt samarbjede

0 begivenheder,

2 begivenheder,

Zero To Kickstart: A Product-Making Experience

3 begivenheder,


Infrastructure Automation with Puppet – DevOps Malmö


Easy peasy massive parallel computing / R at scale on the Google Cloud Platform

10 begivenheder,


Become part of China’s innovation boom


Video Production for entrepreneurs: Tools & Storytelling


Talks at the Square with Frances Arnold, ‘How excellence in science impacts innovation’

12 begivenheder,


Breakfast Session with Experian


Øresund Security Day 2019


Få indblik i de nyeste startups

13 begivenheder,


You Think You Know Your Customer


REFRESH. Day 2. Workshop. Talk & Keynote

8 begivenheder,

REFRESH. Day 3. Workshop. Talk & Keynote

UX Community PARTY


“The Data Driven Future” Workshop. Opportunities for Start-ups and Scale-ups


What If… – Strategic Design & Innovation (Malmö)


REFRESH. Day 3. Workshop. Talk & Keynote

6 begivenheder,


REFRESH. Day 4. Workshops. Talk & Keynote


REFRESH. Day 4. Workshops. Talk & Keynote


REFRESH. Day 4. Workshops. Talk & Keynote

1 begivenhed,


The Wrap-up!

4 begivenheder,


Power BI meeting in Copenhagen


AI Student Expo: Reinforcement Learning


Infrastructure Automation with Puppet – DevOps Malmö

9 begivenheder,


Female Founder Office Hours


Crash-course affärsängelinvestering


Denmark Demo Day

7 begivenheder,


Breakfast Seminar: How to create your data-driven IoT solution


Toppolitisk valgmøde med fokus på iværksætteri og rammevilkår


Copenhagen FinTech’s General Assembly 2019

1 begivenhed,

0 begivenheder,

0 begivenheder,

0 begivenheder,