
Kalender af Begivenheder
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1 begivenhed,
CPH – Legal Tech Panel Sessions – by Nordic Legal Tech
CPH – Legal Tech Panel Sessions – by Nordic Legal Tech
"Our Panel Sessions match legal tech providers and ideas with legal experts and startup people.Tech providers: showcase your product or idea and engage in depth with potential customers and stakeholders.This event is for you if you want to:- gain industry insights- get mentoring and advice- show off your amazing your idea / product- find out how […]
9 begivenheder,
IT-konference: Data Talks 2019
IT-konference: Data Talks 2019
"Learn how companies within Finance and Pension use data in their business and organisation when CluedIn, IDA Design and Innovation and Google invites to this 3rd session of Data Talks.Program0830 Breakfast0900 Welcome to Data Talks - Rikke Hagemann, Google0910 Status of the data year 2019 - Timothy Ward, CluedIn0940 e-nettet - Michael Hald Graversen, e-nettet1010 […]
CluedIn, Google and IDA Present: Data Talks 2019
CluedIn, Google and IDA Present: Data Talks 2019
"Data Talks is an exclusive event where we are joined by speakers from NyKredit, TopDanmark, Nordea, Danske Bank, CluedIn and more as these companies guide the audience through becoming data driven. This event is to answer the questions of "What it is like to be data driven?" and "How can it be achieved?"" Price: Free […]
MyData – vil du selv bestemme over brugen af dine personoplysninger?
MyData – vil du selv bestemme over brugen af dine personoplysninger?
"MyData Danmark inviterer til Info-møde om Mydata. Vi arbejder for personers selvbestemmelse over deres personoplysninger og er med til at skabe næste generation af internettet med mennesket i centrum. Principperne er nedfældet i en fælles deklaration. På dagen vil vi introducere MyData som organisation og fortælle mere om arbejdet. Vi vil præsentere nogle cases med […]
3 begivenheder,
An iAngels Investor Breakfast in Copenhagen: AI, Innovation and the Global VC Shakeup
An iAngels Investor Breakfast in Copenhagen: AI, Innovation and the Global VC Shakeup
"iAngels is pleased to return to Copenhagen for a special event tailored for accredited investors, wealth managers and financial advisors. During the investor breakfast , Shai Bronstein Regev, iAngels VP of Investor Relations, will share some insights about AI, Innovation and the global shake-up of the VC landscape. iAngels was founded in 2014 and is […]
Få styr på GDPR – og undgå bøder i millionklassen
Få styr på GDPR – og undgå bøder i millionklassen
"Få styr på GDPR - og undgå bøder Den 1. maj 2019 om morgenen er der igen fokus på GDPR. Denne gang om hvordan IT løsninger kan hjælpe med at blive og forblive GDPR compliant - samt fokus på GDPR projekternes udfordringer.- Gode råd til GDPR Projekter- Effektiv kortlægning og dokumentation- Administration af personoplysninger- Indføre og […]
Burgers and Beers – after infosecurity Denmark 2019!
Burgers and Beers – after infosecurity Denmark 2019!
"No artificial intelligence, no machine learning, just burgers and beers for those of you that are attending infosecurity Denmark!We welcome all cyber enthusiasts and infosecurity professionals to a networking meetup, held right next to the 2019 infosecurity venue (Øksnehallen) in Copenhagen. We will not be holding any presentations or anything of that sort, just facilitating […]
7 begivenheder,
Medical humanities: Contributions, new approaches and future pathways
Medical humanities: Contributions, new approaches and future pathways
"The Novo Nordisk Foundation offers funding for one-day symposia to be held at the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The objective is to provide leading as well as younger researchers with opportunities to present and discuss the newest research within their fields.SymposiumIn Denmark and abroad we see a growing need for understanding the cultural, social, ethical and personal […]
The Future of Medical Device Software in Europe
The Future of Medical Device Software in Europe
"May 26th, 2020 is the Date of Application for the new EU Medical Device Regulation and it is approaching fast!If you are working with Medical Device Software or health apps, which might later become medical devices under the new EU Medical Device Regulations, you are most likely concerned with the lack of information the EC […]
The Future of HR – Talent Garden Mornings x HRTechX
The Future of HR – Talent Garden Mornings x HRTechX
"With abundant opportunities, the talent pool of today can go anywhere. At this morning session, co-hosted by Talent Garden and HRTechX we ask: How do you move from keeping your employees, to keeping them gloriously happy and - finally - enabling them to be true creative forces within your company?Speakers from Peakon and Visier will […]
4 begivenheder,
Data Driven Business – Elastic & Findwise Morning Seminar
Data Driven Business – Elastic & Findwise Morning Seminar
"Ever wondered how your organisation could benefit from data analysis and use data to actively boost your business?Join Elastic- and Findwise’s morning seminar on the 3rd of May and learn more about how to become more data driven and get insights on how other companies have gotten an easy overview of the huge amounts of […]
Let’s shape the future of IoT together
Let’s shape the future of IoT together
"We're thrilled to launch our new Nordic IoT Accelerator and would like to invite you and other leading players in the IoT ecosystem for an exclusive session on how we can shape the future of IoT together!You will get first-hand insight into our accelerator powered by inQvation & Accelerace including what opportunities are available to […]
SCUG – May 3 2019
SCUG – May 3 2019
"Yeahhaaa another SCUG meeting and you are invited.Agenda:0830 Registration and Coffee0900 Welcome and introduction, Kent Agerlund & Ronni Pedersen0915 What's new in ConfigMgr 1902 and latest TP('s), Kent Agerlund & Ronni Pedersen1015 Networking1030 TBA - trust us, it will be awesome1130 Lunch and Networking1215 How can 1E help you fully manage the your Endpoints in […]
0 begivenheder,
1 begivenhed,
FooCoding: Women – Introduction to a course in web development
FooCoding: Women – Introduction to a course in web development
"This is an intro to FooCoding: for Female Newcomers - How to become a web developer and what it means to create a website.Meet former students at HackYourFuture. Our female mentors will show you how to make a simple webpage. Bring your laptop, if don't have one, you can borrow one).Agenda1100 Meet & Greet1115 Introduction by […]
5 begivenheder,
"Scrum@ScaleI dette Meetup ser vi nærmere på Scrum@Scale – en skaleringsramme der er en direkte videreudvikling af scrum. Scrum@Scale er en af flere skalerede rammer, som større virksomheder kan vælge mellem, når de vil bruge agile metoder.Scrum@scale er en ramme til at skalere fra enkeltstående agile teams til større områder, eller endda hele organisationen. Skaleringen […]
SAFe® Meetup PI Planning
SAFe® Meetup PI Planning
"På dette Meetup skal vi vidensdele omkring PI Planning.Vi får besøg af 4 RTEér, der fortæller om deres erfaringer med PI Planning, i de virksomheder hvor de arbejder.Herefter vil der være paneldebat, så vi kommer godt omkring erfaringer med f.eks. distribuerede teams.Program- Netværke i kantinen og lidt forplejning- Nordea byder velkommen, V. Thomas Hansen (Group […]
Microsoft BUILD Keynote streaming
Microsoft BUILD Keynote streaming
"Join us for an evening of watching the live stream of the Microsoft BUILD keynote May 6th and discussions on what is new and what it means to us (developers / IT-Pros) who use Azure.Microsoft Denmark had been kind of both host and sponsor this meetup, so there will be food and drinks as well […]
9 begivenheder,
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast Malmö – 7th of May @Djäkne
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast Malmö – 7th of May @Djäkne
"It's time for another one of our family style breakfasts in Malmö on the 7th of May at Djäkne! Are you interested in entrepreneurship but not sure how to start? Do you want to know more about the startup scene of Skåne? Or maybe you're just looking to exchange ideas and meet inspiring people in the […]
Meaningful Brands® Talks
Meaningful Brands® Talks
"Havas Danmark - Meaningful Brands® TalksPå globalt plan kunne 77% af alle brands forsvinde - og forbrugerne ville være ligeglade.Det ved vi i Havas fordi, vi har spurgt over 350.000 forbrugere i 31 lande og fulgt 1.800 brands over de sidste 10 år. Det interessante er så, hvordan virksomheder sikrer, at forbrugerne finder deres brand meningsfuldt? […]
Talks at the Square with Zymergen, ‘The New Biological Age: harnessing genetics, automation and machine learning’
Talks at the Square with Zymergen, ‘The New Biological Age: harnessing genetics, automation and machine learning’
"Dr. Zach Serber, Co-Founder, Chief Science Officer and VP of development of San Francisco based Zymergen, will visit BioInnovation Institute to give a talk at the popular event series ‘Talks on the Square’.Dr. Serber will talk about how Zymergen is unlocking the power of biology through technology and share their key learnings from the six-year journey […]
4 begivenheder,
Solutions ⇿ Innovation ⇿ Sustainability
Solutions ⇿ Innovation ⇿ Sustainability
"Meet the SDG Tech Awards 2019 Nominees and learn about innovations that accelerate the SDGs.The Sustainability Caravan visits Sustainary. Sustainary works with identifying solutions, co-creation and joint development of new scalable companies based on future solutions, as well as securing their commercial sustainability. As part of IDA's respond festival, Sustainary is also organising the first […]
How to Penetrate China as a Danish Brand$
How to Penetrate China as a Danish Brand$
"Join Innovation House China-Denmark and Asia House for an insightful afternoon on Chinese Social Media marketing and Cross Border eCommerce (CBEC). Find out how you can build up a Significant online Sale to the Worlds most important e-consumers, with a range of smart tactics. Learn how to leverage Chinese "secondary" social media platforms and funnel […]
PreSeed Academy #11: Build or buy – a strategic approach to AI in startups
PreSeed Academy #11: Build or buy – a strategic approach to AI in startups
"AI in startups from a strategic and organisational point of viewIt almost seems like there is no end to the wonders of AI. But the hype can easily convince you as a founder that AI is the solution to pretty much everything . not least that everyone does it so you also have to. Unfortunately […]
6 begivenheder,
3Shape student event: Applied AI in Medtech
3Shape student event: Applied AI in Medtech
"Machine learning and artificial intelligence are changing the fields of medical devices and medical software in an unprecedented manner by making workflows faster, reducing costs, and improving accuracy.We are happy to welcome students for a cheerful morning including breakfast, networking, and AI talks, all focusing on 3Shape’s research and development of machine learning solutions for dental professionals.The […]
Startups <3 Humanister & Jurister
Startups <3 Humanister & Jurister
"Thinking about an internship? Looking for a student position? Thinking about a thesis with an external partner? Or do you just låve networking?Come and meet a bunch of startups, who would love to collaborate with students from the humanities, law and theology. We'll providee inspirational talks, guides and smoothness. Good student associations will make sure […]
Ship Faster – with Agile Business Intelligence
Ship Faster – with Agile Business Intelligence
"Can your enterprise benefit from Agile to deliver success in BI?Join this event to hear how Maersk BI leveraged Agile to accelerate the delivery of customer insights. Using Agile to speed the delivery of insightNote: Presenters will represent both the business and the IT perspective when addressing the challenges and the benefit of moving to […]
4 begivenheder,
Computational Workshop in Single Cell Data Analysis
Computational Workshop in Single Cell Data Analysis
"The workshop aims to provide an overview of computational methods available for single cell data analysis.Get an overview and discuss pros and cons for various computational methods designed for:- data quality control- embedding and clustering of single cell data- merging multiple single cell datasetsWe'll discuss computational methods that can be used for cataloging cell types in […]
The Shape of Things to Come – The Things Network Copenhagen Meetup 2019
The Shape of Things to Come – The Things Network Copenhagen Meetup 2019
"1400 - 1600 with open networking at ScrollBar1600 - ....It's been some time ... since our 1st Hackathon in 2017 ....Whether you are all new to this, or already part of the community,whether your interest is technical or business or both or something else -We would like to invite you to talks and discussions, about […]
Oplev Membership-området i Symbion startup-miljø
Oplev Membership-området i Symbion startup-miljø
"Do you want to be part of a community of like-minded innovative startups and growth companies? And are you often on the move, so that a flexible work space with the opportunity to work from four different locations distributed around Copenhagen is the best work solution for you?Then come and experience the Membership area with […]
0 begivenheder,
0 begivenheder,
0 begivenheder,
7 begivenheder,
Learn from the best: Marie-Louise Bjerg fra Mountain Top Industries
Learn from the best: Marie-Louise Bjerg fra Mountain Top Industries
"Hør historien bag Mountain Top Industries, der ni år i træk er kåret som Gazelle virksomhed. Hør, hvordan fokus på produktudvikling, kvalitet og effektivitet i alle processer har medvirket til den enorme vækst, som virksomheden oplevede på kun 10 år.Sidste år solgte Marie-Louise og Lars Bjerg aktiemajoriteten af deres ejer-ledede virksomhed til kapitalfonden Axcel – […]
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing
"Vil du have større effekt af din digitale marketingindsats? På seminaret om digital markedsføring får du indblik i, hvordan du med det rigtige mix af digitale platforme, relevant kommunikation og den mest effektive timing, sikrer en systematisk bearbejdning af dine kunder og potentielle kunder, indtil de føler sig klar til at købe. Du vil være […]
SPBG ERFA møde omkring Office 365 og GDPR, opfølgning fra sidste år
SPBG ERFA møde omkring Office 365 og GDPR, opfølgning fra sidste år
"Kom til gratis SPOUG halvdags arrangement omkring Office 365 og GDPR, Tirsdag den 14. maj. Vi har inviteret Ole Kjeldsen fra Microsoft samt to kunder der fortæller deres erfaringer omkring Office 365 og GDPR. Ole vil give en opdatering for det seneste årstid og hvad som sker fremadrettet på Office 365 og lovgivningen. Det første […]
5 begivenheder,
Breakfast Session with Experian
Breakfast Session with Experian
"Meet Experian and get inspired - Breakfast SessionHave a croissant with Experian and learn how you can leverage the data possibilities using Experian’s technology, innovation and know-how. Get insight into Experian’s ongoing collaboration with Fintech startups and how our data driven approach is driving our innovation in all aspects of our business across our product […]
Nordic Growth Hackers #14
Nordic Growth Hackers #14
"NGH#14 – Presented by SimpleSite:Are you growing a business? Do you want to share knowledge with the best brains in the industry? And do you want to contribute to the growth of Nordic startups? Nordic Growth Hackers #14 brings you a handful of experienced entrepreneurs who will present their best growth hacks, so stay tuned […]
ProductTank Copenhagen – World Product Day (@Maersk)
ProductTank Copenhagen – World Product Day (@Maersk)
"ProductTank Copenhagen will visit Maersk on World Product Day (which basically just means a lot of ProductTanks happen at the same time). The theme will be Marty Cagan / Silicon Valley learnings and a panel discussion of roadmaps. You will have the opportunity to meet up with well-known and new product managers, and learn about […]
4 begivenheder,
Hampleton & Kromann Reumert in Copenhagen: Tech M&A in the Nordics
Hampleton & Kromann Reumert in Copenhagen: Tech M&A in the Nordics
"What opportunities do 2019 hold for your company in Copenhagen and the Nordics?Are you thinking about selling your company, but don’t know how?Is your company growing at a rapid rate and you don't know what's in store next?Are you driving a successful, fast-growing business that needs to acquire the best tech, maintain your competitive edge, […]
Breakfast Session with DLA Piper
Breakfast Session with DLA Piper
"Incentive programs Incentive programs are used to retain and motivate employees in a company by giving the employees an opportunity to obtain part of the value creation and potentially also to become co-owners of the company.The session will have focus on employment, tax and corporate law questions in connection with establishment and utilization of incentive […]
Er der en leder tilstede? Distanceledelse og virtuelt samarbjede
Er der en leder tilstede? Distanceledelse og virtuelt samarbjede
"– sådan gør du afstandene kortere og sikrer effektivitet på tværs af arbejdsstederNutidens ledere og projektledere forventes at være nærværende og tæt på deres medarbejdere. Ikke kun for at lede opgaveløsningen, men for at udvikle og motivere sine folk, samt sikre fælles retning og alignment. Dette er kun blevet vigtigere i de seneste år, hvor […]
0 begivenheder,
2 begivenheder,
Zero To Kickstart: A Product-Making Experience
"Your product in a week. Ready to make it happen?What is ZTK?Zero To Kickstart is an event for creative people, designers and makers who want to test their skills and prototype their ideas. The goal is for you to launch a simple Kickstarter campaign in one week.The event starts on Saturday, 18th of May. In […]
Nordic iGEM Conference – Sustainable Development Hackathon
Nordic iGEM Conference – Sustainable Development Hackathon
"Have you ever wondered what you could do to help tackle some of the challenges of our times? Come and join REBBLS to see how you could use your skills and capabilities to help us reach the sustaible development goals and take action on our future.As part of the Nordic iGEM Conference: REBBLS have teamed up […]
1 begivenhed,
3 begivenheder,
Infrastructure Automation with Puppet – DevOps Malmö
Infrastructure Automation with Puppet – DevOps Malmö
"Puppet's latest set of open source tools enables both an agentless task-based approach, as well as agent-based declarative approach to infrastructure automation. This session introduces you to Puppet Bolt, Puppet Server and Puppet Enterprise. Learn how to start automating the provisioning, deployment, configuration and compliance enforcement of your IT infrastructure. The session covers automating at the […]
Easy peasy massive parallel computing / R at scale on the Google Cloud Platform
Easy peasy massive parallel computing / R at scale on the Google Cloud Platform
Two exciting talks: Easy peasy massive parallel computing in Rby Mikkel KrogsholmWouldn’t it be nice to be able to write simple R-code that very simply scales to massive parallel computing?The future and the furrr package in R provides a framework that makes it possible for you to write code, that works seamlessly on your laptop […]
10 begivenheder,
Become part of China’s innovation boom
Become part of China’s innovation boom
"Are you an SME or a startup looking East for new growth opportunities? Come join us for a breakfast seminar on prospects and hands-on advice about the world’s soon-to-be largest market for innovative solutions. China’s focus on entrepreneursChina has launched a serious attempt to become the world’s powerhouse for innovation. The development of advanced technologies […]
Video Production for entrepreneurs: Tools & Storytelling
Video Production for entrepreneurs: Tools & Storytelling
"Are you struggling with making quality video content about your product or service? Would you like to learn how to easily create your own videos for your social media?Join our free workshop and learn more about creating quality videos with your phone and camera. Videographer Elena Belevantseva will share her best tips and creative techniques […]
Talks at the Square with Frances Arnold, ‘How excellence in science impacts innovation’
Talks at the Square with Frances Arnold, ‘How excellence in science impacts innovation’
"Dr. Frances Arnold, Nobel Prize Winner and Linus Pauling Professor at Caltech, will visit BioInnovation Institute at the popular event series ‘Talks at the Square’. At the event, you can experience an exciting discussion between BioInnovation Institute’s CEO, Jens Nielsen and Dr. Arnold about how excellence in science impacts innovation. They will touch upon topics like […]
12 begivenheder,
Breakfast Session with Experian
Breakfast Session with Experian
"Meet Experian and get inspired - Breakfast SessionHave a croissant with Experian and learn how you can leverage the data possibilities using Experian’s technology, innovation and know-how. Get insight into Experian’s ongoing collaboration with Fintech startups and how our data driven approach is driving our innovation in all aspects of our business across our product […]
Øresund Security Day 2019
Øresund Security Day 2019
"The objective of the Øresund Security Day is to increase the scientific interaction in security in the Øresund region. The workshop will provide a platform for exchange of ideas, discussion and co-operation among the research groups that focus on security in the Øresund area. It will provide the opportunity to meet one another, create an […]
Få indblik i de nyeste startups
Få indblik i de nyeste startups
"Du hjælper en virksomhed med at øge chance for at skabe et profitabelt og interessant produkt.Som såkaldt ’beta-tester’ får du adgang til prototyper og MVP’er af helt nye startup produkter i København. Ved at blive inviteret med i produktudviklingsfasen får du mulighed for at give virksomheden dybdegående sparring og feedback på konkrete problemstillinger. Djøf BetaTester […]
13 begivenheder,
You Think You Know Your Customer
You Think You Know Your Customer
"We look at the new school of customer experience and explore: If you should add one additional touchpoint with your customers, what should it look like? To keep the fans you got and attract new ones. We examine companies that have revitalized their customer experiences, but stayed true to themselves. Add something meaningful through every […]
Skåne Innovation Week: See AI in Practice
Skåne Innovation Week: See AI in Practice
"How to get started with AI and identify the perfect use case. Pitch: Are you wondering when AI should and when AI shouldn’t be considered as a solution? What AI can do for you? Let us help you by explaining how to start the process. Content:– What is AI today and what to expect in […]
REFRESH. Day 2. Workshop. Talk & Keynote
REFRESH. Day 2. Workshop. Talk & Keynote
Workshop10.00 to 14.00: Workshop by Studio ilioParticipants will produce small objects with Fabio Hendry's Hot-Wire-Extensions-technique during the workshop. REFRESH (May 22 – 25, 2019) explores the future of design through talks, workshops and an exhibition, where designers, artists, researchers and industry professionals at the intersection of Arts – Design – Technology from Zurich and Copenhagen will share their […]
8 begivenheder,
REFRESH. Day 3. Workshop. Talk & Keynote
"Talk & Keynote17.00 to 18.30: Talk by Panter&Tourron & Keynote by Andreas RefsgaardBackground: How can other disciplines help, support and encourage us to anticipate future needs and responsibilities for design? How can designers claim and maintain their position in the future, and how will technology influence their creative processes?REFRESH (May 22 – 25, 2019) explores the […]
UX Community PARTY
"Would you like to party with your UX peers? Then join us Friday the 24th at Condesa!Have a cocktail (unfortunately on your own expense) and let us have a BLAST :DNo NO-show-fee, no nothing, just come, bring your friends and lets unwind :D" Price: Free Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ux-community-party-tickets-61928431606?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
“The Data Driven Future” Workshop. Opportunities for Start-ups and Scale-ups
“The Data Driven Future” Workshop. Opportunities for Start-ups and Scale-ups
"Start-ups / Scale-ups – the key to success is data.Learn what and how data can generate opportunities and how to navigate in Denmark and Globally.Case story: UserTribe– already 650+ customers.Program:0800 Welcome by BenedicteVon Wildenrath and Anastasia Løvgreen, Co-founders of CBS Start-up Hub0805 Introduction of program and speakers by Sandeep Sander, Project Coordinator InnoVisionDenmark0815 “The Data Driven Future”, Key Note presentation by ShomitGhose, Associated […]
What If… – Strategic Design & Innovation (Malmö)
What If… – Strategic Design & Innovation (Malmö)
"Start the day with breakfast and learn more about strategic design and how it can be used to create innovative products, differentiate your market offer and add value to your customers.What if… is an excellent phrase for opening up new perspectives!Industrial designer Marie Nilsson from Öresund Strategy & Design talks about how you can shift […]
REFRESH. Day 3. Workshop. Talk & Keynote
REFRESH. Day 3. Workshop. Talk & Keynote
Workshop10.00 to 14.00: Workshop by Yasaman SheriIn this workshop, participants will engage in tracking, picture making and recording on «The Great Smell Walk of Meat Packing». In groups, they will have the opportunity to explore new vocabulary, finding new forms of representation and communication in olfaction. Through hands on exercises, they will engage in prototyping […]
6 begivenheder,
REFRESH. Day 4. Workshops. Talk & Keynote
REFRESH. Day 4. Workshops. Talk & Keynote
"Workshops10.00 to 14.00: Workshop by Luke Franzke & Joel GähwilerThis workshop provides hands-on insight into the fields of Physical Computing and Responsive Environments. A brief kick-off lecture is followed by an extensive experiment, in which the participants are tasked with building an interactive responsive architecture at a 1 to 1 scale using our mechatronic tool-kit […]
REFRESH. Day 4. Workshops. Talk & Keynote
REFRESH. Day 4. Workshops. Talk & Keynote
"14.00 to 16.00: Workshop Kids & Teens by Patrik Ferrarelli & Larissa HolaschkeWith analogue tools such as coloured pencils, paper and Post-its the participants design their own 8bit-superhero*ins. Background: How can other disciplines help, support and encourage us to anticipate future needs and responsibilities for design? How can designers claim and maintain their position in […]
REFRESH. Day 4. Workshops. Talk & Keynote
REFRESH. Day 4. Workshops. Talk & Keynote
"17.00 to 17.30: Talk by Playables & Keynote Yasaman Sheri Background: How can other disciplines help, support and encourage us to anticipate future needs and responsibilities for design? How can designers claim and maintain their position in the future, and how will technology influence their creative processes?REFRESH (May 22 – 25, 2019) explores the future of […]
1 begivenhed,
The Wrap-up!
The Wrap-up!
"Welcome to THE WRAP-UP! Game Habitat invites you all to our POST-NORDIC GAME AND CREATIVE COAST WRAP-UP session presented by Elie Abraham with guest speaker Niklas Mikkelsen, organiser for this year's Creative Coast Festival to share his best takeaways and highlights.Come and relax with us over a lovely Sunday Brunch with wraps (of course it is a wrap-up!), […]
4 begivenheder,
Power BI meeting in Copenhagen
Power BI meeting in Copenhagen
"Ready, steady, GO! Once again we will do something extraordinary. This time we will not just have 2 or 3 sessions - but 6! Yes, we will have six different sessions split on two tracks. Biggest meeting so far! Each session will be 45 minutes.Introduction to PowerApps – “You really don’t need involve SharePoint in […]
AI Student Expo: Reinforcement Learning
AI Student Expo: Reinforcement Learning
"There’s something magical about Reinforcement Learning (RL). You may have noticed that computers can now automatically learn to play ATARI games (from raw game pixels!), they are beating world champions at DOTA and robots are learning how to perform complex manipulation tasks that defy explicit programming.At DTU Skylab May 27th, 17:00-21:00 we will guide you […]
Open Banking Meetup with Tink
Open Banking Meetup with Tink
"We invited Tink to join us for a talk about the possibilities of open banking. Based on their experience working with customers like Klarna, Lunar Way and Mash, Tink will share insights on how banks and tech start ups alike can use financial data to transform their businesses - including a live case with one […]
9 begivenheder,
Female Founder Office Hours
Female Founder Office Hours
"In Denmark, only 8% of VC fundung goes to startups with female founders.To address the funding discrepancy, we wish to gather female founders based in Denmark and female investors from all over the world.Our purpose is to facilitate a setting in which founders and investors can discuss openly the challenges entrepreneurs face, in particular when […]
Crash-course affärsängelinvestering
Crash-course affärsängelinvestering
"Välkomna till en kort introduktion till att investera i startups och hur man blir affärsängel!Startups är tidiga innovativa bolag med stora ambitioner och stor potential. De ser världen på ett nytt sätt och löser problem med teknologi och andra infallsvinklar. För att dessa bolag skall lyckas behöver de finansiering. Affärsänglar, privatpersoner som kan investera en […]
Denmark Demo Day
Denmark Demo Day
"Denmark Demo Day will gather 150 of the best and brightest young investors from international and local top-tier VC firms and leading local business angels to provide a platform for them to connect.The event will also showcase the 20 most exciting up-and-coming Danish tech startups on the big stage, as well as have 20 more […]
7 begivenheder,
Breakfast Seminar: How to create your data-driven IoT solution
Breakfast Seminar: How to create your data-driven IoT solution
"Join us for our breakfast seminar focused on IoT!Solita IoT Alliance lets you build modular solutions with ready-made and tested services and devices; you’ll get a quick start and more value for your business without losing your earlier investments. This event is for organizations that are looking to leverage IoT and people working in IT […]
Toppolitisk valgmøde med fokus på iværksætteri og rammevilkår
Toppolitisk valgmøde med fokus på iværksætteri og rammevilkår
"Der er fuld fart på valgkampen, hvor der bliver diskuteret klima, velfærd, integration, skatteniveau og meget mere. Men hvad med iværksætteri? Der skal trods alt også penge ind i statskassen for at skabe et velafbalanceret samfund, hvor blandt andet start-ups spiller en væsentlig rolle ☝️ Dette vil vi gerne være med til at sætte ekstra […]
Copenhagen FinTech’s General Assembly 2019
Copenhagen FinTech’s General Assembly 2019
"Deadline for proposals to be discussed on the General Assembly is May 1st. Please send your proposal to Mads S. Tingsgård at mst@copenhagenfintech.dk.Program1400 General Assembly (members only)1500 Registration & Coffee1530 Annual Meeting 20191630 Drinks & NetworkingMore detailed agenda for the General Assembly will be sent out to registered participants no later than 2 weeks before […]
1 begivenhed,
Open Source Show and Tell – Malmö C++ User Group
Open Source Show and Tell – Malmö C++ User Group
"Open Source software is at the core of what makes the world go around, and we use many in our day to day lives, we might have made some ourselves. Join us in a Show and Tell of our favorite C/C++ libraries.Agenda:1730 Meet & Greet1745 Presentation1830 Meet & Eat1900 Discussions You can submit an Open Source C/C++ […]