
Kalender af Begivenheder
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7 begivenheder,
Scrum Day 2018
Scrum Day 2018
"Welcome to our next Scrum Day Denmark event! This event will be our largest event so far - more than 200 attendees and several international speakers. And as always, it is free to attend! We are proud to announce a packed-to-the-brim agenda with keynotes, presentation, Open Space discussions and networking. 0830 Breakfast & networking 0900 Welcome […]
Benefits of an Agile Future – Democratizing modern technology for strategy
Benefits of an Agile Future – Democratizing modern technology for strategy
"Experience the near and long term, future way of working.Accelerated innovation is on the way of democratizing artificial intelligence for businesses around the world to grow business agility, future thinking, and effective strategy execution Join us on May 28th, to learn more about how and why modern technology transforms PPM and modernizes work management in the […]
The Game Industry in Southern Sweden
The Game Industry in Southern Sweden
"Join us at STUDIO Malmö on the 28 May to gain a better understanding of the Games Industry in southern Sweden and of investments in Swedish Games companies at this event organised by Game Habitat. After the talk, we invite all attendees to a network mingle with drinks and light food. Southern Sweden has in recent years become […]
6 begivenheder,
AI Breakfast @ The Ground
AI Breakfast @ The Ground
"Hello people! You know the deal, drop by the Ground for a delicious AI breakfast, come argue about the ethics of self-driving cars, differences between real and artificial brains or anything else that is currently occupying your non-AI! Join us.Come mingle with other AI enthusiasts, share your favourite papers/news, and connect problems with solutions over […]
Copenhagen Hardware Alliance Meetup #3
Copenhagen Hardware Alliance Meetup #3
"You are hereby invited to the third Copenhagen Hardware Meetup, this time focusing on CHINA and co-hosted by Innovation House China Denmark.Get ready to learn more and exchange knowledge about how to produce in- and export hardware products to China.We will start with info on the latest insights from China with relevance for the hardware […]
CoderDojo – Alla kan koda, en introduktion i Scratch för vuxna
CoderDojo – Alla kan koda, en introduktion i Scratch för vuxna
"Var med på en introduktionskurs i Scratch och lär dig grunderna i programmering. Mer information kommer." Price: Free Event Language: Swedish Link: http://www.foocafe.org/malmoe/events/1814-alla-kan-koda-en-introduktion-i-scratch-for-vuxna
6 begivenheder,
Startup Live!
Startup Live!
A great place to meet the Malmö startup scene."Startup Live! is the night we gather the whole startup family to tell stories, celebrate with each other and find new ways to work together. Whether you're a new or experienced entrepreneur, investor, community builder, creative, techie, student or employee from a startup or a large company, or you are just […]
Meet Nir Mashkowski, Azure Functions, App Service – Skåne Azure User Group
Meet Nir Mashkowski, Azure Functions, App Service – Skåne Azure User Group
"We are honored to have Nir Mashkowski from Microsoft visiting us. Nir is the Director of Program Management for the Azure Functions and Azure App Service team. Nir has been working on Azure PaaS for the last five years and on Web technologies since the late 90s.His team built the Azure Websites service and later […]
1 begivenhed,
Startup Dojo – by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs
Startup Dojo – by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs
"There’s never been a better time to get startedDo you have a great business idea but don’t know how to take it to the next level?Come and talk with experienced entrepreneurs at Startup Dojo! Test your ideas, get advice, enhance your pitch, find co-founders and investors, or just be inspired by your fellow-entrepreneurs.ObjectiveTo help more […]
2 begivenheder,
Rails Girls Beginners Workshop with It University cph
"You are working side by side software engineers every day, and want to be able to understand better what it is they do? Your spouse is a web developer and you were always curious about it yourself? Your kids are building their own IPhone apps and you want to keep up?The IT University of Copenhagen, […]
Top 50 startups in the region
Top 50 startups in the region
"During the “Top 50 Startups” breakfast seminarium Karsten Deppert, the founder of Øresund Startups, will talk about the most prominent startups, entrepreneurs and investors in Southern Sweden the region. A great way to get an overview what is happening. Event will be held in English and is organized as a part of Skåne Innovation Week." […]
1 begivenhed,
0 begivenheder,
4 begivenheder,
WWDC 2018 Streaming Event
WWDC 2018 Streaming Event
"On Monday, the 4th of June, Apple will stream the Keynote from their annual WWDC Conference. At Trifork, we want to offer you the chance of seeing this cool event in a great setting, with other like-minded nerds! At the event, we will provide food and drinks throughout the evening. The Keynote itself will be […]
Closing the Gaps with DevOps – DevOps Skåne
Closing the Gaps with DevOps – DevOps Skåne
"When we strive to move an organization, team or any group of people towards a DevOps culture, one big focus area is reducing feedback loops. It is both technical loops, like how we test changes to features, but also reducing paths for communication and unwanted noise.For this meetup we will take a look at an […]
WWDC 2018 Keynote and Barbecue
WWDC 2018 Keynote and Barbecue
"Following many years tradion, Shape will celebrate the progress in iOS development on the day of the WWDC keynote. Join us and watch the livestream of Apple's WWDC 2018 keynote. We will be serving drinks and as always, Slagter Lund will treat us to his assortment of sausages from the grill." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/CopenhagenCocoa/events/250608567/
3 begivenheder,
SN developer Sweden meetup in Malmö
SN developer Sweden meetup in Malmö
"Let's get together in Malmö after work to discuss and share experiences, ideas and codes on the Now Platform. This is a great opportunity to network and collaborate with like-minded professionals to expand your skill sets. Developer-oriented technical content, food and drinks will be flowing. There might also be a treat for interactive attendees :-) […]
Event Sourcing in Ruby using Sandthorn – Malmö.rb
Event Sourcing in Ruby using Sandthorn – Malmö.rb
"Social: You and your hopes for the summerAny projects you plan to work on?Anything you hope someone else will be working on?New things you want to test and learn?What interesting thing would you like to see in Malmö.rb community after summer?What has been the best parts of Malmö.rb so far?What should we do more of?What […]
What is Data Science and what tools are there? – Hands On Data Science
What is Data Science and what tools are there? – Hands On Data Science
"Are you ready to apply your data science and machine learning skills to read world challenges? Are you interested in collaborating and sharing knowledge with similar minded people?Of course you are!Hands-on Data Science is a collaborative community in which its members regularly meetup and actively work together on real datasets from companies. The process provides opportunities […]
6 begivenheder,
Future of Work & Education – Augmented by Technology – #ICDK18
Future of Work & Education – Augmented by Technology – #ICDK18
"Digitisation, platforms and automation are changing the nature of work. Explore how technologies and transnational drivers will affect the workplace, the future workforce and the future of education.ProgramTrack 1 - Generation Freelance - The impact of a changing work culture, digitalisation and platforms.Track 2 - The Digital Now - How do we leverage digitalisation, up-skill organisations and increase innovation capability?Track […]
Hardware Meetup: Energy Harvesting and Product Data Mangement
Hardware Meetup: Energy Harvesting and Product Data Mangement
"1600 Welcome1605 Energy Harvesting: What does it take to generate 1mW with each of the available methods by Dushan Vuckovic from Idemo Lab part of Force Technology 1645 Break1700 Product Data Management: Hands-on example of how a PDM system helps us at Sensitivus by Rolf Østergaard CEO and founder of Sensitivus Gauge1730 Networking. Sandwich + […]
Mapping the Job to be Done
Mapping the Job to be Done
"#JTBD·CPH — Meetup #3 PROGRAM1720 - JTBD @ Falcon.io Jaap Gerritsen, Head of Product Strategy at Falcon, will share a bit on how they work with JTBD across the organisation.1740 - Recap from last meetup: Switch Interviews A quick primer on JTBD, for any newcomers to the group, and then a brief recap of our […]
7 begivenheder,
The state of AI and the need for AI law and ethics
The state of AI and the need for AI law and ethics
"The development of AI is going fast and gathers both positive and negative media attention, which create a rising global concern on what the future of AI looks like. The examples spans wide from Go-playing AI, self-driving cars and back flipping robots to fear of mass surveillance and drones used in war.But what is the […]
Open Pitch at StartupLabs
Open Pitch at StartupLabs
"Don't miss the chance to get feedback on your pitch from some of the region's best business developers. There's room for five pitches in every edition. First come, first served.You will have the opportunity to pitch your business idea, your investor pitch or your sales pitch and get feedback from a panel of experts composed […]
Robots, ethics and news in the world of data
Robots, ethics and news in the world of data
"How can we handle data in a more ethical way, and can we improve our newsfeed with robots crawling through online data?We have invited Kenneth and Thomas from Priam to come and have a talk on the subject. Priam is behind a new project that may solve some of those issues regarding fake news and […]
0 begivenheder,
1 begivenhed,
Start-Up Business Innovation Hackathon – Vol. 2
Start-Up Business Innovation Hackathon – Vol. 2
"Sign up: https://goo.gl/forms/vy41KeLctNnVlhHo2Want hands-on experience in the start-up space and connect with smart, passionate founders?Show your business development skills and make magic happen in a thriving entrepreneurial environment.Benefits:• Hands-on business development experience• Network opportunities with startups • Rapid learning about business ideation tools• Food and drink provided Outline:• Timeframe: 10AM – 4PM• 5 Startups with concrete business challenges• […]
0 begivenheder,
6 begivenheder,
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Monday June 11th
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Monday June 11th
"Join us for the last family-style breakfast at Minc before we take a break over the summer!Coffee and mingle from 7.30 am, breakfast at 8 and then you're ready and energized for work by 9Speaker to be announced!This Malmö Startups event is organised in collaboration with Minc Malmö, Innovation Skåne and the European Union Regional […]
The Ultimate C# meetup with Mads Torgersen and Jon Skeet
The Ultimate C# meetup with Mads Torgersen and Jon Skeet
"Jon and Mads are both hopelessly caught up in C#, and it seems to be all they ever talk about. (Well, and dates, but not in the interesting sense.) What’s happening with C#, and where should it go? Come and join the conversation!Join us for the the Ultimate C# meetup with the primary language designer […]
Rails Girls Copenhagen – Project Group
Rails Girls Copenhagen – Project Group
"There are learners and mentors. The mentors can help out with questions." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Rails-Girls-Copenhagen/events/250406148/
6 begivenheder,
How Can Startups Embrace Influencer Marketing?
How Can Startups Embrace Influencer Marketing?
"Embracing influencer marketing is a great way for startups to get their message heard. The good news is working with influencers doesn’t have to swallow the entire budget. You can even start from zero and invest more as your business grows. This talk guides you through the latest trends in Influencer marketing, show what it […]
Masters of AI and Machine Learning 2018 (by Bilagscan)
Masters of AI and Machine Learning 2018 (by Bilagscan)
"We’ll get together and discuss what’s new in AI and machine learning, we’ll get access to a few pretty extraordinary brains and lastly, but definitely not least, we’ll enjoy some cheesy pizza and cold beer. Join us for an awesome afternoon!" Price: Free Link: http://aiml2018.dk/
Kvinder der Styrker 2018
Kvinder der Styrker 2018
"Vidste du, at tech-branchen har stort fokus på at få flere kvinder ind i virksomhederne? Og savner du selv inspiration til nye muligheder for din karriere? Så deltag i konferencen ”Kvinder der Styrker” den 12. juni 2018, hvor emnet er ”Diversity in Tech”, og IDA indbyder til en aften med fokus på teknologi, kvinder og […]
8 begivenheder,
Everything Windows User Group Meeting, June 2018
Everything Windows User Group Meeting, June 2018
"We are excited to announce our "1806" event and we are looking forward to welcome you to meet with fellow IT Pros and peers.We have some great speakers and sessions lined up. Get the date in your calendar, and book you ticket for a full day of great sessions. Your experiences, idea, and great solutions […]
Preseed Academy. Founders and teams – how to get the right mix for your startup
Preseed Academy. Founders and teams – how to get the right mix for your startup
"How do I set the right team for my startup journey?Ask any serial entrepreneur what the most important element is for a startup to succeed, and they will most likely talk about having the right people on the team. Ask any investor what they are looking for in a startup, and they will most likely talk […]
Scaling Agile and Having Fun in a Highly Regulated Industry
Scaling Agile and Having Fun in a Highly Regulated Industry
"Tonight’s speakers are Thomas Clemen Støvelbæk from 3Shape and Jens Østergaard founder of House of Scrum. Program• 17:00 Doors open• 17:15 Welcome by 3Shape and GOTO CPH• 17:30 Thomas Clemen Støvelbæk: Staying agile and having fun in a highly regulated industry• 18:00 Food, drinks, networking, and hands-on experience with 3Shape products• 18:45 Jens Østergaard: Scrum@Scale• […]
6 begivenheder,
Breakfast Brief – News from tech giants: Google and Apple.
Breakfast Brief – News from tech giants: Google and Apple.
"Curious about what the tech giants Google and Apple are up to?We have sent Jaywayers to Google I/O and will be at Apple's WWDC to find out what the next big thing is!Join us for a breakfast brief on the latest tech innovations where we will share our experience on what the future of tech will bring.The seats are […]
Gå-hjem-møde: Automatisér din virksomhed
Gå-hjem-møde: Automatisér din virksomhed
"Automatisering er det nye sort - og med god grund. Virksomheder som gentænker og automatiserer processer, kan eliminere spildte timer og få mere fokuserede medarbejdere.Alle virksomheder fra start-ups, til mellem- og enterprise-størrelsen, kan have brug for at optimere hverdagens processer. Kom med til gå-hjem-møde, hvor du kan få masser af inspiration til at automatisere flere processer […]
CPH Female Entrepreneurs – Co-working afternoon for creatives
CPH Female Entrepreneurs – Co-working afternoon for creatives
3 Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Female-Entrepreneurs/events/251529038/
1 begivenhed,
Techstars Startup Weekend Copenhagen Fintech #CPHSW
These are SO much fun..."Techstars Startup Weekends are 54-hour events designed to provide superior experiential education for technical and non-technical entrepreneurs. Beginning with Friday night pitches and continuing through brainstorming, business plan development, and basic prototype creation, Techstars Startup Weekends culminate in Sunday night demos and presentations.Participants create working startups during the event and are able […]
2 begivenheder,
Global DevOps Bootcamp 2018 @ Copenhagen
Global DevOps Bootcamp 2018 @ Copenhagen
"Global DevOps Bootcamp is a global event that will be held on Saturday June 16th and is all about DevOps on the Microsoft Stack. Centrally organized by Xpirit and Solidify and offered to you by this local partner. During this 1-day event we will join (Microsoft) DevOps communities all around the world to talk, learn […]
1 begivenhed,
1 begivenhed,
Copenhagen Fintech Week Regulation Day
Copenhagen Fintech Week Regulation Day
"On June 18, we will kick off Copenhagen Fintech Week with a joint conference together with Copenhagen Business School with a focus on regulation and digitalization in fintech." Price: €50 Link: https://cphfintechweek.com/pages/buy-tickets/
6 begivenheder,
Introduction to Docker for Developers
Introduction to Docker for Developers
"Get an introduction to Docker and what it is and meet other friendly developers in the community that are new to docker. We are really thankful to have Cloudflare sponsoring the meetup! 1700 Doors open1730 Welcome1735 Introduction to Docker- What is Docker?- What can I use it for?- How do I use it for development?1810 […]
Java10 – Bridging the Gap Between Database & Stream – JavaForum
Java10 – Bridging the Gap Between Database & Stream – JavaForum
"Whenever you write code that mixes languages and domains, such as Java and SQL, you are going to get bugs. A solution is to move away from query languages such as SQL and instead write your business logic with the type-safe and object-oriented constructs we have learned to love in Java, such as streams, predicates, […]
Whispr AI and guiding workers by voice: helpful or mind control?
Whispr AI and guiding workers by voice: helpful or mind control?
"Come and learn about Whispr.AI at Founders. Whispr is a contextually aware "learn while doing" platform that aims to boost memory and accuracy rates for learning new tasks. Whispr works hands-free delivering content through a small hearable and listens to questions from users while learning a new task. Whispr.AI is founded by entrepreneur Keith Saft. […]
8 begivenheder,
CoDe Café in Allerød – all day gathering
CoDe Café in Allerød – all day gathering
"Bring your laptop! We will be hacking code.It's free to attend, Breakfast, coffee during the day, dinner in the evening. It's all taken care of.Program0830 Doors open, come anytime, we'll have coffee an buns1000 Program start - we will organize in pairs or groups and work for a couple of hours on a topic, then […]
Life sciences entrepreneurship in Denmark: What does it take to make it?
Life sciences entrepreneurship in Denmark: What does it take to make it?
"The road from birth to growth and success of life sciences start-ups is delicate and filled with challenges. Focusing on what it takes to make it, this post-workday meeting looks at life sciences entrepreneurship from different angles: Danish and international investors and companies at the beginning and at the end of the start-up process.BioInnovation Institute, […]
Life sciences entrepreneurship in Denmark: What does it take to make it?
Life sciences entrepreneurship in Denmark: What does it take to make it?
"The road from birth to growth and success of life sciences start-ups is delicate and filled with challenges. Focusing on what it takes to make it, this post-workday meeting looks at life sciences entrepreneurship from different angles: Danish and international investors and companies at the beginning and at the end of the start-up process.BioInnovation Institute, […]
6 begivenheder,
Copenhagen Fintech Week Demo Day
Copenhagen Fintech Week Demo Day
"Demo Day" Price: Free Link: https://cphfintechweek.com/pages/buy-tickets/
Startup Programme: Grill & Chill
Startup Programme: Grill & Chill
"Join us for drinks in the sun, where we chill and grill together with other student entrepreneurs, mentors and partners of the startup programme. Before the summer vacation starts, this is our chance to close down our study books and see what are others working on. If you are also interested in finding student co-founders, […]
Fintechgration | 7×7 Pitch Event by CMP – Capital Markets FinTech
Fintechgration | 7×7 Pitch Event by CMP – Capital Markets FinTech
"CMP would like to invite all capital markets enthusiasts to an exciting afternoon to kick-off our new fintech initiative – FINTECHGRATION.The event will mark the first steps toward new and exciting business oportunities among promising startups and established actors that can benefit from each other's knowledge, innovative thinking, and expertise in the capital markets area. Selected startups […]
2 begivenheder,
From idea to app – do’s and don’ts when going from idea to app
From idea to app – do’s and don’ts when going from idea to app
"Do you have an app-idea? Are you working on your app right now or do you have an interest in mobile and app development?Join us for this app development meetup where you can:1) hear the expert, Christian Nielsen, from Nodes share his most important do's and don't in the process from idea to final app2) […]
National Startup Competition 2018 – Award Show
National Startup Competition 2018 – Award Show
"The National Startup Competition (NSC) constitutes along with the Idea Competition the two national competitions at Venture Cup, which each is held once a year.To participate in the competitions, at least one of the team members in the participating startups must be affiliated with a Danish university, which is the only requirement. This year’s competition […]
1 begivenhed,
Big Data Denmark – deep learning meetup
Big Data Denmark – deep learning meetup
"We will continue paying with MobileNets from the last time so bring your computers :-)." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Big-Data-Denmark/events/251820913/
1 begivenhed,
Lets get our Copenhagen Biohacker Social Circle Started!
Lets get our Copenhagen Biohacker Social Circle Started!
"It's confirmed! Our first Meetup for the Biohackers Copenhagen "Social Circle" will be in Gló, Magasin du Nord.The purpose is to get to know like-minded people and have an awesome social circle of like-minded people in Copenhagen.AgendaMeet and greetMartin, Dean and Arthur's intro and opening (5 mins)• Enjoy a drink together and talk about the […]
1 begivenhed,
React Native June Meetup
React Native June Meetup
"And here we are again! There's a slot for the second talk so please contact the organizers if you want to share something you have built with React Native. Can be a beginner, intermediate or advanced talk.Schedule1730 Welcome1800 "NFC in React Native". Hedia will talk about why did they chose RN over native and insights on […]
9 begivenheder,
Female (Potential) Founder Breakfast #3
Female (Potential) Founder Breakfast #3
"Are you interested in understanding and tapping into the entrepreneurial sphere? We are gathering high profiled female founders to come and share their stories, how they founded their companies and journey they are on and hopefully inspire you.There will be time for networking, croissants and coffee☕️ ! Please invite your colleagues and friends to tag […]
Streaming: The future is now!
Streaming: The future is now!
"Join us when we dive into the latest tech advances in streaming and get inspiration and insight from leading experts in streaming when they tell us how they see the future in streaming. Streaming has become an essential part of how an ever-increasing part of our population consumes media content for entertainment as well as […]
Startup Law: Equity Investments
Startup Law: Equity Investments
"Every startup will over time deplete the funds its founders originally put into it. When that happens, the startup - and its founders - need to start attracting outside investment to continue to grow. But attracting equity investment not only means getting funds to grow; it also means accepting outsiders as co-owners of the startup […]
4 begivenheder,
Action in Mind – A Neural Network Approach – barrel.ai
Action in Mind – A Neural Network Approach – barrel.ai
"Action in Mind - A Neural Network Approach to Action Recognition & SegmentationBarrel AI Monkeys community is honored to have Dr. Zahra Gharaee as a speaker of the evening. Zahra holds a PhD in Cognitive Science at Lund university, a M.Sc in Mechatronics and a Bachelor in Electrical Control Engineering and will have a presentation […]
Service Modelling workshop
Service Modelling workshop
"The Meetup is a service modelling workshop, we will attempt to create a relevant set of microservices.The idea is to have a starting point in a fictive existing company working with real physical products and having a web shop, where users can interact with the company.The company wants to change towards a situation, where it […]
CopenhagenJS June Dinner
CopenhagenJS June Dinner
"This is a little bit different meetup, the idea is that we will eat some food somewhere, (location is 5 min from Nørreport).Each guest will be asked to prepare 5 minutes about a question that will be different for each guest. We will also play some games related to JavaScript! There will be different kinds of […]
7 begivenheder,
Climate-KIC Nordic : Final Greenhouse Event
Climate-KIC Nordic : Final Greenhouse Event
"This is an event for the Nordic Greenhouse teams located in Denmark.We are excited to see all of your teams at this Final Greenhouse Event - to see you well off on your further entrepreneurial journey! Get ready for a FUN finale including....- insights and inspirational talks from current C-KIC Accelerator startups- team pitches, where you […]
Introduction to Quality and Testing in Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
Introduction to Quality and Testing in Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
"Hi all, Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is gaining more and more popularity in Denmark. Therefore DSTB is happy to organise 2 meetups focusing on SAFe. This is the first meetup. The second will be on Thursday the 23rd of August. On this meetup, the topic is an introduction to SAFe and what challenges you might […]
SPBG ERFA møde omkring European Collaboration Summit og ’Livslang læring’
SPBG ERFA møde omkring European Collaboration Summit og ’Livslang læring’
"Kom til SPBG erfa møde 28. juni, i København, og mød Peter Brinch Larsen. Peter er SharePoint arkitekt hos Pointwork. Peter vil tale om hans erfaringer fra European Collaboration Summit og fortælle om nogle af hans key-take-aways fra konferencen. Peter vil komme ind på emnet ”Livslang læring”. Vi er alle ramt af at tingene går […]
2 begivenheder,
Friday Focus & Pitch: What’s Up Photonic?
Friday Focus & Pitch: What’s Up Photonic?
"Join us for an inspiring afternoon in Futurebox on how DTU Photonics work with startups, and learn how they turn research into business; and meet some of the promising spin-out startups already raising millions in funding.Agenda1600 Welcome to Futurebox1610 DTU Photonics – from research to $$$ business1630 Pitch – 3x Photonic Spinouts1650 Fireside chat / Panel […]
Unicorn Friday Bar (Hooves x FH)
Unicorn Friday Bar (Hooves x FH)
"It’s time for another glorious Founders House Friday bar…and not just any…it’s UNICORN Friday bar. So saddle your horses, put on some glitter and join us for a night full of unicorn surprises, (drinking) games and history creation. We’re moving on to another stable and would like to thank Founders House for an amazing time […]