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Hooked // CPHUX Book Club

"Come and read 'Hooked' with us. Events overview:Feb 27th // Chapter 1-2 // 1-60Mar 13th // Chapter 3 // 61-94Mar 27th // Chapter 4 // 95-134Apr 10th // Chapter 5-6 […]

Lecture: Consulting in Sustainability

"Speakers: Sven Beyersdorff (Nordic Sustainability) and Kristoffer HvidsteenHow can we change the world? How to make sure that existing organisations are fit for the future and have a positive impact? […]

SPILBAR 40: Stories

"The Danish games industry is sprawling with new games. We want some of the developers tell their stories and dissect the development process. Each get 10 minutes and 10 slides […]

Warrants & Employee Ownership

"This is such an important topic. Don't make the mistake of so many founders and even more employees to not make a fair deal for all the hard work one […]

Clojure InfluxDB client

"tbd" Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Clojure-Meetup/events/259527226/

Solving: E-Commerce from Pen/Paper to Auto Picking

"For the past 8 years we have work on developing the best e-commerce infrastructure in the world. One crucial part of this architecture is our Warehouse Management System, which now […]

ProductTank Copenhagen – Growth

"ProductTank Copenhagen will visit Forecast and get a visitor from Amplitude. You will have the opportunity to meet up with well-known and new product managers, and learn about product growth.Agenda• […]

Writing for a digital experience

"We can't get around the fact that the written word is an important part of the digital experience, but how much thought do you put into it on an everyday […]

Peer Lab – 2019, 2nd Event

"Come and join other developers for a peer-based collaborative learning lab. You've got a question? Maybe someone can provide you with some insight. Maybe you can help someone else with […]

Balance for Better #2: Invest like a Woman

"During the second Balance for Better workshop on March 15th, Copenhagen FinTech will explore the potential barriers preventing women from entering the financial markets and will discuss how the investment […]

Scrum i Alka

"En 100% ærlig fortælling om vores dagligdag med ScrumGennem de seneste to et halvt år har Alka Forsikring været på en rejse mod det agile og kører nu Scrum i […]

MandagsTalk: Blurred Reality med Khora

""Blurred Reality" er et udtryk for fremtidens kombination af teknologier som Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) og Virtual- samt Augmented Reality (VR/AR).Disse tre teknologier bliver grundstenene i fremtidens […]

Istio Service Mesh – Hands on primer

"The term service mesh is used to describe the network of microservices that make up such applications and the interactions between them. As a service mesh grows in size and […]