
SheTech: The Coding club vol.3
"SheTech:The Coding club is back again. WonderCoders and SUND HUB are happy to welcome you on 22.11 for an evening of coding and fun.SheTech:The Coding Club is a place where beginners […]
Establishing a Cloud Analytics Platform
"How Tetra Pak is establishing a Cloud Analytics Platform and the mission to build a corresponding IT Service DevOps Team for support and development.Digitalization is a focus area for Tetra […]
ProductTank – Trustpilot
"ProductTank Copenhagen will visit Trustpilot, and you will have the opportunity to meet up with well-known and new product managers. Agenda• Sandwich/drinks• Intro• Who is hiring• Talk/Theme: Silicon Valley Trends:10 […]
We’re hiring: Register here for the Dixa Sales Academy Draft Day
"Dixa is growing and we're currently looking to staff our Inside Sales Department with Business Development Representatives (full and part time). We're therefore hosting another Dixa Draft Day on Thur […]
Iconography and illustrations in digital design
"It's time to meet the Copenhagen UX/UI community yet again!Theme of the night is bridging somewhat last event's theme about the tools of the trade. This time we will be […]
Seminar about Intellectual Property(IP)
"Legal consultant, Thomas Frydendahl from Gorrissen Federspiel will host a seminar on IP law. Get to know the ups and downs of Intellectual Property rights." Price: Free Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seminar-about-intellectual-propertyip-tickets-52391237602?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Pre-fredagsbar: VC-talks med fokus early engagement
"Trænger du til et fagligt indspark inden du smutter i fredagsbaren?Horten afholder sammen med Vækstfonden en VC-talk om key terms med fokus på early engagement. Hvis du står over for […]
X-Mas Sweater Friday Bar with +Impact Accelerator
"X-mas is fast approaching and to make sure you´re in the right spirit we teamed up with Founders House to give you a fun-filled Christmas themed Friday bar.So, bring your […]
Friday Fight Box
"4:00 PMThe bar is open - beer, wine & cocktails4:30 PM - 5:30 PMOpen mic pitch session – come pitch your startup. Sign up with Christina Rich / cr@dtusciencepark.dk5:30 PMSecret […]
ITU Copernicus Satellite Hackathon
"The Copernicus Satellite Hackathon, focuses on satellite data-based web apps. It is limited to 50 participants. There are no predefined topics. Groups of students are encouraged to develop innovative web […]
Elm – Functional programming for the frontend
"Curious about programming in Elm? Tired of "annot read property 'bar' of undefined"? This might be what you are looking for. In this meetup you will hear about why Elm […]
Coding Sunday with Wondercoders: Build your first WordPress site
"Did you know that 27% of the websites on the web are powered by WordPress? Well, there is a big reason why so many and it is attributed to it's […]
Symposium: Protein-Membrane Costructures: Structure, Function, and Targeting
"ConceptThe Novo Nordisk Foundation offers funding for one-day symposia to be held at the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The objective is to provide leading as well as younger researchers with opportunities to […]
Startup Coffee Malmö
"Join Startup Coffee every second Tuesday at Djäkne Kaffebar between 8.00-9.00. Join the first one on August 21st, all you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal […]
Legal Tech Today, Tomorrow, and When That Tomorrow Will Actually Arrive
"Legal Tech Copenhagen is moving to neutral ground and will meet in the morning.Hear two views on the state of legal tech, both as it applies to lawyers and more […]
Morgenbriefing: Rank Zero – Sådan bliver du fremhævet på plads #0 i toppen af Google!
"Sådan bliver du fremhævet på plads #0 i toppen af Google!Vil du gerne fremhæves i toppen af Google med et featured svar på dine potentielle kunders spørgsmål?Google fremhæver i stigende […]
"Interested in Personalised Medicine, Biomarkers and Immuno-oncology? And in meeting companies, organisations, experts, scientists, and students in this field?Save the date – and register now for the Bioagora 2018 on […]
Økonomisk Ugebrev Biotech: Kvartalskonference Q4 2018
"Kom og mød fem spændende børsnoterede virksomheder indenfor Biotek og Pharma i Norden: AddLife, Virogates, Biovica International, Iconovo og InDex Pharmaceuticals!Bliv klogere på selskabernes fremtidsplaner og få en aktuel beskrivelse af deres forventninger til forskningsresultater, […]
CBS Talks: Marianne Dahl Steensen, CEO Microsoft Denmark & Iceland
"CBS Talks are beyond excited to announce CEO of Microsoft Denmark & Iceland, Marianne Dahl Steensen, as our third speaker of this semester!Agenda1530 Registration (SP201)1600 Talk with Marianne Dahl Steensen1700 […]
Succesfuld storytelling som et startup: Hvor skal du starte?
"Zevegraf og Sp8ces afholder sammen et event for startup og scaleup-folk, der er interesserede i, hvordan man skaber kommunikation, der begejstrer.Hvad skal der ske?Der deles ud af metoder, anekdoter og […]