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CoDe Café in Allerød – all day gathering

"Bring your laptop! We will be hacking code.It's free to attend, Breakfast, coffee during the day, dinner in the evening. It's all taken care of.Program0830 Doors open, come anytime, we'll […]

Foodtech Solutions: An Open Source Community

"Come and join us for an evening where we dive deep into the technology behind the Growstack open source platform.The grow system consists of a hardware (mechanics, electronics, high pressure […]

Hardcore Learning – ConTest

"How do you find time, motivation and enjoyment in educating yourself in your own leisure time?In 2017, I spent roughly 500 hours learning outside of my full time job. And […]

Startup Programme: Grill & Chill

"Join us for drinks in the sun, where we chill and grill together with other student entrepreneurs, mentors and partners of the startup programme. Before the summer vacation starts, this […]

People Geekup Copenhagen

"Culture Amp's People Geekup series is coming to Copenhagen for the first time. Join Culture Amp and Duuoo, amongst others for a discussion on the latest people and culture trends in organisations.Businesses […]

A Developer Primer on Blockchain

"More and more big players are moving into the blockchain space. You can now rent your own enterprise blockchain with IBM, Microsoft and now Oracle has built a service that […]

Graph Technology: Algorithms, Analytics & Visualization

"The Danish Business Authority opens its doors for a public meetup about how Graph technology and algorithms are applicable as analytical tools in the context of government.The meetup consists of […]

National Startup Competition 2018 – Award Show

"The National Startup Competition (NSC) constitutes along with the Idea Competition the two national competitions at Venture Cup, which each is held once a year.To participate in the competitions, at […]

Big Data Denmark – deep learning meetup

"We will continue paying with MobileNets from the last time so bring your computers :-)." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Big-Data-Denmark/events/251820913/

React Native June Meetup

"And here we are again! There's a slot for the second talk so please contact the organizers if you want to share something you have built with React Native. Can […]