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Global DevOps Bootcamp 2018 @ Copenhagen

"Global DevOps Bootcamp is a global event that will be held on Saturday June 16th and is all about DevOps on the Microsoft Stack. Centrally organized by Xpirit and Solidify […]

Copenhagen Fintech Week Regulation Day

"On June 18, we will kick off Copenhagen Fintech Week with a joint conference together with Copenhagen Business School with a focus on regulation and digitalization in fintech." Price: €50 […]

Introduction to Docker for Developers

"Get an introduction to Docker and what it is and meet other friendly developers in the community that are new to docker. We are really thankful to have Cloudflare sponsoring […]

CocoaHeads Malmö: June

"We scheduled one "formal" talk to this event so we get time to go through what's new from WWDC and our first impressions.The talk will be about implementing well behaving […]

CoDe Café in Allerød – all day gathering

"Bring your laptop! We will be hacking code.It's free to attend, Breakfast, coffee during the day, dinner in the evening. It's all taken care of.Program0830 Doors open, come anytime, we'll […]

Foodtech Solutions: An Open Source Community

"Come and join us for an evening where we dive deep into the technology behind the Growstack open source platform.The grow system consists of a hardware (mechanics, electronics, high pressure […]

Hardcore Learning – ConTest

"How do you find time, motivation and enjoyment in educating yourself in your own leisure time?In 2017, I spent roughly 500 hours learning outside of my full time job. And […]

Startup Programme: Grill & Chill

"Join us for drinks in the sun, where we chill and grill together with other student entrepreneurs, mentors and partners of the startup programme. Before the summer vacation starts, this […]

People Geekup Copenhagen

"Culture Amp's People Geekup series is coming to Copenhagen for the first time. Join Culture Amp and Duuoo, amongst others for a discussion on the latest people and culture trends in organisations.Businesses […]