
SPBG ERFA møde omkring No-code solution (PowerApps, Flow)
"Kom til SPBG erfa møde torsdag den 22. marts, i København, og mød Niels Gregers Johansen. Niels er Technical Lead - Collaborations Tools: SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Directory hos […]
Kops + Terraform + AWS = k8s cluster! + Basic Vault – Hashicorp Skåne
"Kops + terraform + AWS = k8s cluster!Nowadays "infrastructure as code" has allowed us to automate almost any operation related to our cloud resources. One of the advantages is creating […]
Why Wait? Creating C++17 Polyfills
"We all want to be able to use the latest and greatest features of the C++ standard library, but unfortunately many projects are locked to specific language versions by the […]
Hands on DevOps: infra testing and security scanning
"This time it’s all about technical, hands-on devops! The first session is about automatic infrastructure testing. We’ll start with an overview, followed by best practices and then a short hands-on […]
Tech Entrepreneurs Afterwork Afterwork
"For this month's afterwork we have picked the location long considered to be the favorite watering-hole of the local tech industry - the seaside tavern known as Green Lion.This is […]
REST API – Copenhagen Trustpilot’s approach to testing and monitoring APIs
"Trustpilot is going to tell us how their API testing and monitoring is handled in a fast growing environment. Trustpilot has a very interesting way to make sure that the […]
Health 2.0. Copenhagen – Clinical Trials – Innovation needed
"We all know that digitalization within healthcare is a harsh mistress. So a lot of health innovators think let's start with clinical trials where stakeholders, customers and patients are similar […]
DIKU Bits: Your grandmother’s knees hurt – why?!
Healthtech is hot."SpeakerErik Dam, Associate Professor in the Image Section and Head of the Data Science Lab. Erik spent 10 years in industry working with pharmaceutical companies before returning to […]
Winter is Coming – Decentralise the North
"Makers, coders, designers and organizers. Brace yourself…. A Hackathon is coming. Learn about the post-blockchain technology Holochain by its founding team, and explore how you can harness this peer-to-peer network […]
Codher Pop-up Programming vol. 16 // coding meetup
"Get inspired, share your knowledge, skyrocket your coding skills Would you like to improve your coding skills and get to know other creative female programmers? Join Codher Pop-up Programming - […]
Pink Programming Sunday Malmö
"It is time for Pink Programming Sunday in Malmö!This time the event will be held at Massive Entertainment which is a world-leading video game studio and part of the Ubisoft […]
Hacking – A Forensics Specialist’s Point-of-View – SecuriTea
"In October 2016, the Police made several arrests in what media later called a record-breaking computer intrusion case. After months of hard work by the Police and other parties, the […]
DEX & Bitshares, Aryze & eKroner, ICOs
"We wil have a packed schedule of1) Mark Dencker talking about decentralised exchanges (DEX) and Bitshares (BTS)2) BitcoinJack talking about his newly established Aryze and eKroner3) Andreas Hurtig talking about […]
"Functional Copenhageners Meetup Group aims to increase the number of software projects that are based on functional programming languages.We mainly focus on F# and Haskell, but other functional programming languages […]
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Wednesday March 28th
"Join us for a family-style breakfast, where you can meet driven and inspiring women from the entrepreneurial community in and around Malmö. Each breakfast we'll have a speaker who's there […]
In-memory computing essentials for data scientists
"(Get) introduced to the fundamental capabilities of in-memory computing platforms that boost highly-loaded applications, research projects, risk analysis and fraud detection tasks by storing and processing massive amounts of data […]
Startup Dojo – by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs
"There’s never been a better time to get startedDo you have a great business idea but don’t know how to take it to the next level?Come and talk with experienced […]
Welcome to CDUG – What’s new in the datacenter world
"We would like to welcome everybody to join our first CDUG.dk event, this event will mainly focus on Windows Server and PowerShell since we have a upcoming Azure Global Bootcamp […]
Clojure Deep Graph QL and core.spec
"Graph QL and core.specBeer and food when we are done." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Clojure-Meetup/events/248310952/
Beyond Blockchain – Hashgraph, first Nordic meetup
"This first Nordic Meetup to be held in Malmö, Sweden - An introduction to Hashgraph. The event is sponsored by Consid AB, one of Sweden's fastest growing companies which provides […]