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Umbraco Headless

"Umbraco is so much more than "just" a web cms. It can be, and has been, used to serve content to anything from phone apps to robots.With the Umbraco Cloud […]

Go Malmö – Meet & Greet

"Now it's time for the very first Golang Malmö event. In this first meeting we will keep it simple - let's just meet over and get to know each other […]

How to price your products/ services pt.2

"The long awaited part 2 is finally here! Let's discuss the dark art of pricing! Evaluating creative services (and products) isn't clear cut and there's tons of variables to consider, […]

Det svenska innovationssystemet

"Social innovation och dess viktiga roll i att möta de globala samhällsutmaningarna, har uppmärksammats i allt högre utsträckning under 2000-talet. Det globala arbetet med hållbarhetsmålen i Agenda 2030 visar angelägenheten […]


"24h of Hacking!Ever wanted to code a great idea, but haven't been able to set aside the time to actually build it? Or had a fantastic idea, but lacked the […]

Nexus – Scrum i større teams

"Mødet er for dig, hvis du arbejder med Scrum i en større organisation og har brug for at systematisere/forbedre samarbejdet imellem flere scrum teams, der arbejder på det samme produkt. […]

Coding Café for kvinder

"Coding Café er for dig, der overvejer at søge ind på en bachelor i Softwareudvikling, men måske er i tvivl om, hvad softwareudvikling egentlig er, eller hvad det vil sige […]

Startup Ideation Workshop

"Discover your strengths and passions, while translating them into an idea you're excited about!We'll define and go through the steps of Ideation using experiential and hands on approaches. We're all […]

RailsGirls Coding Meetup

"1700 - quick introduction by Marci and Abtion1710 - Check out what people are doing-- a quick go-around1715 - get into groups and start coding1800 - dinner1830 - code some […]

Hands-on with JTBD

"Full Program Coming — Your Input Wanted Mærsk Growth is graciously hosting us, providing both a great location and drinks+snacks. Note that attendance is limited to just 70 seats. From […]

Copenhagen Tableau User Group

"Join us for the another Tableau User Group - this time Huram Konjen from Deloitte will be joining us to talk about  design principles, user adoption, advanced analytics and machine […]

What is Headless CMS and why should you care?

"The term Headless CMS or Decoupled CMS is used more and more frequently. But what does it mean and why should you bother? And what about that name? Going headless […]