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Growth Secrets: Creating a Growth-Engine

"Marketing tech stacks are the tools that you integrate into your marketing funnel in order to automate as much as possible and convert people across numerous channels. 1st Speaker: Taylor […]

Exploring Automation in Testing with Richard Bradshaw

"Most of us work with test automation as testers, programmers and managers. We'd like to see you at this meet-up with trainer and co-author of Automation in Testing Richard Bradshaw. […]

Fuckup Nights at SingularityU

"Fuckup Nights is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Each month, organizers across the globe create local events, where three to four people get up […]

Nordic Sports Tech and Network (in Copenhagen)

"Nordic Sports Tech is a community that focuses on connecting the Sports Tech ecosystem in the Nordic region. Come network and chat sports!It` s time for first of many meetups […]

Ruby Talks Night at Karnov

"A string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.Speakers:????We are always looking for speakers! Get in touch with us!Good to know: We operate under the Berlin […]

Mentor-träff inför Lärarkodstugan

"Välkommen till Mentor-träff för att lära lärare lära barn programmera.Vi kommer att använda oss av ett kursmaterial som är framtagit av Kodcentrum https://www.kodboken.se/l%C3%A4rarkodstugaMaterialet är anpassat för lärare i årskurs 4-6.Vi kommer […]

Game Developer Meetup

"Happy New Year, Happy New Decade everyone!Let's kick-off 2020 with our Gamd Developer Meetup!An evening where we invite everyone from our Game Developer Community to gather in one space to connect, […]

Sådan bør du drive din SMV i 2020

"Hvorfor ikke lade 2020 være året, hvor du totaloptimerer dine driftsprocesser? Vi har værktøjerne - alt du skal gøre er at dukke op.Så er 2020 officielt skudt igang. Ganske som […]

SME Lifehacks #1

"Hvorfor ikke lade 2020 være året, hvor du totaloptimerer dine driftsprocesser? Vi har værktøjerne - alt du skal gøre er at dukke op.Så er 2020 officielt skudt igang. Ganske som […]

Do we need to control AI – if so how much?

"A while back we debated together with Barrel Monkey AI whether AI should be regulated or not and who should hold the power to control AI. Our results were clear, […]

Copenhagen Investment Showcase

"We are inviting you to join our Copenhagen investment showcase! In the last events, we showcased more than 15 companies from 6 different countries, raising funds from all over the […]

AI Monday

"AI Monday Copenhagen is a recurring new networking event with 4 expert presentations for people interested in AI.In early 2000 curious minds met regularly on Monday afternoons in Helsinki to […]

Cyberhack – Talentfair

"Organizations need to constantly improve their cybersecurity capabilities, and grow new talents. That’s why we are hosting this talentfair.The talentfair wants to inspire you on which skills the future cyber […]