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Aeron launch party

"Aeron is proud to invite you to our launch party!We wanted to make this moment unforgettable and a memorable day for everyone.All members of the Startup Village and Founders House […]

Co-creation workshop: EnergyLab Nordhavns showroom 2.0

"Vil du være med til at skabe oplevelsen af fremtidens energisystem? EnergyLab Nordhavn søger virksomheder/organisationer/forskere, der har interesse i at deltage i udviklingen af et nyt showroom, der kan formidle fremtidens energisystem.Har […]

Panel Discussion: Recruiting in Tech Companies

"Recruiting has recently become a popular topic in Denmark. Some companies face challenges finding the perfect candidate, developers have become a scarce resource and Denmark is in the battle for […]

Startup Coffee Malmö

This seems to be gathering steam."Every second Tuesday at Djäkne Kaffebar between 8.00-9.00. All you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal event to meet entrepreneurs and […]

Crowdsourcing Konference 2018

"Du har sikkert hørt om crowdsourcing, men hvad går det egentlig ud på og hvordan kan din virksomhed bruge denne metode til at skabe mere innovation?Crowdsourcing Konference 2018 afslutter projektet SMV […]

Discovery Day 2018

"Discovery Day is a pitch competition that celebrates great startups. Eight founders will present their startups in front of a jury of experienced entrepreneurs and investors. The most promising startup […]

Conferize Investor Event

"Conferize will share projections of how we expect to reach profitability within 2021. We’ll offer a sneak peek of the upcoming product and talk about the key benefits of Conferize […]

Skalering og eksponentiel vækst

"Lær af dem der krydsede kløften til massemarkedet. Hvad så de? Og hvad har de lært til næste gang? Hvordan ser DNA’et ud for de succesfulde vækstvirksomheder?• Eksponentielt salg, hvordan?• […]

[Rune Ibsen] F# – hvorfor, hvordan og til hvad?

"F# er et funktionsorienteret programmeringssprog udviklet af Microsoft for .NET. I denne præsentation fortæller Rune ud fra sine praktiske erfaringer om, hvad F# er, hvorfor han og hans kolleger er […]

Webpack in a nutshell – MalmöJS

"As a JavaScript developer, Webpack is one of those final bosses that you have to defeat to obtain the glory and the praise of an almighty packer. It is often misunderstood, […]

Impact of ML on medical science

"Machine Learning is revolutionizing our daily existence. If there is an area, in which we wish to reap the benefits of using ML, that is definitely medicine.The advancement in the […]

“What is The Family?” by Oussama Ammar

"Join us for a 45-min talk + Q&A from The Family's co-founder Oussama Ammar to understand what is The Family, how we're fighting Continental Europe's toxicity & what are the […]

AI use cases and AI from a data science perspective

"Agenda1500 Registration1510 Welcome. v/ IBM, Pedab Denmark & BLUEFRAGMENTS1515 Blow stuff up and change the game! Unleashing the Value ofExponential AI Technologies . v/Thomas Nørmark – Itelligence1550 Networking1600 Value Driven […]