
Open Door session #4 – Exclusive feedback from experienced investors
"Want savvy advice for your idea or startup from some of Denmark’s most experienced investors?We hand-pick eight startups to meet an investment manager from PreSeed Ventures for a 30-minute feedback […]
CopenX Sessions @Khora VR – #2 Immersive tech in Art
"CopenX and Khora are happy to invite you once again to another event, where we will be exploring immersive technologies in a variety of industries.This second event of the series […]
Rails Girls Copenhagen – Project Group
"There are learners and mentors. The mentors can help out with questions." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Rails-Girls-Copenhagen/events/251653360/
Make the compiler sweat, chill in runtime – Malmö C++ User Group
"Modern C++ offers some powerful features for doing work in compile time instead of in runtime. We'll explore some of these features, for a faster, smaller and more correct runtime.Simon Lindholm is […]
Fuzz testing in Rust
"Johan Brinch is the Co-founder of Seasoned Software, a company that specializes in automated fuzz testing.Fuzz testing attempts to uncover subtle bugs and unexpected program behaviour. It works by trying […]
Action in Mind – A Neural Network Approach – barrel.ai
"Action in Mind - A Neural Network Approach to Action Recognition & SegmentationBarrel AI Monkeys community is honored to have Dr. Zahra Gharaee as a speaker of the evening. Zahra […]
Service Modelling workshop
"The Meetup is a service modelling workshop, we will attempt to create a relevant set of microservices.The idea is to have a starting point in a fictive existing company working […]
CopenhagenJS June Dinner
"This is a little bit different meetup, the idea is that we will eat some food somewhere, (location is 5 min from Nørreport).Each guest will be asked to prepare 5 minutes […]
Become a Co-Creator of Techfestival 2018: Meetups
"Are you interested in hosting your own Meetup during Techfestival 2018? Come meet us and other co-creators - Register here for an introduction at our offices!September 5-9, Techfestival will once […]
Climate-KIC Nordic : Final Greenhouse Event
"This is an event for the Nordic Greenhouse teams located in Denmark.We are excited to see all of your teams at this Final Greenhouse Event - to see you well off […]
Introduction to Quality and Testing in Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
"Hi all, Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is gaining more and more popularity in Denmark. Therefore DSTB is happy to organise 2 meetups focusing on SAFe. This is the first meetup. […]
SPBG ERFA møde omkring European Collaboration Summit og ’Livslang læring’
"Kom til SPBG erfa møde 28. juni, i København, og mød Peter Brinch Larsen. Peter er SharePoint arkitekt hos Pointwork. Peter vil tale om hans erfaringer fra European Collaboration Summit […]
Angular in 60 Minutes – Crash Course
"This time we're pleased to have Dariusz Kalbarczyk (https://twitter.com/ngKalbarczyk) as our speaker. The event is hosted at 7N's office in Copenhagen. Please save the date, more information will be added […]
Startup Dojo S06E05
"There’s never been a better time to get startedDo you have a great business idea but don’t know how to take it to the next level?Come and talk with experienced […]
Impressions from AI Summit, London
"The AI summit is the worlds largest AI event for business. We will give a you a summary of our impressions from the conference. The topics range from driverless cars […]
Tackling Tyskland: Growth Opportunities in Germany
"Online Marketing Rockstars is coming to Copenhagen on June 28th and together with CPHFTW, they invite the CPH Tech scene over for some German beer, while discussing the opportunities and challenges […]
Friday Focus & Pitch: What’s Up Photonic?
"Join us for an inspiring afternoon in Futurebox on how DTU Photonics work with startups, and learn how they turn research into business; and meet some of the promising spin-out […]
Unicorn Friday Bar (Hooves x FH)
"It’s time for another glorious Founders House Friday bar…and not just any…it’s UNICORN Friday bar. So saddle your horses, put on some glitter and join us for a night full […]
Automated browser Testing with Cypress.io workshop
"Want to learn more about automated browser testing? We are so lucky to have Gleb (https://twitter.com/bahmutov) coming to Copenhagen to do a workshop on browser testing with Cypress.io.Cypress.io is a […]
What the Block – making Blockchain more Human
"The first meet-up in a series of events looking to bring design thinking and the blockchain together to make this technology more accessible, more human and to spark ideas on […]