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Let’s talk Django and drink beer

"Intempus.dk is hosting a 2 hour casual for Python Django developers. Every beer night has a fun atmosphere where developers come talk about Django-related current events, participate in group Q&A, […]

Elastic{ON} 2018 Recap + GDPR

"We are excited to host a meetup at Findwise in the heart of Copenhagen! Eric Westberg, Solutions Architect at Elastic, will give a talk summarizing the highlights of Elastic{ON} 2018.We […]

EMS2018 Copenhagen – Heart Hack

"EMS Copenhagen is responsible for a number of cross disciplinary services - from citizens' emergency calls all the way to pre-hospital treatments in the Danish Capital Region. The organization collaborates […]


"Make an impactDeloitte’s #Gonehacking is more than just a hackathon. This year’s partner, Børns Vilkår (Children’s Welfare) needs your help. In order to continue to be present for the many […]

How Overall Market Trends Affect City Development

"Urbanization is continuously increasing in cities worldwide. Combined with the electrification development of more products within cities, it will create larger requirements on the energy system infrastructure and challenges in […]

Pier47 Sessions Maritime Changemakers

"We will focus on how established players within maritime + transport set up and manage startup collaborations. And discuss which roles lawmakers, researchers, and non-profits have to play, when it […]

Hvordan kan vi styrke iværksætteriet i DK?

"Hvis vi skal gøre Danmark til en iværksætternation, skal vi hjælpes ad på tværs af organisationer og sektorer. Hvad kan DU gøre for at styrke iværksætteriet i DK? Innovationsfonden og […]

Game Developer Talks 2018

"Game Developer Talks is 100% dedicated to passionate game developers from the Danish game industry. We offer you a series of talks and workshops in the areas of Game Design, Programming, […]

Top Secret Cyber Security

"Past, Present and Future of Top Secret Cyber Security.In a world with ever-growing cyber threats and criminality, defense systems and protection is of the utmost importance. There are countless options […]

Codher Pop-up Programming vol. 17 // coding meetup

"Get inspired, share your knowledge, skyrocket your coding skillsCodher's Pop-up Programming is an informal coding meetup where beginners and experienced developers get together, share their knowledge, and support each other […]

Embedded Everywhere 2108

"Embedded Everywhere tilbyder deltagerne en dag i højkoncentreret form, hvor der kan opsamles ny faglig viden, inspiration, ideer og cases lige til at bringe med hjem i det daglige arbejde […]

Pitch Training at Founders House

"Founders House and Capital2Grow want to help your pitch rock.Get feedback on your pitch and actionable input on how to improve it. Capital2GROW has years of experience connecting companies with […]

Conference: Blockchain & Smart Contracts

"Dear Malmö Bitcoin Users, Melina from the Barrel.ai meetup has organized a conference titled: "Blockchain & Smart Contracts Technologies"; I will be speaking and members of the Malmö Bitcoin Users […]

How did I get into AWS, And why should you?

"This is the first of 3 events about AWSIf you are open-minded enough, I will tell you a story of change. Over the last two years, I moved away from […]