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StartUp Bar Malmö

"Vi på Starta & Driva Företag välkomnar dig till StartUp Bar Malmö. Denna gång byter vi ställe och ses på Mosaik på Stortorget 6 i Malmö. V ser som vanligt fram […]

Connected Device Security Crash Course Light

"Ever wish you could watch 20 hours of DEF CON, C3 and Black Hat talks in 45 minutes? Curious about exactly how Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek managed to send […]

First Wednesday Malmö Meetup / Plingpay

"• What we'll do 1900 Informal mingle and meet other Bitcoin users1930 Presentation from founder of Plingpay, a Bitcoin powered remittance app.2000 Questions, Bitcoin News and Discussion. • What to […]

EU midler og internationale investeringer til startups

"Er jeres startup interesseret i at høre om muligheden for at søge EU midler eller tiltrække internationale investorer?Konsulenthusene Toro Ventures og Inspiralia har i oktober 2017 åbnet op for sine […]

Celebrating International Women’s Day

"March 8th is officially set aside for International Women’s Day In celebrating this day, SmiLe Incubator will celebrate its first International Women’s Day. The event will celebrate, empower, and support […]

Low Power Conference 2018

"Welcome to the Low Power Conference 2018 This is the first of hopefully many opportunities to bring together individuals and companies working with hardware, embedded and software systems around the […]

Tribe Talks #1: How to build customer empowered Fintech

"We invite you to an evening of fintech with two different perspectives: startups and large companiesHow are customers' needs shifting in relation to banking services?How can the financial industry change […]

Venture Cup Speed Matching

"Speed Matching is an event addressed to startups and mentors who are interested in a 6-month mentorship. At the event, every startup pitches for 2 minutes in front of an […]

Female (Potential) Founder Breakfast #2

"Welcome to the next Female (potential) Founder breakfast event. Are you interested in understanding and tapping into the entrepreneurial sphere? We are gathering  high profiled female founders to come and […]

CBio coffee: Novozymes

"This is the first of a series of events called CBio coffee where we will host two employees at Novozymes:- Katrine K. Skeby (Data analyst / Data science and Governance […]

Live Growth Hacking

"With Marketing Expert Kim Døfler from Trigger Growth "Let's amplify Success" Join us for a Growth Hacking session where we will dive into how you can grow your business through […]

Copenhagen Coding Dojo: Our first session

"Our group and topics should be community driven, so this is a nice opportunity to get to know each other and to decide what future sessions should be about. To […]

Join interesse-netværk om GDPR

"Arbejder du med compliance, udvikling eller drift af systemer, som rummer personfølsomme data?Så kom til IDA IT’s første netværksmøde, hvor vi deler viden og erfaringer med at leve op til […]

Copenhagen Elixir & Erlang Meet Up; Deployment

"At this meet up we will have a presentation by Troels Brødsgaard on the topic of deployment.We have time for an extra presentation, so get in contact if you have […]