
tretton37 CodeLunch:”Daddy Game Dev: Secret JS coding and game development”
"Daddy Game Dev: That Time a Javascript Coder Dad Figured Out How To Secretly Do Some Game Development in his Spare Time"Join Mikael Brassman as he discusses the possibility of […]
Rails Girls Open Source project @ Siteimprove
"1700 Welcome1710 Introduction by our host - SiteimproveGet into groups1845 Wrap Up1900 GoodbyeGeneral information about the meetups:We decided to build an open source app together: A Mentor/Mentee Platform:"Find a mentor-platform: […]
AI Student Expo @ DTU Skylab
"Do you wonder if AI will take over the world? Learn more about the latest advancements in AI and see how you can contribute to shaping the future of humanity […]
Show & Tell Night CPH #5 [Christmas special!]
"Sick of slick presentations and pitch events? So. Are. We.Show & Tell Night CPH is a community demo session inspired by the good people at Demodag and our own internal 'Beers, Peers, Cheers' events at […]
Data, Deals & Drinks
"Can data make your job finding business easier?Spend a few hours with other superstars discussing how data and structure could help you better work with your clients. It's an event […]
Show & Tell Night CPH #5 [Christmas special!]
"Sick of slick presentations and pitch events? So. Are. We.Show & Tell Night CPH is a community demo session inspired by the good people at Demodag and our own internal 'Beers, Peers, Cheers' events at […]
Tech Talk: Hacking & Digital Transformation w. Deloitte
"Deloitte and CBS IT Union are excited to invite CBS students to participate in a talk about digital transformation!The digital transformation is changing the world. New business opportunities emerge while […]
Startups go green – La French Tech
"Are startups going to be the green innovators that we so desperately need?Climate change is without any doubt one of the biggest challenges on humanity's agenda! While it is important […]
Ørsted’s approach to innovating the sustainable energy sector
"How does a leading renewable energy company approach innovation? Is there a space for startups in this capital-intensive industry?Ørsted’s transformation from a traditional, fossil energy company towards a world leader […]
Scaling Emerging Tech Companies Beyond Denmark
"Copenhagen School of Entreprenership will host an inspiring half-day conference for all of you in the Danish startup eco-system.The conference wraps up a 2½ year project sponsored by Danish Industri Foundation […]
B2B social media marketing, interaktive beregnere og marketing automation
Det er ikke længere de store der spiser de små, men de hurtige, der spiser de langsomme.Med en god digital lead-strategi som effektivt udnytter de mange nye kontaktpunkter til B2B […]
SPACE10 Community Talk: Feminist Internet
"We are looking forward to an evening with Feminist Internet who will teach us about inequalities on the internet.'There is no feminism. Only possible feminisms. There is no internet. Only […]
Nordic Startup Awards 2019 Grand Finale + After Party
"Like every year, we will close this season with the Grand Finale followed by its after-party. Nordic Startup Awards Grand Finale is the biggest award show celebrating startups in the world - and the Nordics […]
Growth Train 2019 Demo Day
"Growth Train pitch event for participating food and agtech startups in this year's 7-week accelerator program.Growth Train Fast Track 2019 Pitch Event is the culmination of a 7-week intensive accelerator […]
Growth Train 2019 Demo Day
"Growth Train pitch event for participating food and agtech startups in this year's 7-week accelerator program.Growth Train Fast Track 2019 Pitch Event is the culmination of a 7-week intensive accelerator […]
AML Challenge: Final Pitch Event
"I løbet af efteråret, har man kunne byde ind med en løsning til AML Challenge 2019! Kom med til finale eventet og hør finalisternes pitch!Omfanget af byrder i forbindelse med […]
GitOps & Serverless
"1705 Welcome by Cloud Native Copenhagen1710 Welcome from tonight's hosts: Nine1715 "GitOps - Operations by Pull Request" by Kasper Nissen1800 Break with food1830 "Why serverless never really worked for me […]
Kotlin CPH @ Peakon
"We are happy to invite you to yet another Kotlin CPH meetup 🎉 This event will be hosted at Peakon, who will also provide food and drinks. Please join us […]
How UX Strategy created lasting changes
"Most companies today understand the power of great design and that it’s a must-have for succeeding in most markets market.There's a 100 DKK NO-SHOW FEE.UX designers are more wanted than […]
Product Specs 101 – How to pitch your product
"Do you want to learn and improve your skills of explaining products and solutions in a clear and concise way? Then join us for this workshop.Lots of entrepreneurs struggle to […]