Inspirationskväll för kvinnor och ickebinära
" Välkomna, alla som identifierar sig som kvinnor och ickebinära för en inspirationskväll på The Game Assembly!Arbeta inom en kreativ, rolig och ständigt nyskapande bransch! Kom och prata med oss om våra utbildningar, prova på spelutveckling och mingla med representanter från spelbranschen. Vi bjuder in kända spelföretag som berättar mer om vad det innebär att göra […]
ML & Beer: Collecting training data when you have none
"Any good ML model is based on the right dataset. But how do you get high-quality labeled data without getting grey hair? Three speakers share real-world experiences of how they navigated figuring out what data were needed and finding strategic ways to get it.Speakers:Eric Navarro, Machine Learning Engineer at Radiobotics,"Fake it till you make it: […]
Packed with Purpose. En plastikfri fremtid.
"Kampen mod plastik er i fuld gang. Hos Everland ser vi hver dag nye initiativer skyde frem. Virksomheder, organisationer og forbrugere, der leder efter løsningen på en fremtid med mindre plastik.Danske og internationale brands har med fordel baseret hele eller dele af deres purpose på kampen, men hvornår går ‘plastikbevidst’ fra at være en differentieringsmulighed […]
The New Rules of Pricing and How It Impacts Your Sales and Profits
"The New Rules of Pricing and How It Impacts Your Sales and ProfitsLearn how to accurately determine your products optimal price pointsWelcome to Minc for a Seminar on Pricing!During this seminar, you’ll learn:- how the same new technology that enabled SurveyMonkey is now empowering the science of predictive pricing- how just a 3% increase in […]
Product Tank Lunch
"It's been a looong time since we had a meetup with this group but we really want to meet all you fantastic product people again, so let's get the ball rolling with a lunch!The purpose is simple: meet and share what's new and decide on a next meetup topic.There's so much exciting stuff happening in […]
Creative Business Cup Denmark 2019
"Startups are awesome. Creative startups even more so. And that’s why we’re stoked to invite you to Creative Business Cup Denmark 2019, an event that promises to inspire, celebrate and champion creative startups based in Denmark. We’ve put together an exciting panel of jurors, speakers, moderators and influencers who will come together on 8 April […]
Personal Experience With SCM in Agile and DevOps
"Abstract:We are seasoned software configuration managers (SCM) and we have experienced that SCM can be helpful in keeping various kinds of projects “under control”. You are DevOps people and would rather avoid having to do some of the “keeping under control” things so you could get some “real work” done instead.There is an established body […]
Blockchain in governance
Blockchain in government & politicsCBS Solbjerg Plads, room SP2131845 Doors open1900 Welcome (CBS BS)1905 PwC pitch (PwC)1910 1st speaker (Nikolai)1925 2nd speaker (PwC)1940 3rd speaker (Nicklas)1950 Q/A (Speaker 1,2,3)2015 Food and networkingNow that the Danish election is approaching, governmental issues are more than relevant. How can new, upcoming technologies, like Blockchain, be a helping hand […]
Startup Coffee Malmö
"Join Startup Coffee every second Tuesday at Djäkne Kaffebar between 8.00-9.00. Join the first one of the year on January 15th, all you need to do is show up! Startup Coffee is an informal event to meet entrepreneurs and others interested in startups, hear about opportunities in the community and exchange experiences over a good […]
DjangoGirls Copenhagen
"If you are a woman and want to learn how to make websites, we have good news for you: we are holding a one-day workshop for beginners! We will teach you how to build your 1st website using Django & Python 👩💻 🇩🇰If you know English and have a laptop, you can apply for our […]
Workshop – Copenhagen 9th April, API,OpenSource,IAM
"Workshop with Redpill and WSo2 on API, Identity Access Management, OpensourceThis workshop is open to Solutions Architects, IT Managers, developers.WSo2 and Redpill are holding this half day workshop at the Redpill office in Copenhagen. https://www.redpill-linpro.com/events/wso2-breakfast-seminar-copenhagenRegister here :https://www.redpill-linpro.com/events/wso2-breakfast-seminar-copenhagen" Price: Free
MBA x LEOILab: LEO’s Hule
"I samarbejde med LEO Innovation Lab inviterer MBA den 9. April kl. 16.00-19.00 til en workshop hos LEOILab.Er du interesseret i digital sundhed, og hvordan teknologi og kunstig intelligens kan være med til at forbedre sundhedsvæsenet?I samarbejde med LEO Innovation Lab inviterer MBA den 9. April kl. 16.00-19.00 til en workshop hos LEOILab på deres […]
Hvordan skalerer man danske tech-startups internationalt?
"Hvordan skalerer jeg mit startup internationalt?I Danmark er vi gode til at bygge virksomheder, men vi halter stadig efter vores Europæiske naboer, når det kommer til at vækste vores virksomheder internationalt.D. 9. april inviterer Mia Grosen fra The Trade Council og Nicolaj Højer dig for at høre mere om, hvordan danske tech scale-ups succesfuldt kan […]
Next-gen CI night
"Hi Cloud Natives,We are taking a tour in the CI landscape where members of our community will talk about their hands-on experience of their CI system of choice."If you don't have a CI system capable of building your application, then Kubernetes is the least of your problems. Focus on CI first."- Kelsey HightowerAs Kelsey put […]
Malmö Design Salon #10 ‘Anonymity’ ~~ Anniversary Edition! ~~
"We started this adventure about a year ago with the first Malmö Design Salon held at Jayway on the topic of Natural Interfaces. Now, 10 wonderful Salons later, we are back where it all started to celebrate the success of design agencies and organizations opening up their doors, coming together to share their knowledge and […]
Azure Community Heroes visits Skåne Azure Group
"Skåne Azure Usergroup is humbled to invite you to:Thomas Maurer, Senior Cloud advocate, Microsoft (MVP)○ https://twitter.com/ThomasMaurer○ https://www.thomasmaurer.ch/Stefan Johner, Microsoft Azure MVP○ https://twitter.com/JohnerStefan○ https://blog.jhnr.ch/Eric Berg, Azure and Cloud Datacenter Management MVP○ https://twitter.com/ericberg_de○ https://ericberg.de/Henk Boelman, Microsoft AI MVP, co-creator Global AI/MR Bootcamp○ https://twitter.com/hboelman○ https://www.henkboelman.com/Tom Janetscheck, Microsoft Azure MVP○ https://twitter.com/azureandbeyond○ https://blog.azureandbeyond.com/" Price: Free Link: https://www.foocafe.org/malmoe/events/2251-azure-community-heroes-visits-skane-azure-group
Using Narrative as a Design Tool – The Digital UI
"You're designing a new service, product, app, website, etc., and you want it to make sense, and be seamless. You want it to be meaningful. But where do coherence and meaning come from?We'll discuss:• the psychology of storytelling, and why humans tend to think in narrative• how designers can take advantage of that tendency to plan […]
Democracy+Technology Cafe – how social media challenge democracy
"Social media platforms like Facebook and Google are financed by advertising - in short they earn their money on keeping us on their sites as long as possible and by showing us what people are paying for us to see.As these platforms play an ever increasing role in our democracy by being the place where […]
Funding & Global Goals – Human & Legal Entrepreneurship
"Welcome to the fifth and final spring workshop in our Entrepreneurship-series. The Entrepreneurship Foundation in Denmark will talk with us about funding possibilities. With four application deadlines a year, they support a huge amount of the early-stage student entrepreneurs and have many years experience in how to approach applying for their grants. This year they […]
The 7 dimensions of data value – meet the man behind the paper…
"Anders Lisdorf wrote the famous paper "The 7 Dimensions of Data Value and How to Improve It" - you can find it here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/7-dimensions-data-value-how-improve-anders-lisdorf/ - and it's a real, honest-to-God pleasure for us at Nordic Data Intelligence to present him for you guys. Anders will talk about the background and ideas for the paper, then […]