
I’m Pwned. You’re Pwned. We’re All Pwned w/Troy Hunt
"Free tech talk by Troy Hunt, independent Security Expert. This event is organized by Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen and the Copenhagen .NET Usergroup has been invited to participate. Microsoft will […]
"The insurance company Tryg is holding a "Share & Care" hackathon."We’re seeing a massive shift in society today – in terms of ownership, access and consumption. We live longer and […]
Codher Pop-up Programming vol. 14
"Get inspired, share your knowledge, skyrocket your coding skillsWould you like to improve your coding skills and get to know other creative female programmers?Join Codher Pop-up Programming - a free […]
How to make a good Test Automation Strategy
"What does a good test automation strategy? Bring all you knowledge about the pains in test automation and share your pain relievers.Getting success with automation of test requires lots of […]
WordPress Copenhagen – January Meetup
"Topics are to be announced. Our host this month is IIH Nordic (https://iihnordic.dk/). We will have a room with round tables, internet access and space for 48. Language: EnglishStep-free access: […]
Myth-Busting & Context-Driven Testing
"During Q3 of 2017, we decided to switch gears in our TestLab MeetUp Group. We decided to narrow our broad scope to focus on Context-Driven Testing (CDT) and topics related […]
Free Intro to Programming – Welcome to Ruby
"Join Le Wagon Copenhagen for a free Ruby coding lesson. It's for complete beginners.We'll start with a 45 minute introduction to Ruby, followed by 2 hours of coding with the […]
Copenhagen Tableau User Group
"Join us for Makover Monday!Makeover Monday is a weekly social data project where Eva Murray and Andy Kriebel post a dataset each week, and challenge the community to create a […]
Avoiding problems with CSS at scale: A look at CSS in JS
"Anyone who has ever worked on a large product knows the pain of poorly architected CSS. CSS in JS enforces locally-scoped styles by default, by pulling in only the styles […]
UserTribe Friday
"Are you ready to kick off 2018 with another great #UserTribeFriday?UserTribe Friday is a recurring networking event, happening on the first Friday of the month.Come and you will have the […]
How do you attract interest in your product?
"Get insights into tools for communicating your product or business idea across professional, cultural and linguistic barriers.On 6 February 2018, the global communication consultancy GlobalDenmark and Business Angel Peter Sandberg […]
World Retrospective Day 2018
"Dear Agile Copenhagen! 6th of February 2018 is announced to be World Retrospective day all over the world. Following the sun in different cities, countries and continents there will be […]
Copenhagen Cocoa February
"It's time for another Copenhagen Cocoa meetup (formerly known as CocoaHeads). This time we will be at the Adapt office (on the 2nd or 3rd floor) and we will do […]
Maersk Venture Programme – Selection Sprint
"Maersk is looking to collaborate with startups to find new solutions to challenges related to poor Cargo Safety and Security in world trade - such as cargo tampering, pilferage, damage […]
JavaScript for Beginners – Free Workshop
"In this workshop, we'll take a look at JavaScript basics. This language is everywhere because it has been present in web browsers for over 15 years. Every web developer has […]
Hvad former vores Customer Experience i 2018?
"Velkommen til 2018!Med et nyt år kommer nye muligheder og nye løsninger.Derfor er du inviteret til digitaliseringsseminar, hvor der vil være fokus på trends og teknologi for retail og wholesale […]
Tech Talk #13: Let’s bot up your communications – or should we?
"Will AI and chatbots be the next steps in your digital communications? Join The Camp's 13th Tech Talk and learn more about the bot technology and the opportunities and challenges of […]
Digital Transformation vol. 4
"Robotterne er her – og de er allerede i gang med at ændre den måde, virksomheder møder omverden på i fremtiden. Kom, og bliv klogere på nogle af de tidlige […]
We’re back!
"* Sharing code between React and React Native *Learn how to share and reuse code between React and React Native applications. Henrik Haugbølle shares how artificial intelligence startup Uizard powers […]
In-Memory Computing Essentials for Data Scientists
"About Apache Ignite:Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates the building of analytical models. By using algorithms that iteratively learn from data, computers are able to find […]