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UX MeeUX Meet & Greet at Dixat & Greet at Dixa

"UX Meet & Greet is an opportunity to visit Dixa and see what they actually do. Note: There's a 100 DKK No-Show-Fee!Dixa is here to revolutionize the relationship between businesses […]

Startup Preschool Minc

"Want to create a new product, a service or a business, but have no idea where to start? Or may be you want to work in a startup, but need […]

Zebras Unite Denmark Meetup Copenhagen

"Zebras Unite is a community for you if you also think we need to create a positive alternative to the current fixation of 🦄's in tech and entrepreneurship.Join us at […]

The Road to Predictable Revenue

"Predictable Revenue. Investors love it. Management strives for it. The do’ers put in the sweat to get there. It’s something that we're all aiming for when building our businesses.Is predictable […]

Cyberhack – Talent Day

"Organizations need to constantly improve their cybersecurity capabilities, and grow new talents.This is an opportunity for you to talk with the companies on the skills and types of profiles they […]

Marts WordPress Meetup

"SEO præsentationDenne gang vil Nicolai Sørensen fortælle om SEO. Please not! The meetups are a danish speaking event. Some presentations might be in english, but only if mentioned. If you […]

UX Passion Talk // Algorithms, UX and Søren Kierkegaard

"UX Passion Talk is letting creative people share their passion and facilitating a conversation. NOTE: There's a 100 DKK No-Show-Fee!The keywords for this event is KNOWLEDGE SHARING and NETWORK.We've invited […]

Kom og fejr finalisterne til Danish Design Award 2020!

"Onsdag den 18. marts løfter vi sløret for årets finalister til Danish Design Award.Kl. 15.30 åbner vi en udstilling med alle finalistløsningerne på Bryghuspladsen foran BLOX. Og cirka klokken 16.00 […]

Kom og fejr finalisterne til Danish Design Award 2020!

"Onsdag den 18. marts løfter vi sløret for årets finalister til Danish Design Award.Kl. 15.30 åbner vi en udstilling med alle finalistløsningerne på Bryghuspladsen foran BLOX. Og cirka klokken 16.00 […]

Subscription Business Models – from transactions to relationships

"Fremtidens forretningsmodel er abonnementsbaseret.Succesfulde virksomheder er i fuld gang med at transformere sig fra at være transaktionsbaserede til at skabe tættere relationer til kunderne gennem medlemsklubber og abonnementsordninger.Men hvordan gør […]

Full Funnel YouTube / Copenhagen

"Digital video advertising represents an incredible opportunity for advertisers to engage customers and target audiences alike, but how can you ensure that your organisation is geared towards making the most […]

Debatmøde: Går digitaliseringen for stærkt?

"Der er fuld fart på digitaliseringen i den offentlige sektor, men er udviklingen ude af kontrol, og kan medarbejderne overhovedet følge med? IT-Universitetet inviterer til debatmøde om digitaliseringens konsekvenser for […]