
The Future of HR – Talent Garden Mornings x HRTechX
"With abundant opportunities, the talent pool of today can go anywhere. At this morning session, co-hosted by Talent Garden and HRTechX we ask: How do you move from keeping your […]
These Are Your New KPI’s
"KPI’s have a troubled reputation. They can be as unwished for as an additional report sheet. As out of touch as last year’s vision statement.But they really don’t have to […]
Vækstfondens årsmøde
This is a primetime networking event. And it's free."Verden omkring os er i hastig forandring. Nye teknologier, nye globale politiske dagsordner, nye forretningsmodeller, nye veje til kapital og nye partnerskaber […]
“WTF is XYZ doing in Life sciences”
"Talks on four different career paths in life science to understand their motivation, what they do everyday and how to approach them.Life science is full of opportunities, which is both […]
DataViz Meetup
"Join us for our first event!The first part of the meetup will consist of 3 short talks covering a data visualisation use case, tools and creative coding. The final hour […]
Data Driven Business – Elastic & Findwise Morning Seminar
"Ever wondered how your organisation could benefit from data analysis and use data to actively boost your business?Join Elastic- and Findwise’s morning seminar on the 3rd of May and learn […]
Let’s shape the future of IoT together
"We're thrilled to launch our new Nordic IoT Accelerator and would like to invite you and other leading players in the IoT ecosystem for an exclusive session on how we […]
SCUG – May 3 2019
"Yeahhaaa another SCUG meeting and you are invited.Agenda:0830 Registration and Coffee0900 Welcome and introduction, Kent Agerlund & Ronni Pedersen0915 What's new in ConfigMgr 1902 and latest TP('s), Kent Agerlund & […]
Tech & Tonic Talks: How to be founders & friends
"Never mix business and friendship. Or wait: maybe you should do exactly that?The story of the juice empire Frankly is also the story of two friends. In 2014 Christian Seiersen […]
FooCoding: Women – Introduction to a course in web development
"This is an intro to FooCoding: for Female Newcomers - How to become a web developer and what it means to create a website.Meet former students at HackYourFuture. Our female mentors […]
"Scrum@ScaleI dette Meetup ser vi nærmere på Scrum@Scale – en skaleringsramme der er en direkte videreudvikling af scrum. Scrum@Scale er en af flere skalerede rammer, som større virksomheder kan vælge […]
SAFe® Meetup PI Planning
"På dette Meetup skal vi vidensdele omkring PI Planning.Vi får besøg af 4 RTEér, der fortæller om deres erfaringer med PI Planning, i de virksomheder hvor de arbejder.Herefter vil der […]
Microsoft BUILD Keynote streaming
"Join us for an evening of watching the live stream of the Microsoft BUILD keynote May 6th and discussions on what is new and what it means to us (developers […]
The Copyright Directive – the Death of Creativity? Critical Tech Meetup
"A highly controversial copyright reform has been adopted by the EU legislators this spring. But how worried should we be about the proposed #linktax and #uploadfilters?It's been widely criticized by […]
MS Build 2019 Streaming Event
"Monday the 6th of May, Microsoft will live stream the keynote from their annual MS Build Conference. Agenda1800 Doors open1815 Welcome by Trifork/GOTO + clearing expections1830 Food and drinks1900 Keynote […]
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast Malmö – 7th of May @Djäkne
"It's time for another one of our family style breakfasts in Malmö on the 7th of May at Djäkne! Are you interested in entrepreneurship but not sure how to start? Do […]
Meaningful Brands® Talks
"Havas Danmark - Meaningful Brands® TalksPå globalt plan kunne 77% af alle brands forsvinde - og forbrugerne ville være ligeglade.Det ved vi i Havas fordi, vi har spurgt over 350.000 forbrugere […]
Talks at the Square with Zymergen, ‘The New Biological Age: harnessing genetics, automation and machine learning’
"Dr. Zach Serber, Co-Founder, Chief Science Officer and VP of development of San Francisco based Zymergen, will visit BioInnovation Institute to give a talk at the popular event series ‘Talks on […]
Danish Startup Group Introduction Night
"Have you considered becoming a member or joining our team of volunteers? Or do you want to get to know more about Danish Startup Group? Then join us for our […]
Google I/O streaming event
"GOTO Copenhagen and Google Developer Group are happy to welcome you to this year’s Google I/O Streaming event at the Trifork office.**IMPORTANT**Since this event is a collaboration with other community […]