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Copenhagen Cocoa December 2019 🎄

"Hey everyone, Copenhagen Cocoa here 🎄We've been pretty quiet lately, but we want to end the year on a good note. So let's have one last event this year, before […]

ToolTalk #2: The Road to Data-Driven Growth

"Our second ToolTalk aims to help startups with specific advice on how to implement a data-driven approach to secure growth and revenue.“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; […]

Ruby talks night at Tonsser

"A string of talks for you interpolated with food, drinks and friendly conversation.We are always looking for more speakers!Good to know: We operate under the Berlin Code of Conduct http://berlincodeofconduct.org" Price: […]

Distributed microservice architecture – Istio and Kabanero

"Istio addresses the challenges developers and operators face as monolithic applications transition towards a distributed microservice architecture. Istio is a service mesh that lets you efficiently run a distributed microservice […]

UX Meet & Greet at Goodiebox

"UX Meet & Greet is an opportunity to visit Goodiebox and see what they actually do. NOTE: There's a 100 DKK No-Show-Fee!UX/digital designers at Goodiebox work with a lot of […]

What the Heck…Round-1: Student In Production

"Story of how a student caused entire company to go down. But we have heard such stories a lot. So let’s talk about solutions. We haven’t watched Arnold Schwarzenegger speeches […]

UX Perspectives on Design Sprints

"Design Sprints have been hyped since Jake Knap released the book 'Sprint' . We have asked 6 UXers to give their perspective on the subject.This event is SOLD OUT! We […]

Business Maker Kick Off

"Er du freelancer med vokseværk, iværksætter med en forretningsidé eller klar til at konceptudvikle på din arbejdsplads? Gør iværksætterdrømmen til virkelighed med BUSINESS MAKER - et udviklingsforløb over 5 måneder, […]

Retrospective antipatterns with Anio Vonge Corry

"We're happy to have Aino Vonge Corry around for the first GOTO Night in 2020. Aino has a lot of experience in running retrospectives, and tonight she will talk about […]

The UX Team of One (Part 1/2) // CPHUX Book Club

" Signup ONLY VALID via Eventbritehttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/78012819443Come and read 'The UX Team of One' with us.EVENTS OVERVIEW:Jan 15th // Chapter 1-5 // To page 120Jan 29th // Chapter 6-10 // To […]

Internet of Brain

"Internet of Brain (IoB) is here: a global set of protocols and agreements will connect our brains to digital services online as well as to other brains, triggering the next […]

Elastic January meetup

"Come join us for the first Elastic Copenhagen meetup in the new year.We're pleased this time to be hosted by Nine A/S (https://nine.dk/)The list of speakers is still being finalized […]